Alternative Call Mode Settings Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to get and set the alternative call mode information.

Alternating call is a GSM service that allow clients to create a call with two alternating bearer services, for example an alternating voice and data call or an alternating voice and fax call.


Alternative call mode example

The following code checks if the phone supports alternative voice and data calls. If the phone supports, it gets the alternative call mode, and checks if the next call is first voice then data.

The code assumes iMobilePhone is an RMobilePhone object.

TUint32 alternatingCaps;
if (alternatingCaps & RMobilePhone::KCapsMTVoiceData)
    RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneAlternatingCallMode mode;
    RMobilePhone::TMobileService firstService;
    iMobilePhone.GetAlternatingCallMode(mode, firstService);
    if ( (mode == RMobilePhone::EAlternatingModeVoiceData) & 
        (firstService == RMobilePhone::EVoiceService) )