Call Supplementary Services Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to retrieve the call supplementary services capability of a device.

A number of supplementary services for call management like call forwarding and call barring are available in both GSM and CDMA networks.

The high level steps to retrievecall supplementary services are shown here:

  1. To find the services that are supported, use RMobilePhone::GetCallServiceCaps().
  2. Notify the Clients of any changes in the services using RMobilePhone::NotifyCallServiceCapsChange().

Possible services are described in the RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCallServiceCaps enum.

Get supplementary capability example

The following code gets the supplementary call services capabilities and checks if notification of status changes of any call forwarding service is supported. The code assumes iMobilePhone is an RMobilePhone object.

TUint32 csCaps;

if (csCaps & RMobilePhone::KCapsNotifyCFStatus)
        //do something