Packet Quality of Service Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to use the Quality of Service (QoS) profile in a packet service.

  1. Use RPacketQoS::OpenNewQoS() to open a new QoS profile for a context.

  2. Use RPacketQoS::OpenExistingQoS() to open a defined QoS profile for a context.

  3. Use RPacketQoS::SetProfileParameters() to set the parameters in a QoS profile.

  4. Use RPacketQoS::GetProfileParameters() to retrieve the parameters from a QoS profile.

  5. Use RPacketQoS::GetProfileCapabilities() to retrieve the QoS profile capabilities.

  6. Use RPacketQoS::NotifyProfileChanged() to get the notification for any changes in a QoS profile.

  7. Use RPacketQoS::Close() to close a QoS profile.