AvkonInternalCRKeys.h File Reference

const TUid KCRUidAvkon

const TUidKCRUidAvkon

const TUint32 KAknLayoutId

const TUint32KAknLayoutId

Id of the currently active UI layout, integer value. In first boot this key does not exist - will be set during boot.

Possible values:

Any value of TAknLayoutId

const TUint32 KAknNewContactsNoteActive

const TUint32KAknNewContactsNoteActive

This flag indicates if new contacts note is active. Integer value.

Value 0 or KErrNotFound return value means that NCN is not active. Other values mean that NCN is active.

const TUint32 KAknDefaultAppOrientation

const TUint32KAknDefaultAppOrientation

Products must configure this value depending in which orientation applications are started and run when the application does not want to specify any orientation.

Possible orientations are:

EAppUiOrientationAutomatic = 0 EAppUiOrientationPortrait = 1 EAppUiOrientationLandscape = 2

EAppUiOrientationAutomatic is default in the platform. Follows the device orientation.

const TUint32 KAknQwertyInputModeActive

const TUint32KAknQwertyInputModeActive

Qwerty mode status. This key is updated by Avkon according to the EKeyQwertyOn (=EKeyApplication7) & EKeyQwertyOff (=EKeyApplication8) key events. The events are sent by keyboard driver when qwerty mode is activated and deactivated.

Possible values: 0: Qwerty input mode is not active. 1: Qwerty input mode is active.

const TUint32 KAknRecentSctData

const TUint32KAknRecentSctData

String the recently used characters Total size of this data is 80 byte (40 unicode characters).

Possible values:

1-10 length 11-20 length 21-30 length 31-40 length

const TUint32 KAknGlobalUiZoom

const TUint32KAknGlobalUiZoom

Id of the currently active UI zoom level, integer value. In first boot this key does not exist - will be set during boot.

Possible values:

Any value of TAknUiZoom

const TUint32 KAknExtendedPortraitStatusPane

const TUint32KAknExtendedPortraitStatusPane

Value indicates if the extended status pane is the default status pane type in portrait mode.

Possible values are:

0: Extended status pane is not default status pane 1: Extended status pane is default status pane

const TUint32 KAknAutomaticListStretching

const TUint32KAknAutomaticListStretching

Value indicates if list stretching is used by default or not.

Possible values are:

0: List stretching is not used by default. 1: List stretching is used by default.

const TUint32 KAknLocationEditorCoordinateDataFormat

const TUint32KAknLocationEditorCoordinateDataFormat

Value chooses location editor data format

Possible values are:

0: Degrees and Decimal degrees 1: degrees, minutes and decimal minutes 2: degrees, minutes, seconds, decimal seconds

const TUint32 KAknMiddleSoftkeyEnabled

const TUint32KAknMiddleSoftkeyEnabled

Value indicates if MiddleSoftKey is enabled or not.

Possible values are:

0: MSK is not used by default. 1: MSK is used by default.

const TUint32 KAknKeyBoardLayout

const TUint32KAknKeyBoardLayout

The QWERTY keyboard layout for generic QWERTY framework.

Possible values: 0: No Keyboard 1: Keyboard with 12 key 2: QWERTY 4x12 layout 3: QWERTY 4x10 layout 4: QWERTY 3 x 11 layout 5: Half QWERTY 6: Custom QWERTY

const TUint32 KAknCompaModeSettings

const TUint32KAknCompaModeSettings

Touch compatibility mode settings flags

Possible values are:

Bit0: Applications may be started in compa-mode

const TUint32 KAknAvkonTransparencyEnabled

const TUint32KAknAvkonTransparencyEnabled

Value indicates if Avkon components support transparency. Changing this key needs device restart.

Using this key needs WSINI.ini configuration with keyword TRANSPARENCY

Possible values are:

0: Transparency code is not executed in Avkon code 1: Avkon components utilize transparency

const TUint32 KAknAvkonAdaptiveSearchEnabled

const TUint32KAknAvkonAdaptiveSearchEnabled

The value indicates if adaptive search can be utilized with find pane

The applications itself decide if they will support the feature, if available.

Possible values are:

0: The adaptive search is disabled from the applications 1: The adaptive search is enabled for the applications

const TUint32 KAknCompaModeEffects

const TUint32KAknCompaModeEffects

Touch compatibility mode saved transition effects state

Possible values are:

Bit0..30: Saved effects state (KThemesTransitionEffects key value) Bit31: Effects are disabled

const TUint32 KAknAdaptiveSearchChinesePRC

const TUint32KAknAdaptiveSearchChinesePRC

The value indicates the input method for adaptive search in Simplified Chinese language

Key is created when user selects the language for the first time.

Possible values are:

0: Pinyin 1: Stroke

const TUint32 KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseTW

const TUint32KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseTW

The value indicates the input method for adaptive search in Taiwan traditional Chinese language

Key is created when user selects the language for the first time.

Possible values are:

0: Zhuyin 1: Stroke

const TUint32 KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseHongkong

const TUint32KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseHongkong

The value indicates the input method for adaptive search in Hongkong traditional Chinese language

Key is created when user selects the language for the first time.

Possible values are:

0: Stroke 1: Cangjie

const TUint32 KAknCompaModeFeatures

const TUint32KAknCompaModeFeatures

Touch compatibility mode local variation flags

Possible values are:

Bit0: Compa-mode is enabled in device

const TUint32 KAknAdaptiveSearchLastChinese

const TUint32KAknAdaptiveSearchLastChinese

The value indicates the last used input method for adaptive search in any Chinese language variant.

Value is the CenRep key id of the input methdod. One of the following: KAknAdaptiveSearchChinesePRC KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseTW KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseHongkong

Key is created when user sets one of the setting items for the first time.

const TUint32 KAknEmotionResourceFileName

const TUint32KAknEmotionResourceFileName

The resource file name used by editor to enable emotion icon.

The key should be enabled in device before used by editor.

Initial value should be "smiley"

const TUint32 KAknKeyboardSlideClose

const TUint32KAknKeyboardSlideClose

they store the type of keyboard in slide close/slide open modes according to the following enumeration: 0 = no keyboard 1 = 12 keys keyboard 2 = 4x12 qwerty keyboard 3 = 4x10 qwerty keyboard 4 = 3x11 qwerty keyboard 5 = half qwerty keyboard 6 = custom qwerty keyboard 7 = max layout keyboard

const TUint32 KAknKeyboardSlideOpen

const TUint32KAknKeyboardSlideOpen

const TUint32 KAknServiceCallNumber

const TUint32KAknServiceCallNumber

The operator's service call phone number. Could vary by operator.

const TUint32 KAknATTSignalIconEnable

const TUint32KAknATTSignalIconEnable

Value indicates the feature replacing 3.5G icon with 3G icon, required by ATT, is enabled.

Possible values are:

0: 3.5G signal icon is replaced by 3G signal icon while in hsdpa network. 1: 3.5G signal icon is used in hsdpa network.

const TUid KCRUidLeaveAppsInMemory

const TUidKCRUidLeaveAppsInMemory

const TUint32 KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyRange

const TUint32KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyRange

Key range for the LeaveAppsInMemory apps list. To be used with KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyMask, meaning that listed app UIDs should have keys of the form 0x0000????

const TUint32 KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyMask

const TUint32KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyMask

Key mask for the LeaveAppsInMemory apps list. To be used with KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyRange, meaning that listed app UIDs should have keys of the form 0x0000????