Handling Feature Notification

How to handle notification of changes to a feature using RFeatureControl.

To handle notification of changes to a feature using RFeatureControl, take the following steps.

MFeatureObserver is an interface which you implement to react to change notification in whatever way you choose. It has two member functions which you must implement:

HandleNotifyChange() and


<api-item>HandleNotifyChange()</api-item> takes two arguments:

a TFeatureChangeType representing the kind of change you want to be notified of, and

a TFeatureEntry object representing the feature you want to be notified of when it is change.

HandleNotifyError() takes one argument, an integer: this integer represents one of the Symbian platform error codes. Any error in the notifier causes the notifier to stop handling notifications. Your implementation should respond to each of the error types you expect to occur.