MXIMPBase Class Reference

class MXIMPBase

Base interface for XIMP Framework object interfaces.

Base interface for XIMP Framework object interfaces.
  1. All other XIMP Framework object interfaces inherit directly from MXIMPBase.

  2. Future extended XIMP Framework interfaces may inherit also indirectly from MXIMPBase, by deriving from some current XIMP Framework interface, and extending the interface functionality with some new methods.

  3. Each XIMP Framework object derives only once from MXIMPBase.

MXIMPBase::GetInterface() methods allows client to discover referencies to other interfaces that the object in question supports. MXIMPBase::GetInterfaceId() method lets client to discover the objects primary interface id.

S60 v3.2
Public Member Functions
const TAny *GetInterface(TInt32, TIfGetOps)
TAny *GetInterface(TInt32, TIfGetOps)
TInt32 GetInterfaceId()
Protected Member Functions
Public Member Enumerations
enumanonymous { KInterfaceId = XIMP_IF_ID_BASE }
enumTIfGetOps { EReturnNullIfUnknown = 0, EPanicIfUnknown }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MXIMPBase()[protected, inline, virtual]

Protected destructor.

Concrete objects can't be deleted via base interface.

Member Functions Documentation

GetInterface(TInt32, TIfGetOps)

const TAny *GetInterface(TInt32aInterfaceId,
)const [pure virtual]

Const interface query.

Interface query to access other XIMP Framework interfaces that the object in question supports. Returns const (read-only) interface. If unsupported interface type is tried to access, error is handle as defined by given aOps parameter.

NOTE: Client may use method directly, and cast returned TAny pointer to requested interface type. Or client optionally use templated TXIMPGetInterface helper to encapsulate interface query and type cast.


TInt32 aInterfaceIdInterface identifier identifying the interface to retrieve.
TIfGetOps aOpsOptions for interface query.

GetInterface(TInt32, TIfGetOps)

TAny *GetInterface(TInt32aInterfaceId,
)[pure virtual]

Non-const interface query.

Interface query to access other XIMP Framework interfaces that the object in question supports. Returns modifiable (non-const) interface. If unsupported interface type is tried to access, error is handle as defined by given aOps parameter.

NOTE: Client may use method directly, and cast returned TAny pointer to requested interface type. Or client optionally use templated TXIMPGetInterface helper to encapsulate interface query and type cast.


TInt32 aInterfaceIdInterface identifier identifying the interface to retrieve.
TIfGetOps aOpsOptions for interface query.


TInt32 GetInterfaceId()const [pure virtual]

Interface identifier access.

Method to access object interface identifier. Returns always objects "primary" interface id. Primary interface id, is the interface id of the MXIMPBase derived interface that object implements.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous

Interface ID for the MXIMPBase.


KInterfaceId = XIMP_IF_ID_BASE

Enum TIfGetOps

Options for interface resolving.

Client gives one of these options for interface resolving, to select which way the client wants to handle possible unknown interface.


EReturnNullIfUnknown = 0

Requestes the interface resolver to signal unknown interface by returning NULL.


Requestes the interface resolver to signal unknown interface by raising a panic.