RPacketService Class Reference

class RPacketService : public RTelSubSessionBase

Defines a packet-switched connection to a packet network.

This is the main packet network class. It encapsulates functionality associated with controlling a packet-switched connection: attaching, detaching, querying packet network capabilities, etc.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidAttach(TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidClose()
IMPORT_C voidDeactivateNIF(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidDetach(TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidEnumerateContexts(TRequestStatus &, TInt &, TInt &)
IMPORT_C voidEnumerateContextsInNif(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC &, TInt &)
IMPORT_C voidEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList(TRequestStatus &, TInt &, TInt &)
IMPORT_C voidEnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList(TRequestStatus &, TInt &, TInt &)
IMPORT_C voidEnumerateNifs(TRequestStatus &, TInt &)
IMPORT_C TIntGetAttachMode(TAttachMode &)
IMPORT_C voidGetAttachMode(TRequestStatus &, TAttachMode &)
IMPORT_C voidGetContextInfo(TRequestStatus &, TInt, TContextInfo &)
IMPORT_C voidGetContextNameInNif(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC &, TInt, TDes &)
IMPORT_C voidGetCurrentReleaseMode(TRequestStatus &, TPacketReleaseMode &)
IMPORT_C TIntGetDefaultContextParams(TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetDefaultContextParams(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntGetDynamicCaps(TDynamicCapsFlags &)
IMPORT_C voidGetMSClass(TRequestStatus &, TMSClass &, TMSClass &)
IMPORT_C voidGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus(TRequestStatus &, TBool, TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidGetNifInfo(TRequestStatus &, TInt, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetNtwkRegStatus(TRequestStatus &, TRegistrationStatus &)
IMPORT_C TIntGetPreferredBearer(TPreferredBearer &)
IMPORT_C voidGetPreferredBearer(TRequestStatus &, TPreferredBearer &)
IMPORT_C TIntGetStaticCaps(TUint &, RPacketContext::TProtocolType)
IMPORT_C TIntGetStatus(TStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyAttachModeChange(TRequestStatus &, TAttachMode &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus(TRequestStatus &, TRegistrationStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyContextActivationRequested(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyContextAdded(TRequestStatus &, TDes &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyDynamicCapsChange(TRequestStatus &, TDynamicCapsFlags &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyMSClassChange(TRequestStatus &, TMSClass &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange(TRequestStatus &, TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange(TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyReleaseModeChange(TRequestStatus &, TPacketReleaseMode &)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyStatusChange(TRequestStatus &, TStatus &)
IMPORT_C TIntOpen(RPhone &)
IMPORT_C voidRejectActivationRequest(TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TIntSetAttachMode(TAttachMode)
IMPORT_C voidSetAttachMode(TRequestStatus &, TAttachMode)
IMPORT_C TIntSetDefaultContextParams(const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidSetDefaultContextParams(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidSetMSClass(TRequestStatus &, TMSClass)
IMPORT_C voidSetPreferredBearer(TRequestStatus &, TPreferredBearer)
IMPORT_C voidUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL(TRequestStatus &, const TMbmsAction, CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList *)
Protected Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidConstructL()
IMPORT_C voidDestruct()
Private Member Functions
TInt PrepareOpenSecondary(const TDesC &)
Inherited Functions
RSubSessionBase::CreateAutoCloseSubSession(RSessionBase &,TInt,const TIpcArgs &)
RSubSessionBase::CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase &,TInt)
RSubSessionBase::CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase &,TInt,const TIpcArgs &)
RSubSessionBase::Send(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)const
RSubSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,TRequestStatus &)const
RSubSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)const
RSubSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,const TIpcArgs &,TRequestStatus &)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Blank(const TInt,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Blank(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::CancelReq(const TInt,const TInt)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TDes16 &,TDes16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TDes16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TDes8 &,TDes16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TDes8 &,TDes8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TDes8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,TDes16 &,TDes16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,TDes16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,TDes8 &,TDes16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,TDes8 &,TDes8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Get(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,TDes8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,const TDesC16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,const TDesC16 &,const TDesC16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,const TDesC8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,const TDesC8 &,const TDesC16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,const TDesC8 &,const TDesC8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,const RFile &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,const TDesC16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,const TDesC16 &,const TDesC16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,const TDesC8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,const TDesC8 &,const TDesC16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::Set(const TInt,const TDesC8 &,const TDesC8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::SetAndGet(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,TDes8 &,const TDesC16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::SetAndGet(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,const TDesC16 &,TDes16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::SetAndGet(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,const TDesC8 &,TDes16 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::SetAndGet(const TInt,TRequestStatus &,const TDesC8 &,TDes8 &,TReqPriorityType)const
RTelSubSessionBase::SetSessionHandle(RSessionBase &)
Public Member Enumerations
enumTAttachMode { EAttachWhenPossible, EAttachWhenNeeded }
enumTContextType { EUnspecified, EInternalContext, EExternalContext }
enumTDynamicCaps {
KCapsActivate = 0x00000001, KCapsRxCSCall = 0x00000002, KCapsRxContextActivationReq = 0x00000004, KCapsManualAttach = 0x00000008, KCapsManualDetach = 0x00000010, KCapsSMSTransfer = 0x00000020, KCapsCDMAOneLowSpeedDataAllowed = 0x00000040, KCapsCDMAOneHighSpeedDataAllowed = 0x00000080, KCapsCDMA2000HighSpeedDataAllowed = 0x00000100, KCapsHSDPA = 0x00000200, KCapsEGPRS = 0x00000400, KCapsHSUPA = 0x00000800, KCapsMBMS = 0x00001000
enumTMSClass {
EMSClassDualMode, EMSClassSuspensionRequired, EMSClassAlternateMode, EMSClassCircuitSwitchedOnly, EMSClassPacketSwitchedOnly, EMSClassUnknown
enumTPacketReleaseMode {
EReleaseModeUnknown, EReleaseModeUnregistered, EReleaseMode97_98, EReleaseMode99, EReleaseMode4, EReleaseModeCDMA2000
enumTPreferredBearer { EBearerPacketSwitched, EBearerCircuitSwitched }
enumTRegistrationStatus {
ENotRegisteredNotSearching, ERegisteredOnHomeNetwork, ENotRegisteredSearching, ERegistrationDenied, EUnknown, ERegisteredRoaming, ENotRegisteredButAvailable, ENotRegisteredAndNotAvailable
enumTStaticMiscCaps {
KCapsSuspendSupported = 0x0001, KCapsAASupported = 0x0002, KCapsNetworkAvailabilitySupported = 0x0004, KCapsSetDefaultContextSupported = 0x0008, KCapsChangeAttachModeSupported = 0x0010, KCapsGetDataTransferredSupported = 0x0020, KCapsNotifyDataTransferredSupported = 0x0040, KCapsPreferredBearerSupported = 0x0080, KCapsPdpDataCompSupported = 0x0100, KCapsPdpHeaderCompSupported = 0x0200, KCapsMSClassSupported = 0x0400, KCapsNotifyMSClassSupported = 0x0800, KCapsCDMAOneLowSpeedDataSupported = 0x00001000, KCapsCDMAOneHighSpeedDataSupported = 0x00002000, KCapsCDMA2000HighSpeedDataSupported = 0x00004000, KCapsProtocolPPPSupported = 0x00008000, KCapsProtocolCDPDSupported = 0x00010000, KCapsPacketReleaseModeSupported = 0x00020000, KCapsNotifyReleaseModeChangeSupported = 0x00040000, KCapsHSDPASupported = 0x00080000, KCapsEGPRSSupported = 0x00100000, KCapsHSUPASupported = 0x00200000, KCapsMBMSSupported = 0x00400000
enumTStatus { EStatusUnattached, EStatusAttached, EStatusActive, EStatusSuspended }
Inherited Enumerations
Public Member Type Definitions
typedef TUint TDynamicCapsFlags
typedef TPckg< TMbmsServiceAvailabilityV1 > TMbmsServiceAvailabilityV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TNifInfoV2 > TNifInfoV2Pckg
Private Attributes
CPacketPtrHolder *iEtelPacketPtrHolder
RMutex iMutex
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Standard constructor.

Member Functions Documentation

Attach(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidAttach(TRequestStatus &aStatus)const

Causes the phone to attempt an attach to the packet network, if it is not already attached.

This is an asynchronous function since attachment may take anything up to one minute in the worst case scenario.

Attachment may take anything up to one minute in the worst case scenario.

It is not often necessary to use this function as there is a separate setting to tell the phone either to attach at start-up, or to attach when a context is created. It is intended that this function only be utilized if the user has an option to choose exactly when to attach and detach.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketAttach) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous Attach() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, KErrAlreadyExists if the phone was already attached to a packet network, KErrPacketNetworkFailure if the phone cannot attach.


IMPORT_C voidClose()

Closes the RPacketService subsession.

An opened RPacketService must be closed explicitily by calling Close() to prevent a resource (memory) leak.



IMPORT_C voidConstructL()[protected, virtual]

ConstructL for the RPacketService class


DeactivateNIF(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidDeactivateNIF(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
const TDesC &aContextName

This asynchronous method may be called by the client application.

Invokes a packet network deactivation of all associated contexts sharing the same network interaface (NIF) with the specified context (aContextName argument) using the tear down indication when requesting the deactivation operation for the specified context.



TRequestStatus & aStatusTRequestStatus reference, enables asynchronous function call.
const TDesC & aContextNameName of Context to be deactivated.


IMPORT_C voidDestruct()[protected, virtual]

Destruct() method for the RPacketService class


Detach(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidDetach(TRequestStatus &aStatus)const

Causes the phone to attempt to detach from the packet network, if it is not already.

This is an asynchronous function.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketDetach) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous Detach() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, KErrAlreadyExists if the phone was already detached, KErrInUse if at least one context is active.

EnumerateContexts(TRequestStatus &, TInt &, TInt &)

IMPORT_C voidEnumerateContexts(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TInt &aCount,
TInt &aMaxAllowed

Retrieves both the number of opened contexts in the TSY, whether active or inactive, and the maximum possible number of contexts.

This is an asynchronous function.

Allows a client to determine whether they can open a new context.

The maximum number of possible contexts is not the maximum number of simultaneously active contexts, but the total number allowed. (The maximum possible number of simultaneously active contexts is currently limited to 1). Clients are thus able to determine whether they can open a new context or not.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketEnumerateContexts) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous EnumerateContexts() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.
TInt & aCountOn completion, the number of opened contexts existing in the TSY.
TInt & aMaxAllowedOn completion, the maximum number of opened contexts that are allowed in the TSY, or -1 if the maximum number of opened contexts is not available.

EnumerateContextsInNif(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC &, TInt &)

IMPORT_C voidEnumerateContextsInNif(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
const TDesC &aExistingContextName,
TInt &aCount

This asynchronous method may be called by the client application.

It retrieves the number of contexts sharing a particular network interface, including the primary context (if it still exists) and the context specified in aExistingContextName.



TRequestStatus & aStatusTRequestStatus reference, enables asynchronous function call
const TDesC & aExistingContextNameThe name of any context belonging to the network interface (NIF)
TInt & aCountContains the number of contexts sharing a NIF.

EnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList(TRequestStatus &, TInt &, TInt &)

IMPORT_C voidEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TInt &aCount,
TInt &aMaxAllowed

Retrieves both, the number of services in the Mbms Active service list in the TSY, and the maximum possible number of Mbms Active services.

This is an asynchronous function.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketEnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous EnumerateMbmsActiveServiceList() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.
TInt & aCountOn completion, the number of Mbms Active services existing in the TSY.
TInt & aMaxAllowedOn completion, the maximum number of Mbms Active services that are allowed in the TSY.

EnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList(TRequestStatus &, TInt &, TInt &)

IMPORT_C voidEnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TInt &aCount,
TInt &aMaxAllowed

Retrieves both, the number of services in the Mbms Monitor service list in the TSY, and the maximum possible number of Mbms Monitor services.

This is an asynchronous function.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketEnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous EnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.
TInt & aCountOn completion, the number of Mbms Monitor services existing in the TSY.
TInt & aMaxAllowedOn completion, the maximum number of Mbms Monitor services that are allowed in the TSY.

EnumerateNifs(TRequestStatus &, TInt &)

IMPORT_C voidEnumerateNifs(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TInt &aCount

This asynchronous method may be called by the client application.

It returns the number of defined packet network interfaces in the parameter aCount. One network interface (NIF) exists per local IP address, but there may be several PDP contexts per NIF, i.e. one primary and several secondary contexts, all sharing the IP address and other configuration information such as PDP type and APN.



TRequestStatus & aStatus
TInt & aCountNumber of defined packet network interfaces

GetAttachMode(TAttachMode &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetAttachMode(TAttachMode &aMode)const

Retrieves the current mode of GPRS Attach mode, in version 1 of the API.

The asynchronous version should be used from v7.0S.



TAttachMode & aModeOn return, the current attachment mode.

GetAttachMode(TRequestStatus &, TAttachMode &)

IMPORT_C voidGetAttachMode(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TAttachMode &aMode

This asynchronous method may be called by the client. It has superseded the synchronous variant of this method. It will retrieve the current mode of the packet network attach operation.



TRequestStatus & aStatusThis is a reference to aTRequestStatus.
TAttachMode & aModeHas 2 values: RPacketService::EAttachWhenPossible and RPacketService::EAttachWhenNeeded.

GetContextInfo(TRequestStatus &, TInt, TContextInfo &)

IMPORT_C voidGetContextInfo(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TContextInfo &aInfo

Retrieves information about a particular context.

It is usual to use this function in conjunction with the EnumerateContexts() function, which returns the current number of opened contexts.

This is an asynchronous function.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketGetContextInfo) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous GetContextInfo() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or KErrArgument if the aIndex is invalid.
TInt aIndexThe index of the context to get. The valid range for aIndex will be between 0 and (n-1) where n is the number of open contexts returned by EnumerateContexts().
TContextInfo & aInfoOn completion, the context information.

GetContextNameInNif(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC &, TInt, TDes &)

IMPORT_C voidGetContextNameInNif(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
const TDesC &aExistingContextName,
TDes &aContextName

This asynchronous method may be called by the client application.

It retrieves the name of the context specified by aIndex for a particular network interface, which is determined by aExistingContextName



TRequestStatus & aStatusTRequestStatus reference, enables asynchronous function call
const TDesC & aExistingContextNameThe name of any context belonging to the network interface (NIF)
TInt aIndexInteger between 0 and (n-1) where n is the number of existing contexts sharing this network interface (as provided by EnumerateContextsInNif() method).
TDes & aContextNameThe name of the context specified by aIndex is returned in this parameter.

GetCurrentReleaseMode(TRequestStatus &, TPacketReleaseMode &)

IMPORT_C voidGetCurrentReleaseMode(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TPacketReleaseMode &aReleaseMode

This asynchronous method may be called by the client application. It returns the current packet network release mode(Release97/98, Release 99 or Release 4).



TRequestStatus & aStatusThis is a reference to a TRequestStatus.
TPacketReleaseMode & aReleaseMode

GetDefaultContextParams(TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetDefaultContextParams(TDes8 &aPckg)const

Retrieves the default context parameters that are stored in the phone, in version 1 of the API.

The asynchronous version should be used from v7.0S.



TDes8 & aPckgOn return, a RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS or RPacketContext::TContextConfigCDMA context configuration class packaged inside a TPckg<TContextConfigGPRS> or TPckg<TContextConfigCDMA> class. To determine how to correctly unpack the descriptor inside the TSY, the TSY must first cast the descriptor to a TPacketDataConfigBase pointer and check whether ExtensionId() returns KConfigGPRS, KConfigCDMA or KConfigRel99Rel4.

GetDefaultContextParams(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C voidGetDefaultContextParams(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TDes8 &aPckg

This asynchronous method may be called by the client. It has superseded the synchronous variant of this method.

It will retrieve the default context parameters that are stored in the ME.


TRequestStatus & aStatusThis is a reference to a TRequestStatus.
TDes8 & aPckgOn completion contains the packaged default context parameters. aPckg should be a TPckg of a TPacketDataConfigBase derived class.

GetDynamicCaps(TDynamicCapsFlags &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetDynamicCaps(TDynamicCapsFlags &aCaps)const

Retrieves those capabilities of the TSY/phone that are dynamic.

This is a synchronous function.



TDynamicCapsFlags & aCapsOn return, a bitmask of the RPacketService::TDynamicCaps dynamic capabilities.

GetMSClass(TRequestStatus &, TMSClass &, TMSClass &)

IMPORT_C voidGetMSClass(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TMSClass &aCurrentClass,
TMSClass &aMaxClass

Gets both the current class and the highest class of the mobile phone.

This is an asynchronous function.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketGetMSClass) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous GetMSClass() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or another of the system-wide error codes.
TMSClass & aCurrentClassOn completion, the current class of the phone.
TMSClass & aMaxClassOn completion, the highest possible class the phone can emulate.

GetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus(TRequestStatus &, TBool, TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus &aServiceStatus

Retrieves the MBMS network status of the phone. The indication of cell support for MBMS feature is only known from GMM Attach response from network or during Routing Area update. A consequence of this is that it is required for the UE to be in GMM Attach mode in order for either of these messages to be received. If the UE is not in GMM ATTACH then it is unable to determine MBMS network support.

There can be 3 states that MBMS feature availability could return, Unknown - when UE is not GMM Attached. Supported - When UE is GMM Attached and it is known that cell supports MBMS. Not Supported - When UE is GMM Attached and it is know that cell does not support MBMS.

This is an asynchronous function.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous GetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.
TBool aAttemptAttachOn completion, the MBMS attach information,if it is true then GMM attached is perfomed, else any of the states is returned.
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus & aServiceStatusOn completion, the current mbms network service status of the phone.

GetNifInfo(TRequestStatus &, TInt, TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C voidGetNifInfo(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TDes8 &aNifInfoV2

This asynchronous method may be called by the client application. It retrieves information about the network interface specified by the aIndex parameter. It is usual to use this function in conjunction with the EnumerateNifs() method, which returns the current number of defined packet Network interfaces in its 'aCount' argument.



TRequestStatus & aStatusTRequestStatus reference, enables asynchronous function call
TInt aIndexSpecifies network interface for which information is to be retrieved. The valid range for aIndex will be between 0 and (n-1) where n is the number returned in aCount. If an invalid index is specified the method will return KErrArgument in its aStatus.
TDes8 & aNifInfoV2Reference to a TNifInfoV2 class packaged inside a TPckg<> class. Contains the returned Network Interface information

GetNtwkRegStatus(TRequestStatus &, TRegistrationStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidGetNtwkRegStatus(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TRegistrationStatus &aRegistrationStatus

Retrieves the current registration status of the phone on the packet network.

This is an asynchronous function.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketGetNtwkRegStatus) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous GetNtwkRegStatus() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.
TRegistrationStatus & aRegistrationStatusOn completion, the current registration status of the phone on the packet network.

GetPreferredBearer(TPreferredBearer &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetPreferredBearer(TPreferredBearer &aBearer)const

Note that the synchronous variant of this method is deprecated. The asynchronous variant instead should be used.

Retrieves the currently selected preferred bearer to attach to when in Class C operation. The TSY should cache this value, so the function should return quickly hence there is no need for an asynchronous version.

The synchronous variant of this method is deprecated. The asynchronous variant instead should be used.


TPreferredBearer & aBearerOn return will contain the selected preferred bearer.

GetPreferredBearer(TRequestStatus &, TPreferredBearer &)

IMPORT_C voidGetPreferredBearer(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TPreferredBearer &aBearer

This asynchronous function retrieves the currently selected preferred bearer to attach to when in Class C operation.



TRequestStatus & aStatusA reference to a TRequestStatus which on completion will contain the result code.
TPreferredBearer & aBearerOn completion will contain the selected preferred bearer.

GetStaticCaps(TUint &, RPacketContext::TProtocolType)

IMPORT_C TIntGetStaticCaps(TUint &aCaps,

Retrieves those capabilities of the TSY/phone that are static.

This is a synchronous function.



TUint & aCapsOn return, a bitmask of the TStaticMiscCaps static capabilities.
RPacketContext::TProtocolType aPdpTypeThe static parameters may be different depending on the PdpType supported on the phone. Hence the client must pass in the current PdpType for which they wish to receive static capabilities.

GetStatus(TStatus &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetStatus(TStatus &aPacketStatus)const

Gets the status of the current packet service.

This is a synchronous function.



TStatus & aPacketStatusOn return, the current packet service status.

NotifyAttachModeChange(TRequestStatus &, TAttachMode &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyAttachModeChange(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TAttachMode &aMode

Notifies the client when there is a change in the current mode of the packet network attach operation.



TRequestStatus & aStatusThis is a reference to a TRequestStatus.
TAttachMode & aModeHas 2 values: RPacketService::EAttachWhenPossible and RPacketService::EAttachWhenNeeded.

NotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus(TRequestStatus &, TRegistrationStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TRegistrationStatus &aRegistrationStatus

Allows a client to be notified whenever a change in the status of the packet network registration is detected.

This is an asynchronous function.

Once the notification completes, the client must then re-post the notification if they wish to continue receiving further notifications.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.
TRegistrationStatus & aRegistrationStatusOn completion, the new registration status of the phone on the packet network.

NotifyContextActivationRequested(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyContextActivationRequested(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TDes8 &aContextParameters

Completes when the phone receives a request from the packet network to activate a PDP context.

This is an asynchronous function.

Depending on the type of network, the aContextParameters may contain the PDP type requested, the PDP address for this context, and possibly the Access Point Name (APN) of the gateway to connect to.

To determine how to correctly unpack the aContextParameters descriptor inside the TSY, the TSY must first cast the descriptor to a TPacketDataConfigBase pointer and check whether ExtensionId() returns KConfigGPRS, KConfigCDMA or KConfigRel99Rel4. The TSY will then cast the descriptor to the correct TPacketDataConfigBase-derived class.

Once the notification completes, the client must then re-post the notification if they wish to continue receiving further notifications.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyContextActivationRequested() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.
TDes8 & aContextParametersA TContextConfigXXX context configuration object packaged as a TPckg<TContextConfigXXX>.

NotifyContextAdded(TRequestStatus &, TDes &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyContextAdded(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TDes &aContextId

Notifies the client whenever a new context (RPacketContext) is configured on the phone by a client using RPacketContext::SetConfig().

This is an asynchronous function.

Once the notification completes, the client must then re-post the notification if they wish to continue receiving further notifications.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketNotifyContextAdded) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyContextAdded() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
TDes & aContextIdOn completion, the name of the newly added context. The name is assigned by the TSY and uniquely identifies the particular context.

NotifyDynamicCapsChange(TRequestStatus &, TDynamicCapsFlags &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyDynamicCapsChange(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TDynamicCapsFlags &aCaps

Completes when the dynamic packet data capabilities change.

This is an asynchronous function.

Once the notification completes, the client must then re-post the notification if they wish to continue receiving further notifications.

A common usage of the dynamic capabilities functions would be for GetDynamicCaps() to be called first to retrieve the current set of capabilities, and then the NotifyDynamicCapsChange() request to be posted to be kept informed of any changes.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketNotifyDynamicCapsChange) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyDynamicCapsChange() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
TDynamicCapsFlags & aCapsOn completion, a bitmask of the new RPacketService::TDynamicCaps dynamic capabilities.

NotifyMSClassChange(TRequestStatus &, TMSClass &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyMSClassChange(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TMSClass &aNewClass

Completes when there is a change in the current GPRS class of the mobile station.

This is an asynchronous function.

Once the notification completes, the client must then re-post the notification if they wish to continue receiving further notifications.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketNotifyMSClassChange) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyMSClassChange() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system wide error codes.
TMSClass & aNewClassOn completion, the new packet class.

NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange(TRequestStatus &, TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus &aServiceStatus

Allows a client to be notified whenever a change in the MBMS network service status identified. There can be 3 states that MBMS feature availability could return, Unknown - when UE is not GMM Attached. Supported - When UE is GMM Attached and it is known that cell supports MBMS. Not Supported - When UE is GMM Attached and it is known that cell does not support MBMS.

This is an asynchronous function.

Once the notification completes, the client must re-post the notification if the client wish to continue receiving further notifications.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus & aServiceStatusOn completion, the current mbms network service status of the phone.

NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus)const

Notifies the client that changes have been made to the MBMS Service availability list. When it completes, it does not return the new version of the list so the client will have to retrieve the list again if interested in the new list.



TRequestStatus & aReqStatusreturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.

NotifyReleaseModeChange(TRequestStatus &, TPacketReleaseMode &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyReleaseModeChange(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TPacketReleaseMode &aReleaseMode

This asynchronous notification function may be called by the client.

It completes if the packet release mode of the network changes.



TRequestStatus & aStatusThis is a reference to a TRequestStatus.
TPacketReleaseMode & aReleaseModeThis will contain the new mode (Release97/98, Release 99 or Release 4)

NotifyStatusChange(TRequestStatus &, TStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyStatusChange(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TStatus &aPacketStatus

Allows a client to be notified of a change in the status of the connection to the packet service.

This is an asynchronous function.

Once the notification completes, the client must then re-post the notification if they wish to continue receiving further notifications.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketNotifyStatusChange) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyStatusChange() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system wide error codes.
TStatus & aPacketStatusOn completion, the new packet status

Open(RPhone &)

IMPORT_C TIntOpen(RPhone &aPhone)

Creates a RPacketService subsession from an existing RPhone session.

An opened RPacketService must be closed explicitily by calling Close() to prevent a resource (memory) leak.



RPhone & aPhoneA reference to an existing RPhone session the client has previously created.

PrepareOpenSecondary(const TDesC &)

TInt PrepareOpenSecondary(const TDesC &aOriginalContextName)[private]

This is an internal API method. It is not intended for direct client access. It is called from RPacketContext::OpenNewSecondaryContext().

It passes the name of the context (which is to spawn a secondary context) to the TSY. This alerts the TSY to the fact that the next context creation call is going to be for a secondary context.


const TDesC & aOriginalContextNameName of the original context that this secondary context is spawned from.

RejectActivationRequest(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidRejectActivationRequest(TRequestStatus &aStatus)const

Causes the phone to reject the network's request for a PDP context activation.

This is an asynchronous function.

There is no corresponding "accept" message for the phone to send. To accept, the phone should simply begin to activate a PDP context with the appropriate IP address before the network's timer expires. On GPRS, this timer last between 5 and 8 seconds, but may effectively last between around 25 and 40 seconds, as the specifications state that the activation request should be re-sent up to five times.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketRejectActivationRequest) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous RejectActivationRequest() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, or a system-wide error code if not successful.


IMPORT_C TIntSetAttachMode(TAttachModeaMode)const

Sets when the attachment to the GPRS network should occur, in version 1 of the API.

In either mode, the manual Attach() and Detach() functions will force the attach or detach respectively, as long as it is a valid action.

The asynchronous version should be used from v7.0S.



TAttachMode aModeThe attach mode.

SetAttachMode(TRequestStatus &, TAttachMode)

IMPORT_C voidSetAttachMode(TRequestStatus &aStatus,

This asynchronous method may be called by the client. It has superseded the synchronous variant of this method.

It sets when the 'attach' to the packet network should occur.



TRequestStatus & aStatusA reference to a TRequestStatus.
TAttachMode aModeThis parameter contains instructions for this method: RPacketService::EAttachWhenPossible and RPacketService::EAttachWhenNeeded.

SetDefaultContextParams(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TIntSetDefaultContextParams(const TDesC8 &aPckg)const

Sets the default context parameters in the phone, in version 1 of the API. The default context parameters are the parameters which the phone will use if no context parameters have been explicitly set up via either the ETel API or AT commands from an external PC.

The actual context parameters are set up in the RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS or RPacketContext::TContextConfigCDMA structure.

To determine how to correctly unpack the descriptor inside the TSY, the TSY must first cast the descriptor to a TPacketDataConfigBase pointer and check whether ExtensionId() returns KConfigGPRS, KConfigCDMA or KConfigRel99Rel4. The TSY will then cast the descriptor to the correct TPacketDataConfigBase-derived class.

The asynchronous version should be used from v7.0S.



const TDesC8 & aPckgA TContextConfigXXX context configuration class packaged as a TPckg<TContextConfigXXX>.

SetDefaultContextParams(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidSetDefaultContextParams(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
const TDesC8 &aPckg

This asynchronous method may be called by the client. It has superseded the synchronous variant of this method.

It will set the default context parameters in the ME. These are the parameters the ME will use if no explicit context parameters have previously been set up.

To determine how to correctly unpack the descriptor inside the TSY, the TSY must first cast The descriptor to a TPacketDataConfigBase pointer and check the iExtensionId. Depending on the iExtensionId, the TSY will then cast the descriptor to the correct TPacketDataConfigBase-derived class.



TRequestStatus & aStatusA reference to a TRequestStatus.
const TDesC8 & aPckgA TContextConfigGPRS or TContextConfigCDMA context configuration class packaged inside a TPckg<TContextConfigGPRS> or TPckg<TContextConfigCDMA> class.

SetMSClass(TRequestStatus &, TMSClass)

IMPORT_C voidSetMSClass(TRequestStatus &aStatus,

Sets the current packet class of the mobile station. This should never be higher than the maximum packet class of the mobile station.

It is expected that this function will be used to force a ClassSuspensionRequired mobile into a Class C mode of operation: either packet or circuit-switched only. This is useful, for instance, in a situation where the user is billed for incoming circuit-switched calls (a practice of U.S. network operators) and does not wish to be available for incoming calls for long periods of time, but does want to keep the packet side of the phone always on and always connected.

This is an asynchronous function.

Once the notification completes, the client must then re-post the notification if they wish to continue receiving further notifications.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketSetMSClass) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous SetMSClass() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, orKErrTooBig if the requested class is higher than the maximum class supported by the phone.
TMSClass aClassThe new packet class for the mobile station.

SetPreferredBearer(TRequestStatus &, TPreferredBearer)

IMPORT_C voidSetPreferredBearer(TRequestStatus &aStatus,

Sets the preferred bearer for the Mobile Terminal to use when as default when dropping from Class B operation to Class C. This could happen when the Mobile Terminal moves into a Routing Area of cells or new GPRS network which operates in Network Mode III. (Class C operation requires that the Mobile Terminal is attached to either GSM or GPRS, not both.)

Should the Mobile Terminal be a Class C only device, this function is used simply to switch bearers. If the required bearer is GSM, the Mobile Terminal will immediately attempt to attach to the GSM service. If GPRS, the Mobile Terminal may either immediately attempt to attach to the GPRS service or wait until context activation to attach, depending on the current attach mode as defined by TAttachMode.

This is an asynchronous function.

Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketSetPrefBearer) to cancel a previously placed asynchronous SetPreferredBearer() request.



TRequestStatus & aStatusOn completion, KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
TPreferredBearer aBearerThe new preferred bearer.

UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL(TRequestStatus &, const TMbmsAction, CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList *)

IMPORT_C voidUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TMbmsActionaAction,
CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList *aList = NULL

Updates the MBMS monitor service availability list with the entries as per the action mentioned in second parameter. The list, which is supplied by the client in an instance of CRetrievePcktMbmsServiceAvailability, should not contain more entries than can be stored. This method will store all the mbms service availability list entries in the CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList into the packet storage.



TRequestStatus & aReqStatusreturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Completes with KErrNotFound, if all the supplied entries are invalid for removal. Completes with KErrMbmsImpreciseServiceEntries, if some of the valid entries cannot be removed.
const TMbmsAction aActionHolds the MBMS action(add, remove or remove all).
CPcktMbmsMonitoredServiceList * aList = NULLList of Mbms service availability to be stored phone-side.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TAttachMode

Defines when the attachment to the GPRS network should occur.

Modes: GPRS



The phone will attach to the packet network whenever it can.


The phone will attach to the packet network only when required (e.g. when activating a connection).

Enum TContextType



Enum TDynamicCaps

Dynamic capabilities.



KCapsActivate = 0x00000001

Activate supported.


KCapsRxCSCall = 0x00000002

Rx Circuit Switched call supported.


KCapsRxContextActivationReq = 0x00000004

RX context activation request supported.


KCapsManualAttach = 0x00000008

Manual attach supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsManualDetach = 0x00000010

Manual detach supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsSMSTransfer = 0x00000020

SMS transfer supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsCDMAOneLowSpeedDataAllowed = 0x00000040

Service Option (7,15) or (8,16).

Modes: CDMA 9.5

KCapsCDMAOneHighSpeedDataAllowed = 0x00000080

Service Option (22-25) or (26-29).

Modes: CDMA 9.5

KCapsCDMA2000HighSpeedDataAllowed = 0x00000100

Service Option 33 or 34.

Modes: CDMA 9.5

KCapsHSDPA = 0x00000200

HSDPA is currently being used

Modes: WCDMA

KCapsEGPRS = 0x00000400

EGPRS is currently being used


KCapsHSUPA = 0x00000800

HSUPA is currently being used

Modes: WCDMA

KCapsMBMS = 0x00001000

MBMS is currently being used


Enum TMSClass

MS class configuration.



Active simultaneous PS and CS calls supported (Class A).


Active CS and Suspended PS simultaneous calls supported (Class B).


Active CS or Active PS only call supported (Class C).


Active CS only call supported (Class C).


Active PS only call supported (Class C)


Unknown what configuration is supported

Enum TPacketReleaseMode



Enum TPreferredBearer

The preferred bearer.



Packet Switched (PS) bearer preferred.


Circuit Switched (CS) bearer preferred.

Enum TRegistrationStatus

Packet Network Registration/Availability.



Not registered and not searching for a network. A network may or may not be available.


Registered on a home network.


Not registered but searching for a network.


Registration denied.


Registration status unknown.


Registered on foreign network.


Not registered or searching, but network available.


Not registered or searching, and network not available.

Enum TStaticMiscCaps

Static capabilities.

Modes: GPRS


KCapsSuspendSupported = 0x0001

Suspend supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsAASupported = 0x0002

Anonymous Access supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsNetworkAvailabilitySupported = 0x0004

Network availability supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsSetDefaultContextSupported = 0x0008

Set default context supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsChangeAttachModeSupported = 0x0010

Change attach mode supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsGetDataTransferredSupported = 0x0020

Get data transferred supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsNotifyDataTransferredSupported = 0x0040

Notify data transferred supported

Modes: GPRS

KCapsPreferredBearerSupported = 0x0080

Preferred bearer supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsPdpDataCompSupported = 0x0100

PDP data compression supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsPdpHeaderCompSupported = 0x0200

PDP header compression supported

Modes: GPRS

KCapsMSClassSupported = 0x0400

MS class supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsNotifyMSClassSupported = 0x0800

Notify MS class changes supported.

Modes: GPRS

KCapsCDMAOneLowSpeedDataSupported = 0x00001000

Service Option (7,15) or (8,16).

Modes: CDMA2000 9.5

KCapsCDMAOneHighSpeedDataSupported = 0x00002000

Service Option (22-25) or (26-29).

Modes: CDMA2000 9.5

KCapsCDMA2000HighSpeedDataSupported = 0x00004000

Service Option 33 or 34.

Modes: CDMA2000 9.5

KCapsProtocolPPPSupported = 0x00008000

PPP protocol supported.

Modes: CDMA2000 9.5

KCapsProtocolCDPDSupported = 0x00010000

CDPD protocol supported

Modes: CDMA2000 9.5

KCapsPacketReleaseModeSupported = 0x00020000
KCapsNotifyReleaseModeChangeSupported = 0x00040000
KCapsHSDPASupported = 0x00080000

The phone supports HSDPA

Modes: WCDMA

KCapsEGPRSSupported = 0x00100000

The phone supports EGPRS


KCapsHSUPASupported = 0x00200000

The phone supports HSUPA

Modes: WCDMA

KCapsMBMSSupported = 0x00400000

The phone supports MBMS


Enum TStatus

Defines the packet data connection status.



Unattached to network and inactive packet data connection.


Attached to network and inactive packet data connection.


Attached to network and active packet data connection.


Attached to network and suspended packet data connection.

Member Type Definitions Documentation

Typedef TDynamicCapsFlags

typedef TUint TDynamicCapsFlags

Typedef to hold the RPacketService::TDynamicCaps.

Typedef TMbmsServiceAvailabilityV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TMbmsServiceAvailabilityV1 >TMbmsServiceAvailabilityV1Pckg

Typedef TNifInfoV2Pckg

typedef TPckg< TNifInfoV2 >TNifInfoV2Pckg

Member Data Documentation

CPacketPtrHolder * iEtelPacketPtrHolder

CPacketPtrHolder *iEtelPacketPtrHolder[private]

RMutex iMutex

RMutex iMutex[private]