Call Sub-session Tutorial

Lines can have zero or more active calls. The call functionality includes dialling a number, to waiting for incoming calls, and to hanging up. A client can get status and capabilities information, and can be notified of changes.

The call interface is provided by the RCall class.

This section describes the Call sub-session functions and how to use them.

Function Description
Open() Call this function to open a line sub-session in a phone. Similarly a line sub-session can be created in a server. The server is used when the phone functionality for a line is not required.
GetCaps() Call this function to get the line capabilities.
NotifyCapsChange() Call this function to receive notification there are changes in a line. To cancel a request, call the NotifyCapsChangesCancel() function.
GetStatus() Call this function to get the line status.
GetHookStatus() Call this function to get the status of a hook associated with the line.
EnumerateCall() Call this function to get the number of calls opened in a line.
GetCallInfo() Call this function to get a detailed information about a call in a line sub-session.
GetInfo() Call this function to get the information about the current line.
NotifyIncomingCall() Call this function to get notification of incoming calls. To cancel an earlier request for the incoming call notification, call the NotifyIncomingCallCancel().
NotifyHookChange() Call this function to get the notification of hook status changes.
NotifyStatusChange() Call this function to get the notification about the status changes of a line.
NotifyCallAdded() To get the information about the new calls added to a line. Call the NotifyCallAddedCancel() function to cancel an earlier request.