CAppMngr2InfoIterator Class Reference

class CAppMngr2InfoIterator : public CBase

CAppMngr2InfoIterator is the base class for plug-in specific data collecting iterators. CAppMngr2InfoIterator derived iterators can be used to get the data shown in details dialog (CCUIDetailsDialog). Details dialog shows application details and certificate info.

S60 v5.1

Inherits from

  • CAppMngr2InfoIterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CAppMngr2InfoIterator(CAppMngr2InfoBase &, TAppMngr2InfoType)

IMPORT_CCAppMngr2InfoIterator(CAppMngr2InfoBase &aInfo,

Constructs new info iterator to show details dialog.


CAppMngr2InfoBase & aInfoReference to application or package info object
TAppMngr2InfoType aInfoTypeType info (installed application or not installed package)



Destructor, deletes allocated memory.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C voidBaseConstructL()

Allocates memory for CDesCArrays.

BaseConstructL() must be called from derived ConstructL() before any other leaving functions. BaseConstructL() calls SetAllFieldsL() to get all the displayable details.


IMPORT_C TBoolHasNext()const

Next(TPtrC &, TPtrC &)

IMPORT_C voidNext(TPtrC &aKey,
TPtrC &aValue


TPtrC & aKey
TPtrC & aValue


IMPORT_C voidReset()


IMPORT_C voidSetAllFieldsL()[protected, virtual]

Sets all default fields, can be overridden in derived classes.

Default implementation sets name (from CAppMngr2InfoBase::Name()), status (either installed or not installed), location drive (from CAppMngr2InfoBase::Location()), and application/file size (from CAppMngr2InfoBase::Details()). Status and location fields are set using SetStatusL() and SetLocationL() functions, so that they can be overridden separately. Finally calls SetOtherFieldsL() to set other fields, if derived class has some additional fields that are not covered here.

SetFieldL(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidSetFieldL(TIntaResourceId,
const TDesC &aValue

Sets field to given value.

Uses StringLoader to load aResourceId and adds it to MCUIInfoIterator as a new key having value aValue.


TInt aResourceIdResource id for MCUIInfoIterator key
const TDesC & aValueValue for the key


IMPORT_C voidSetLocationL()[protected, virtual]

Sets location drive based on CAppMngr2InfoBase::Location(). This function can be overridden in derived classes.


IMPORT_C voidSetOtherFieldsL()[protected, virtual]

Sets other possble fields, default implemenation is empty. This function can be overridden in derived classes.


IMPORT_C voidSetStatusL()[protected, virtual]

Sets status (installed or not installed) based on aInfoType defined in constructor. This function can be overridden in derived classes.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iCurrentIndex

TInt iCurrentIndex[protected]

CAppMngr2InfoBase & iInfo

CAppMngr2InfoBase &iInfo[protected]

TAppMngr2InfoType iInfoType

TAppMngr2InfoType iInfoType[protected]

CDesCArray * iKeys

CDesCArray *iKeys[protected]

CDesCArray * iValues

CDesCArray *iValues[protected]