CRtpAPI Class Reference

class CRtpAPI : public CBase

API (Application Programming Interface) class for RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) library.


Inherits from

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidCancelSend(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C voidCancelStart()
IMPORT_C voidClose()
IMPORT_C voidCloseSession(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C voidCloseStream(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateReceiveStreamL(TRtpId, const TRcvStreamParams &)
IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateSessionL(const TCreateSessionParams &, TUint &, TBool, const TRtcpParams *)
IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateSessionL(const TCreateSessionParams &, TUint &, TBool, const TRtcpParams *, CSRTPSession &)
IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateTransmitStreamExtL(TRtpId, const TTranStreamParams &, const TRtpSSRC)
IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateTransmitStreamL(TRtpId, const TTranStreamParams &, TRtpSSRC &)
IMPORT_C TIntCustomCommandAsync(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TIntCustomCommandSync(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C TInetAddr &GetLocalIPAddressL()
IMPORT_C RSocket *GetRtcpSocket(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C RSocket *GetRtpSocket(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C TUint32GetSamplingRate(TUint8)
IMPORT_C TRtpIdGetSessionId(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C TIntGetStreamStatistics(TRtpId, TRtpPeerStat &)
IMPORT_C TIntIsRtcpSendingSuspended(TRtpId, TBool &)
IMPORT_C CRtpAPI *NewL(MRtpErrNotify &)
IMPORT_C TIntNotInUseSetNonRTPDataObserver()
IMPORT_C TIntOpenL(const TRtpSdesParams &, const TDesC *, const RSocketServ *, const RConnection *)
IMPORT_C TIntRegisterRtcpObserver(TRtpId, MRtcpObserver &)
IMPORT_C TIntRegisterRtpObserver(TRtpId, MRtpObserver &)
IMPORT_C voidSendDataL(TRtpId, TBool, const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TIntSendRtcpAppPacket(TRtpId, const TRtcpApp &)
IMPORT_C TIntSendRtcpByePacket(TRtpId, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntSendRtcpRrPacket(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C TIntSendRtcpSrPacket(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C TIntSendRtpPacket(TRtpId, const TRtpSendHeader &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntSendRtpPacket(TRtpId, const TRtpSendHeader &, const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TIntSendRtpPacket(TRtpId, TRtpSequence, const TRtpSendHeader &, const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidSetLocalSdes(const TRtpSdesParams &)
IMPORT_C TIntSetNonRTPDataObserver(TRtpId, MNonRTPDataObserver *)
IMPORT_C TIntSetRemoteAddress(TRtpId, const TInetAddr &)
IMPORT_C TIntSetRemoteRtcpAddress(TRtpId, const TInetAddr &)
IMPORT_C TIntSetRtcpParameters(TRtpId, const TRtcpParams &)
IMPORT_C TIntSetSamplingRate(TUint8, TUint32)
IMPORT_C TIntStartConnection(TInt)
IMPORT_C TIntStartConnection(TRequestStatus &, TInt)
IMPORT_C TIntStartSession(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C TIntSuspendRtcpSending(TRtpId, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidUnregisterRtcpObserver(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C voidUnregisterRtpObserver(TRtpId)
IMPORT_C TVersionVersion()
Private Member Functions
voidConstructL(MRtpErrNotify &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
CRtpManager *iManager
TAny *iReserved1
TAny *iReserved2
TInt iReserved3
TInt iReserved4

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



C++ default constructor.




Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C voidCancelSend(TRtpIdaSessionId)

Cancel an outstanding SendRtpPacket() operation.


TRtpId aSessionId


IMPORT_C voidCancelStart()

Cancels asynchoronous start of connection. Any open requests will be completed with KErrCancel.


IMPORT_C voidClose()

Close the CRtpAPI object.


IMPORT_C voidCloseSession(TRtpIdaSessionId)

Close an RTP Session.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] Session ID


IMPORT_C voidCloseStream(TRtpIdaStreamId)

Close a Transmit or Receive stream.


TRtpId aStreamId

ConstructL(MRtpErrNotify &)

voidConstructL(MRtpErrNotify &aErrNotify)[private]

By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.


MRtpErrNotify & aErrNotify

CreateReceiveStreamL(TRtpId, const TRcvStreamParams &)

IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateReceiveStreamL(TRtpIdaSessionId,
const TRcvStreamParams &aParams

Create a Receive stream for an RTP Session and return the stream ID which is unique for all RTP Sessions.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID
const TRcvStreamParams & aParams- [input] Receive stream parameters

CreateSessionL(const TCreateSessionParams &, TUint &, TBool, const TRtcpParams *)

IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateSessionL(const TCreateSessionParams &aSessionParams,
TUint &aPort,
const TRtcpParams *aRtcpParams

Create a new RTP Session and return the Session ID as well as the local port number assigned for RTP. RTP uses an even port number and RTCP, if enabled, uses the next higher (odd) port number.


const TCreateSessionParams & aSessionParams- [input] Session parameters
TUint & aPort- [input] Local port number to use for RTP; 0 to use default port number[output] port number assigned for RTP
TBool aEnableRtcp- [input] ETrue to enable RTCP; EFalse to disable
const TRtcpParams * aRtcpParams- [input] RTCP parameters to use; NULL to use default RTCP parameters

CreateSessionL(const TCreateSessionParams &, TUint &, TBool, const TRtcpParams *, CSRTPSession &)

IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateSessionL(const TCreateSessionParams &aSessionParams,
TUint &aPort,
const TRtcpParams *aRtcpParams,
CSRTPSession &aSession

Create a new, secure RTP Session and return the Session ID as well as the local port number assigned for RTP. RTP uses an even port number and RTCP, if enabled, uses the next higher (odd) port number. User is expected to create corresponding SRTP session prior to calling this function.


const TCreateSessionParams & aSessionParams- [input] Session parameters
TUint & aPort- [input] Local port number to use for RTP; 0 to use default port number[output] port number assigned for RTP
TBool aEnableRtcp- [input] ETrue to enable RTCP; EFalse to disable
const TRtcpParams * aRtcpParams- [input] RTCP parameters to use; NULL to use default RTCP parameters
CSRTPSession & aSession- [input] SRTP session to be used by this RTP session.

CreateTransmitStreamExtL(TRtpId, const TTranStreamParams &, const TRtpSSRC)

IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateTransmitStreamExtL(TRtpIdaSessionId,
const TTranStreamParams &aParams,

Create a Transmit stream, with a given SSRC value, for an RTP Session and return the stream ID which is unique for all RTP Sessions. This extended function is used for a special case where a specific SSRC value needs to be associated with the transmit stream being created, e.g. for retransmission purpose.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID
const TTranStreamParams & aParams- [input] Transmit stream parameters
const TRtpSSRC aSSRC

CreateTransmitStreamL(TRtpId, const TTranStreamParams &, TRtpSSRC &)

IMPORT_C TRtpIdCreateTransmitStreamL(TRtpIdaSessionId,
const TTranStreamParams &aParams,

Create a Transmit stream for an RTP Session and return the stream ID which is unique for all RTP Sessions. SSRC value assigned for the very first Transmit stream will be the same as the default SSRC value reserved internally by CreateSession function. This function is normally used to create a transmit stream where SSRC value is randomly generated.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID
const TTranStreamParams & aParams- [input] Transmit stream parameters
TRtpSSRC & aSSRC- [output] SSRC value assigned

CustomCommandAsync(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C TIntCustomCommandAsync(TIntaFunction,
const TDesC8 &aInputData1,
const TDesC8 &aInputData2,
TDes8 &aOutputData,
TRequestStatus &aStatus

ASynchronous custom command interface for future extensions. Input/output data and return value are defined by each custom command


TInt aFunction- [input] Function ID
const TDesC8 & aInputData1- [input] Input data #1; NULL if not used
const TDesC8 & aInputData2- [input] Input data #2; NULL if not used
TDes8 & aOutputData- [output] Output data; NULL if not used
TRequestStatus & aStatus- [output] On completion, will contain a status code: KErrNone if successful; system wide error code otherwise

CustomCommandSync(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntCustomCommandSync(TIntaFunction,
const TDesC8 &aInputData1,
const TDesC8 &aInputData2,
TDes8 &aOutputData

Synchronous custom command interface for future extensions. Input/output data and return value are defined by each custom command


TInt aFunction- [input] Function ID
const TDesC8 & aInputData1- [input] Input data #1; NULL if not used
const TDesC8 & aInputData2- [input] Input data #2; NULL if not used
TDes8 & aOutputData- [output] Output data; NULL if not used


IMPORT_C TInetAddr &GetLocalIPAddressL()

Get the local IP address


IMPORT_C RSocket *GetRtcpSocket(TRtpIdaSessionId)

Get address of Socket object used by a given RTP Session to send/receive RTCP control packets.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID


IMPORT_C RSocket *GetRtpSocket(TRtpIdaSessionId)

Get address of Socket object used by a given RTP Session to send/receive RTP data packets.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID


IMPORT_C TUint32GetSamplingRate(TUint8aPayloadType)

Get sampling rate setting for a payload type.


TUint8 aPayloadType- [input] Payload type


IMPORT_C TRtpIdGetSessionId(TRtpIdaStreamId)

Get the session ID of a stream, which belongs to that session.


TRtpId aStreamId- [input] ID of a stream

GetStreamStatistics(TRtpId, TRtpPeerStat &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetStreamStatistics(TRtpIdaStreamId,
TRtpPeerStat &aStat

Retrieve statistical information for a stream based on the reports from RTCP SR & RR packets.


TRtpId aStreamId- [input] ID of stream
TRtpPeerStat & aStat- [output] Statistical information

IsRtcpSendingSuspended(TRtpId, TBool &)

IMPORT_C TIntIsRtcpSendingSuspended(TRtpIdaSessionId,
TBool &aAutoSending

Gets the status of automatic RTCP sending.


TRtpId aSessionId
TBool & aAutoSending

NewL(MRtpErrNotify &)

IMPORT_C CRtpAPI *NewL(MRtpErrNotify &aErrNotify)[static]

Two-phased constructor.


MRtpErrNotify & aErrNotify


IMPORT_C TIntNotInUseSetNonRTPDataObserver()

Dummy function to fix Raptor error

OpenL(const TRtpSdesParams &, const TDesC *, const RSocketServ *, const RConnection *)

IMPORT_C TIntOpenL(const TRtpSdesParams &aSdesInfo,
const TDesC *aRtpPacketDll,
const RSocketServ *aSocketServPtr,
const RConnection *aConnPtr

Open and initialize the CRtpAPI object.


const TRtpSdesParams & aSdesInfo- [input] SDES (Source Description) of the local participant (CName, Username, etc.)
const TDesC * aRtpPacketDll- [input] Path+file name of RTP packet formatting DLL to use; NULL to use standard RTP packet format Ownership is transfered.
const RSocketServ * aSocketServPtr
const RConnection * aConnPtr

RegisterRtcpObserver(TRtpId, MRtcpObserver &)

IMPORT_C TIntRegisterRtcpObserver(TRtpIdaSessionId,
MRtcpObserver &aRtcpObserver

Register a callback object for receiving RTCP packets associated with a given RTP Session. Only one observer callback object is allowed to be registered. One of aRtcpObserver object's callback functions is called when an RTCP packet of that type is received.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID
MRtcpObserver & aRtcpObserver

RegisterRtpObserver(TRtpId, MRtpObserver &)

IMPORT_C TIntRegisterRtpObserver(TRtpIdaSessionId,
MRtpObserver &aRtpObserver

Register a callback object for receiving RTP data packets from an RTP Session. Only one receiver callback object is allowed to be registered for one Session. MRtpObserver::RtpPacketReceived function from aRtpObserver object is called when an RTP data packet is received.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID
MRtpObserver & aRtpObserver- [input] Callback object to receive RTP packets

SendDataL(TRtpId, TBool, const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidSendDataL(TRtpIdaSessionId,
const TDesC8 &aData,
TRequestStatus &aStatus

Send a non-RTP (control) data packet asynchronously


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID
TBool aUseRTPSocket- [input] use RTP/RTCP socket
const TDesC8 & aData- [input] non-RTP data packet to send
TRequestStatus & aStatus- [output] On completion, will contain a status code: KErrNone if successful; system wide error code otherwise

SendRtcpAppPacket(TRtpId, const TRtcpApp &)

IMPORT_C TIntSendRtcpAppPacket(TRtpIdaTranStreamId,
const TRtcpApp &aApp

Send an RTCP APP packet for a Transmit stream.


TRtpId aTranStreamId
const TRtcpApp & aApp

SendRtcpByePacket(TRtpId, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntSendRtcpByePacket(TRtpIdaTranStreamId,
const TDesC8 &aReason

Send an RTCP BYE packet for a Transmit stream.


TRtpId aTranStreamId- [input] Transmit stream ID
const TDesC8 & aReason- [input] Reason for leaving


IMPORT_C TIntSendRtcpRrPacket(TRtpIdaRcvStreamId)

Send an RTCP RR packet for a Reception stream.


TRtpId aRcvStreamId


IMPORT_C TIntSendRtcpSrPacket(TRtpIdaTranStreamId)

Send an RTCP SR packet for a Transmit stream.


TRtpId aTranStreamId

SendRtpPacket(TRtpId, const TRtpSendHeader &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntSendRtpPacket(TRtpIdaTranStreamId,
const TRtpSendHeader &aHeaderInfo,
const TDesC8 &aPayloadData

Send an RTP data packet in a Transmit stream synchronously.


TRtpId aTranStreamId- [input] ID of Transmit stream
const TRtpSendHeader & aHeaderInfo- [input] Header information of RTP data packet
const TDesC8 & aPayloadData- [input] Payload data of RTP data packet

SendRtpPacket(TRtpId, const TRtpSendHeader &, const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C TIntSendRtpPacket(TRtpIdaTranStreamId,
const TRtpSendHeader &aHeaderInfo,
const TDesC8 &aPayloadData,
TRequestStatus &aStatus

Send an RTP data packet in a Transmit stream asynchronously.


TRtpId aTranStreamId
const TRtpSendHeader & aHeaderInfo- [input] Header information of RTP data packet to send
const TDesC8 & aPayloadData- [input] Payload data of RTP data packet to send
TRequestStatus & aStatus- [output] On completion, will contain a status code: KErrNone if successful; system wide error code otherwise

SendRtpPacket(TRtpId, TRtpSequence, const TRtpSendHeader &, const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C TIntSendRtpPacket(TRtpIdaTranStreamId,
const TRtpSendHeader &aHeaderInfo,
const TDesC8 &aPayloadData,
TRequestStatus &aStatus

Send an RTP data packet asynchronously, with a given sequence number, in a Transmit stream mainly for retransmission purpose.


TRtpId aTranStreamId- [input] ID of Transmit stream
TRtpSequence aSequenceNum- [input] Sequence number to use
const TRtpSendHeader & aHeaderInfo- [input] Header information of RTP data packet
const TDesC8 & aPayloadData- [input] Payload data of RTP data packet to send
TRequestStatus & aStatus- [output] On completion, will contain a status code: KErrNone if successful; system wide error code otherwise

SetLocalSdes(const TRtpSdesParams &)

IMPORT_C voidSetLocalSdes(const TRtpSdesParams &aSdesInfo)

Set SDES (Source Description) information of the local participant. Participant is defined as an application program and only one local participant is allowed.


const TRtpSdesParams & aSdesInfo- [input] SDES of the local participant (CName, Username, etc.).

SetNonRTPDataObserver(TRtpId, MNonRTPDataObserver *)

IMPORT_C TIntSetNonRTPDataObserver(TRtpIdaSessionId,
MNonRTPDataObserver *aNonRTPDataObserver

Sets/resets the observer for the non-RTP data. Only one receiver callback object is allowed to be registered for one Session. MNonRTPDataObserver::NonRTPDataReceived or MNonRTPDataObserver::NonRTCPDataReceived from aNonRTPDataObserver object is called when a non-RTP data packet is received.


TRtpId aSessionId
MNonRTPDataObserver * aNonRTPDataObserveran observer, 0-pointer resets the observer

SetRemoteAddress(TRtpId, const TInetAddr &)

IMPORT_C TIntSetRemoteAddress(TRtpIdaSessionId,
const TInetAddr &aRemoteAddr

Set remote IP address and port number to RTP Session. Port number for RTP must be an even number and the corresponding RTCP, if enabled, will be set to use the next higher (odd) port.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID
const TInetAddr & aRemoteAddr- [input] Remote IP address & port number for RTP

SetRemoteRtcpAddress(TRtpId, const TInetAddr &)

IMPORT_C TIntSetRemoteRtcpAddress(TRtpIdaSessionId,
const TInetAddr &aRemoteRtcpAddr

Set remote RTCP IP address and port number to RTP Session accoring to RFC 3605 i.e. this should be used if RTCP port is different than RTP port + 1


TRtpId aSessionId
const TInetAddr & aRemoteRtcpAddr

SetRtcpParameters(TRtpId, const TRtcpParams &)

IMPORT_C TIntSetRtcpParameters(TRtpIdaSessionId,
const TRtcpParams &aRtcpParams

Set RTCP parameters for a given RTP Session. This function does nothing if RTCP was not enabled previously.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID
const TRtcpParams & aRtcpParams- [input] RTCP parameters to use

SetSamplingRate(TUint8, TUint32)

IMPORT_C TIntSetSamplingRate(TUint8aPayloadType,

Set sampling rate for a payload type.


TUint8 aPayloadType- [input] Payload type
TUint32 aSamplingRate- [input] Sampling rate in Hz


IMPORT_C TIntStartConnection(TIntaIapId = -1)

Open and initialize the CRtpAPI object.


TInt aIapId = -1- [input] IAP ID. If -1, no IAP selection dialog will pop up. Instead, the default IAP will be used.

StartConnection(TRequestStatus &, TInt)

IMPORT_C TIntStartConnection(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TIntaIapId = -1

Open and initialize the CRtpAPI object in asynchronous mode


TRequestStatus & aStatus- [output] On completion, will contain a status code: KErrNone if successful; system wide error code otherwise.
TInt aIapId = -1- [input] IAP ID. If -1, no IAP selection dialog will pop up. Instead, the default IAP will be used.


IMPORT_C TIntStartSession(TRtpIdaSessionId)

Start an RTP Session. If enabled, RTCP associated with the given session is also started.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] Session ID

SuspendRtcpSending(TRtpId, TBool)

IMPORT_C TIntSuspendRtcpSending(TRtpIdaSessionId,

Suspend RTCP sending on/off, calculations will continue.


TRtpId aSessionId
TBool aAutoSending


IMPORT_C voidUnregisterRtcpObserver(TRtpIdaSessionId)

Unregister RTCP observer callback object associated with an RTP session.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID


IMPORT_C voidUnregisterRtpObserver(TRtpIdaSessionId)

Unregister RTP observer callback object associated with an RTP session.


TRtpId aSessionId- [input] RTP Session ID


IMPORT_C TVersionVersion()const

Version of RtpService.dll

Member Data Documentation

CRtpManager * iManager

CRtpManager *iManager[private]

TAny * iReserved1

TAny *iReserved1[private]

TAny * iReserved2

TAny *iReserved2[private]

TInt iReserved3

TInt iReserved3[private]

TInt iReserved4

TInt iReserved4[private]