CRfsHandler Class Reference

class CRfsHandler : public CBase

This class provides a method to activate the rfs process including all UI. (notes etc.)

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructor doesn't allocate any resources.



Destructor also calls Cancel()

Member Functions Documentation

ActivateRfsL(TRfsType, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidActivateRfsL(TRfsTypeaMode,
TBoolaAskSecurityCodeFirst = EFalse

Activates the RFS process. Returns when the user either canceled RFS or confirmed it, in which case the phone will be rebooted.

While the queries are on the screen, the active scheduler is running, allowing the operation to be canceled.

In RFS process:

Security code is asked and confirmation query is shown (order depending on the parameter aAskSecurityCodeFirst). If the correct security code is entered and the confirmation query approved, the phone is rebooted with RFS reason.

Method leaves if the initialisations can't be done (problems in ETel connection or memory allocations)


TRfsType aMode- rfs level
TBool aAskSecurityCodeFirst = EFalse- If true, the security code is asked first and the confirmation query shown after that. If false, confirmation query is shown first.

AskConfirmationL(const TBool &, TRfsType)

TBool AskConfirmationL(const TBool &aThisDestroyed,

Shows the RFS confirmation query.

leaves with one of the system wide error.


const TBool & aThisDestroyedETrue, if the RFS handler object was destroyed, otherwise EFalse.
TRfsType aTypeRepresents RFS reason Normal or Deep.


IMPORT_C voidCancel()

Cancels the RFS process. Deletes the RFS notes/queries from the screen.

This can be called from an active object's RunL() while ActivateRfsL() is being executed.

Multiple cancel calls have no effect.


TBool CheckConnectionsL()[private]

Checks for calls or data sessions and warns if active

DoCleanup(TAny *)

voidDoCleanup(TAny *aAny)[private, static]

Cleans up the mess, by calling Cancel().


TAny * aAny


TBool IsGprs()const [private]

Checks if 2G or 3G connection is active



Loads the resources needed for the confirmation query.


voidSetDefaultLanguage()const [private]

Sets the default language code in HAL. This must be done before rebooting the phone for deep level RFS.

Member Data Documentation

TBool iAlwaysOnlineConnectionClosed

TBool iAlwaysOnlineConnectionClosed[private]

TBool * iDestroyedPtr

TBool *iDestroyedPtr[private]

CEikonEnv * iEnv

CEikonEnv *iEnv[private]

TInt iFlags

TInt iFlags[private]

RMobilePhone iPhone

RMobilePhone iPhone[private]

CAknQueryDialog * iQuery

CAknQueryDialog *iQuery[private]

TInt iResourceFileOffset

TInt iResourceFileOffset[private]

CRfsSecurityHandler * iSecHandler

CRfsSecurityHandler *iSecHandler[private]

CSecurityHandler * iSecurityHandler

CSecurityHandler *iSecurityHandler[private]

RTelServer iTelServer

RTelServer iTelServer[private]