FeatureManager Class Reference

class FeatureManager
Feature manager API. Feature manager API offers the following functionality:
  • Inquire whether a certain static feature is supported. For usage, see example code at the end of the header file.

Use the class CFeatureDiscovery for basic feature queries, or the class RFeatureControl for advanced feature queries and control.

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C TBoolFeatureSupported(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidInitializeLibL()
IMPORT_C voidUnInitializeLib()
Private Member Functions
CFeatMgrTlsData *TlsData()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



C++ default constructor. Prohibits instantiation of this class.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TBoolFeatureSupported(TIntaFeature)[static]

Fetches information whether a certain feature is supported.

Use the class CFeatureDiscovery for basic feature queries, or the class RFeatureControl for advanced feature queries and control.


TInt aFeaturefeature id.


IMPORT_C voidInitializeLibL()[static]

This must be called in the scope of the thread before calling any other methods. It sets up TLS. Uninitialization is done by calling the UnInitializeLib() function.

KErrNoMemory Memory allocation failure.
Use the class CFeatureDiscovery for basic feature queries, or the class RFeatureControl for advanced feature queries and control.


CFeatMgrTlsData *TlsData()[private, static]

Get TlsData pointer.


IMPORT_C voidUnInitializeLib()[static]

This must be called in the scope of the thread after calling InitializeLibL(). It frees the allocated TLS. Do not call UnInitializeLib() if InitalizeLibL() leaves.

Use the class CFeatureDiscovery for basic feature queries, or the class RFeatureControl for advanced feature queries and control.