Install PSY Tester on a phone

This section describes how to install PSY Tester on a phone.

To install PSY Tester on a phone it is necessary to create a SIS file. With Platform Security the software installer checks for the existence of a valid certificate along with the SIS file. Since PSY Tester is an application used by device creators to validate their own PSYs, it is the responsibility of device creators to generate their own certificate and associate it with the SIS file.

For more information about the process of creating SIS files and package files see Software installlation toolkit.

  1. Create a package file that is used by the makesis tool. The following shows an example package file that contains details for installing PSY Tester on a device supporting the S60 platform. The line beginning (0x101F6F88) indicates that the PSY Tester can be installed on phones supporting the S60 platform. Device creators who want to install PSY Tester on other platforms must change this line to include their own unique platform IDs.
    ; Languages
    ; none -  English only by default
    ; Installation header
    ; Only one component name as we only support English
    ; UID is the main app's UID
    #{"PSY Tester Application"},(0x101fdf7e),1,0,24,TYPE=SA
    ; Platform dependency 
    ;Supports Series 60 v 0.9
    ;This line indicates that this installation is for the Series 60 platform v0.9
    ;This line must appear _exactly_ as shown below in the sis file
    ;If this line is missing or incorrect, the sis file will not be able
    ;to be installed on Series 60 v0.9 platforms
    (0x101F6F88), 0, 0, 0, 
    ; License agreement
    ; Localised Vendor name
    ; Unique Vendor name
    ; EXEs
    ; Resource files
    ; Required files:
    ; none
    ; Embedded SIS-files
    ; none
    ; End of File
  2. Create a SIS file called PSYTester.sis using the makesis tool. The makesis tool available in \epoc32\tools. To create the SIS file, specify the filename of the package file and the name of the SIS file to be created.
    makesis.exe <package file filename> PSYTester.sis
  3. Sign the SIS file using the signsis tool. The signsis tool is available in \epoc32\tools. To sign the SIS file, specify the input SIS file, the output SISX file, the certificate file used for signing and the certificate's private key file.
    signsis.exe PSYTester.sis PSYTester.sisx
                    <path>\<certificate file> <path>\<RSA Key file> 

The generated signed SIS file can be installed on a phone together with the PSY to be tested.

After installing the SIS file, PSY Tester can be run and a PSY can be tested.

See Run PSY Tester for more information.

Related tasks
PSY Tutorial
Related information
Software installlation toolkit