MmsEngineDomainCRKeys.h File Reference

const TUid KCRUidMmsEngine

const TUidKCRUidMmsEngine

const TUid KCRUidMMSApplicationRegistrations

const TUidKCRUidMMSApplicationRegistrations

const TUint32 KMmsEngineMaximumSendSize

const TUint32KMmsEngineMaximumSendSize

KMmsEngineMaximumSendSize Defines the maximum possible size for an MMS to be sent in bytes. It is application's responsibility to assert this. Default value: 307200 ( = 300*1024 )

const TUint32 KMmsEngineMaximumReceiveSize

const TUint32KMmsEngineMaximumReceiveSize

KMmsEngineMaximumReceiveSize Defines the maximum possible size for a received MMS in bytes. This value should be at least 4 kilobytes larger than KMmsEngineMaximumSendSize in order reserve space for MMS headers and attachment MIME headers. Default value: 311296 ( = 304*1024 )

const TUint32 KMmsEngineCreationMode

const TUint32KMmsEngineCreationMode

KMmsEngineCreationMode Defines what kind of MMS messages can be created and sent. It is application's responsibility to assert this. Possible values: 0 ( Restricted ) 1 ( Warning ) 2 ( Free ) Default value: 1

const TUint32 KMmsEngineImageWidth

const TUint32KMmsEngineImageWidth

KMmsEngineImageWidth Defines image width in pixels. This is for application level use. Default value: 640

const TUint32 KMmsEngineImageHeight

const TUint32KMmsEngineImageHeight

KMmsEngineImageHeight Defines image height in pixels. This is for application level use. Default value: 480

const TUint32 KMmsEngineNbrOfRegisteredApplications

const TUint32KMmsEngineNbrOfRegisteredApplications

KMmsEngineNbrOfRegisteredApplications Defines the number of elements in the array of registered applications Default value: 0

const TUint32 KMmsEngineRegisteredApplicationsArrayBase

const TUint32KMmsEngineRegisteredApplicationsArrayBase

KMmsEngineRegisteredApplicationsArrayBase Defines the base id for registered application id array. The elements of the array consist of descriptors.

const TUint32 KMmsEngineApplicationNameArrayBase

const TUint32KMmsEngineApplicationNameArrayBase

KMmsEngineApplicationNameArrayBase Defines the base id for registered application name array. The elements of the array consist of descriptors.

const TUint32 KMmsEngineAccessPointCount

const TUint32KMmsEngineAccessPointCount

KMmsEngineAccessPointCount Defines the number of elements in the accesspoint array Default value: 0

const TUint32 KMmsAccesspointArrayBase

const TUint32KMmsAccesspointArrayBase

KMmsAccesspointArrayBase Defines the base id for accespoint array. The elements of the array consist of 32 bit integers. There can be 'KMmsAccesspointArrayMaxSize' elements in the array.

const TUint32 KMmsOmaEncapsulationVersion

const TUint32KMmsOmaEncapsulationVersion

KMmsOmaEncapsulationVersion OMA MMS encapsulation version number. Possible values: 18 ( 0x12, OMA MMS 1.2 ) 19 ( 0x13, OMA MMS 1.3 ) Default value: 18