MPbk2UIExtensionFactory Class Reference

class MPbk2UIExtensionFactory

Phonebook 2 UI extension factory interface.

Abstract interface for creating Phonebook 2 UI extensions. Instance of this factory should be kept as long as objects created with it are in use.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MPbk2UIExtensionFactory()[inline, virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

CreatePbk2AiwInterestForIdL(TInt, CAiwServiceHandler &)

MPbk2AiwInterestItem *CreatePbk2AiwInterestForIdL(TIntaInterestId,
CAiwServiceHandler &aServiceHandler
)const [pure virtual]

Creates a Phonebook 2 AIW interest item for a given service id.


TInt aInterestIdAIW service command id to create the interest for.
CAiwServiceHandler & aServiceHandlerAIW service handler.

CreatePbk2AppUiExtensionL(CVPbkContactManager &)

MPbk2AppUiExtension *CreatePbk2AppUiExtensionL(CVPbkContactManager &aContactManager)[pure virtual]

Creates a Phonebook 2 application UI extension.


CVPbkContactManager & aContactManagerShared Virtual Phonebook contact manager instance owned by the Phonebook 2 application.

CreatePbk2CommandForIdL(TInt, MPbk2ContactUiControl &)

MPbk2Command *CreatePbk2CommandForIdL(TIntaCommandId,
MPbk2ContactUiControl &aUiControl
)const [pure virtual]

Creates a Phonebook 2 command object for a given command id.


TInt aCommandIdThe command id to create the command object for.
MPbk2ContactUiControl & aUiControlUI control from where the command is launched from.

CreatePbk2ContactEditorExtensionL(CVPbkContactManager &, MVPbkStoreContact &, MPbk2ContactEditorControl &)

MPbk2ContactEditorExtension *CreatePbk2ContactEditorExtensionL(CVPbkContactManager &aContactManager,
MVPbkStoreContact &aContact,
MPbk2ContactEditorControl &aEditorControl
)[pure virtual]

Creates a Phonebook 2 contact editor extension.


CVPbkContactManager & aContactManagerShared Virtual Phonebook contact manager instance owned by the Phonebook 2 application.
MVPbkStoreContact & aContactThe edited contact.
MPbk2ContactEditorControl & aEditorControlContact editor control.

CreatePbk2SettingsViewExtensionL(CVPbkContactManager &)

MPbk2SettingsViewExtension *CreatePbk2SettingsViewExtensionL(CVPbkContactManager &aContactManager)[pure virtual]

Creates a Phonebook 2 settings extension for the settings view.


CVPbkContactManager & aContactManagerShared Virtual Phonebook contact manager instance owned by the Phonebook 2 application.

CreatePbk2UiControlExtensionL(CVPbkContactManager &)

MPbk2ContactUiControlExtension *CreatePbk2UiControlExtensionL(CVPbkContactManager &aContactManager)[pure virtual]

Creates a Phonebook 2 UI control extension.


CVPbkContactManager & aContactManagerShared Virtual Phonebook contact manager instance owned by the Phonebook 2 application.


CAknView *CreatePhonebook2ViewL(TUid)[inline, virtual]

Creates a new extension-implemented Phonebook 2 view.

Phonebook 2 extension manager creates CPbk2UIExtensionView instance and returns it. CPbk2UIExtensionView then creates a extension implemented MPbk2UIExtensionView instance and delegates most of the calls to it. So, none of the UI extension gets called by CreatePhonebook2ViewL.




TAny *UIExtensionFactoryExtension(TUid)[inline, virtual]

Returns an extension point for this interface or NULL.

