MBMS Context Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to use the MBMS related context functions in a packet service.

  1. Use RPacketMbmsContext::OpenNewContext() to open a new context.

  2. To retrieve the active list of MBMS services do the following

    1. create an instance of CRetrievePcktMbmsSessionList

    2. use CRetrievePcktMbmsSessionList::Start() to start the asynchronous retrieval.

    3. use CRetrievePcktMbmsSessionList::RestoreListL() to extract the data from the response of start() function and build the list of services.

    4. use CRetrievePcktMbmsSessionList::Cancel() to cancel the retrieval process.

    5. use CMbmsSession::NewL() to create an object to store the list.

    6. use CMbmsSession::ExternalizeL() to prepare the data to be referenced. use CMbmsSession::InternalizeL() to populate the object with the data from the buffer.

  3. useRPacketMbmsContext::UpdateMbmsSessionList() to update the service list.

  4. use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest() to cancel the update function call.