Packaging the Bluetooth GPS PSY in a SIS File

This describes how to package the Bluetooth PSY so it can be installed by a mobile device user. It is only necessary to install the PSY as a SIS file if it is not already installed in ROM by a device creator.

To install the Bluetooth GPS PSY on a phone it is necessary to create a SIS file. With Platform Security the software installer checks for the existence of a valid certificate along with the SIS file.

For more information about the process of creating SIS files and package files see Software installation toolkit.

  1. Create a package file that is used by the makesis tool. The following shows an example package file that contains details for installing the Bluetooth GPS PSY on a device supporting the S60 platform. The line beginning (0x101F7961) indicates that the PSY can be installed on phones supporting the S60 platform v3.0. If you want to install the PSY on other platforms you must change this line to include your own unique platform ID.
    ; UID is the app's UID
    #{"Bluetooth GPS PSY"},(0x101FE99A),1,0,0
    ;Supports Series 60 v 3.0
    (0x101F7961), 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
    ; Localised Vendor name
    ; Unique Vendor name
    :"Your name"
    ; Bluetooth GPS PSY and associated resource files 
    "\Epoc32\data\z\resource\plugins\nlabtgpspsy.rsc" -"!:\resource\plugins\nlabtgpspsy.rsc"
    "\Epoc32\release\armv5\urel\nlabtgpspsy.dll" -"!:\sys\bin\nlabtgpspsy.dll"
    "\Epoc32\data\z\resource\nlabtgpspsyconstants.rsc" -"!:\resource\nlabtgpspsyconstants.rsc"
    "\Epoc32\data\z\resource\nlabtgpspsy_name.rsc" -"!:\resource\nlabtgpspsy_name.rsc"
    ; Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration library and cenrep file
    "\Epoc32\release\armv5\urel\lbsbtgpsconfig.dll" -"!:\sys\bin\lbsbtgpsconfig.dll"
  2. Create a SIS file called BluetoothPSY.sis (or a name of your choice) using the makesis tool. The makesis tool is available in \epoc32\tools. To create the SIS file, specify the filename of the package file and the name of the SIS file to be created.
    makesis.exe <package file filename> BluetoothPSY.sis
  3. Sign the SIS file using the signsis tool. The signsis tool is available in \epoc32\tools. To sign the SIS file, specify the input SIS file, the output SISX file, the certificate file used for signing and the certificate's private key file.
    signsis.exe BluetoothPSY.sis BluetoothPSY.sisx
                    <path>\<certificate file> <path>\<RSA Key file> 

The generated signed SIS file containing the PSY can be installed on a phone.

Related information
Software installation toolkit