const TUint32 | KAknLayoutId |
Id of the currently active UI layout, integer value. In first boot this key does not exist - will be set during boot.
Possible values:
Any value of TAknLayoutId
const TUint32 | KAknNewContactsNoteActive |
This flag indicates if new contacts note is active. Integer value.
Value 0 or KErrNotFound return value means that NCN is not active. Other values mean that NCN is active.
const TUint32 | KAknDefaultAppOrientation |
Products must configure this value depending in which orientation applications are started and run when the application does not want to specify any orientation.
Possible orientations are:
EAppUiOrientationAutomatic = 0 EAppUiOrientationPortrait = 1 EAppUiOrientationLandscape = 2
EAppUiOrientationAutomatic is default in the platform. Follows the device orientation.
const TUint32 | KAknQwertyInputModeActive |
Qwerty mode status. This key is updated by Avkon according to the EKeyQwertyOn (=EKeyApplication7) & EKeyQwertyOff (=EKeyApplication8) key events. The events are sent by keyboard driver when qwerty mode is activated and deactivated.
Possible values: 0: Qwerty input mode is not active. 1: Qwerty input mode is active.
const TUint32 | KAknRecentSctData |
String the recently used characters Total size of this data is 80 byte (40 unicode characters).
Possible values:
1-10 length 11-20 length 21-30 length 31-40 length
const TUint32 | KAknGlobalUiZoom |
Id of the currently active UI zoom level, integer value. In first boot this key does not exist - will be set during boot.
Possible values:
Any value of TAknUiZoom
const TUint32 | KAknExtendedPortraitStatusPane |
Value indicates if the extended status pane is the default status pane type in portrait mode.
Possible values are:
0: Extended status pane is not default status pane 1: Extended status pane is default status pane
const TUint32 | KAknAutomaticListStretching |
Value indicates if list stretching is used by default or not.
Possible values are:
0: List stretching is not used by default. 1: List stretching is used by default.
const TUint32 | KAknLocationEditorCoordinateDataFormat |
Value chooses location editor data format
Possible values are:
0: Degrees and Decimal degrees 1: degrees, minutes and decimal minutes 2: degrees, minutes, seconds, decimal seconds
const TUint32 | KAknMiddleSoftkeyEnabled |
Value indicates if MiddleSoftKey is enabled or not.
Possible values are:
0: MSK is not used by default. 1: MSK is used by default.
const TUint32 | KAknKeyBoardLayout |
The QWERTY keyboard layout for generic QWERTY framework.
Possible values: 0: No Keyboard 1: Keyboard with 12 key 2: QWERTY 4x12 layout 3: QWERTY 4x10 layout 4: QWERTY 3 x 11 layout 5: Half QWERTY 6: Custom QWERTY
const TUint32 | KAknCompaModeSettings |
Touch compatibility mode settings flags
Possible values are:
Bit0: Applications may be started in compa-mode
const TUint32 | KAknAvkonTransparencyEnabled |
Value indicates if Avkon components support transparency. Changing this key needs device restart.
Using this key needs WSINI.ini configuration with keyword TRANSPARENCY
Possible values are:
0: Transparency code is not executed in Avkon code 1: Avkon components utilize transparency
const TUint32 | KAknAvkonAdaptiveSearchEnabled |
The value indicates if adaptive search can be utilized with find pane
The applications itself decide if they will support the feature, if available.
Possible values are:
0: The adaptive search is disabled from the applications 1: The adaptive search is enabled for the applications
const TUint32 | KAknCompaModeEffects |
Touch compatibility mode saved transition effects state
Possible values are:
Bit0..30: Saved effects state (KThemesTransitionEffects key value) Bit31: Effects are disabled
const TUint32 | KAknAdaptiveSearchChinesePRC |
The value indicates the input method for adaptive search in Simplified Chinese language
Key is created when user selects the language for the first time.
Possible values are:
0: Pinyin 1: Stroke
const TUint32 | KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseTW |
The value indicates the input method for adaptive search in Taiwan traditional Chinese language
Key is created when user selects the language for the first time.
Possible values are:
0: Zhuyin 1: Stroke
const TUint32 | KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseHongkong |
The value indicates the input method for adaptive search in Hongkong traditional Chinese language
Key is created when user selects the language for the first time.
Possible values are:
0: Stroke 1: Cangjie
const TUint32 | KAknCompaModeFeatures |
Touch compatibility mode local variation flags
Possible values are:
Bit0: Compa-mode is enabled in device
const TUint32 | KAknAdaptiveSearchLastChinese |
The value indicates the last used input method for adaptive search in any Chinese language variant.
Value is the CenRep key id of the input methdod. One of the following: KAknAdaptiveSearchChinesePRC KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseTW KAknAdaptiveSearchChineseHongkong
Key is created when user sets one of the setting items for the first time.
const TUint32 | KAknEmotionResourceFileName |
The resource file name used by editor to enable emotion icon.
The key should be enabled in device before used by editor.
Initial value should be "smiley"
const TUint32 | KAknKeyboardSlideClose |
they store the type of keyboard in slide close/slide open modes according to the following enumeration: 0 = no keyboard 1 = 12 keys keyboard 2 = 4x12 qwerty keyboard 3 = 4x10 qwerty keyboard 4 = 3x11 qwerty keyboard 5 = half qwerty keyboard 6 = custom qwerty keyboard 7 = max layout keyboard
const TUint32 | KAknServiceCallNumber |
The operator's service call phone number. Could vary by operator.
const TUint32 | KAknATTSignalIconEnable |
Value indicates the feature replacing 3.5G icon with 3G icon, required by ATT, is enabled.
Possible values are:
0: 3.5G signal icon is replaced by 3G signal icon while in hsdpa network. 1: 3.5G signal icon is used in hsdpa network.
const TUint32 | KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyRange |
Key range for the LeaveAppsInMemory apps list. To be used with KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyMask, meaning that listed app UIDs should have keys of the form 0x0000????
const TUint32 | KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyMask |
Key mask for the LeaveAppsInMemory apps list. To be used with KLeaveAppsInMemoryAppListKeyRange, meaning that listed app UIDs should have keys of the form 0x0000????
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