devsoundstandardcustominterfaces.h File Reference

const TUid KUidCustomInterfaceDevSoundBitRate

const TUidKUidCustomInterfaceDevSoundBitRate

UID associated with the custom interface MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceBitRate.

const TUid KUidCustomInterfaceDevSoundFileBlockLength

const TUidKUidCustomInterfaceDevSoundFileBlockLength

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceFileBlockLength.

const TUid KUidGsmConfig

const TUidKUidGsmConfig

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFGsmConfig

const TUid KUidSpeechEncoderConfig

const TUidKUidSpeechEncoderConfig

UID associated with the Custom interface MSpeechEncoderConfig

const TUid KUidAacDecoderConfig

const TUidKUidAacDecoderConfig

UID associated with the Custom interface MAacDecoderConfig

const TUid KUidEAacPlusDecoderIntfc

const TUidKUidEAacPlusDecoderIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MEAacPlusDecoderIntfc

const TUid KUidSbcEncoderIntfc

const TUidKUidSbcEncoderIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MSbcEncoderIntfc

const TUid KUidG711DecoderIntfc

const TUidKUidG711DecoderIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MG711DecoderIntfc

const TUid KUidG711EncoderIntfc

const TUidKUidG711EncoderIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MG711EncoderIntfc

const TUid KUidG729DecoderIntfc

const TUidKUidG729DecoderIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MG729DecoderIntfc

const TUid KUidG729EncoderIntfc

const TUidKUidG729EncoderIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MG729EncoderIntfc

const TUid KUidIlbcDecoderIntfc

const TUidKUidIlbcDecoderIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MIlbcDecoderIntfc

const TUid KUidIlbcEncoderIntfc

const TUidKUidIlbcEncoderIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MIlbcEncoderIntfc

const TUid KUidErrorConcealmentIntfc

const TUidKUidErrorConcealmentIntfc

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFErrorConcealmentIntfc

const TUid KUidAudioVibraControl

const TUidKUidAudioVibraControl

UID associated with the Custom interface MAudioVibraControl

const TUid KUidSampleBuffering

const TUidKUidSampleBuffering

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFSampleBuffering

const TUid KUidPlaybackStatus

const TUidKUidPlaybackStatus

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFPlaybackStatus.

const TUid KUidDSPControl

const TUidKUidDSPControl

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFDSPControl

const TUid KUidUnderflowAutoStopControl

const TUidKUidUnderflowAutoStopControl

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFUnderflowAutoStopControl

const TUid KUidSetDRMProtected

const TUidKUidSetDRMProtected

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFSetDRMProtected

const TUid KUidBufferFramesConfig

const TUidKUidBufferFramesConfig

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFBufferFramesConfig.

const TUid KUidGetTimestamps

const TUidKUidGetTimestamps

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFGetTimestamps

const TUid KUidAdvancedAACEncoderSettings

const TUidKUidAdvancedAACEncoderSettings

UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFAdvancedAACEncodeSettings