Fixed Dialling Number Settings Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to get and set the Fixed Dialling Number (FDN) settings.

The Fixed Dialling Number service restricts the user to dial only those numbers that appear in the FDN phonebook on the SIM or R-UIM.

FDN settings example

The following code gets the FDN status, and checks if FDN is active.

The code assumes iMobilePhone is an RMobilePhone object.

RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneFdnStatus fdnStatus;

if ( (fdnStatus == RMobilePhone::EFdnActive) || (fdnStatus == RMobilePhone::EFdnPermanentlyActive) )
        //do something

You can find what the fixed numbers are through RMobilePhoneBookStore using the KETelIccFdnPhoneBook phonebook.