ChspsClientRequestHandler Class Reference

class ChspsClientRequestHandler : public CBase

Class ChspsClientRequestHandler. ChspsClientRequestHandler performs all Xuikon Client Request Service related functionality of Xuikon Theme Mangement Service APIs. Xuikon Client Request Service API is intended to serve Rendering Engines with Application Themes and their associated resources. ChspsClientRequestHandler will provide access to Xuikon's Application Theme database maintained by Xuikon Definition Repository. Definition Repository maintains Application Themes in ChspsODT-objects. Themes can have resources like bitmaps etc. Resources can be accessed through this API also. Every individual resource has corresponding ChspsResource-object. hspsResource-object is delivered to the client side in a resource list which is associated to the theme. Resource list is included in ODT as well as DOM-document which contains UI-definition. There can be only one theme activated for a specific application at one time. The information of activation of themes is stored in Symbian Central Repository -object. The Central Repository is requested on every theme request that Rendering Engine commences.

Class inheritance: ================== ChspsClientRequestHandler derives CTimer for active timer functionality. It implements MhspsClientRequestService-interface for Xuikon Client Request Service API functionality, and MhspsDefinitionRepositoryObserver for listening to the definition repository events.

Functionality: ============== To initiate theme usage, Rendering Engine must call hspsGetODT().

hspsGetODT() returns one of the following codes:
  • EhspsGetODTSuccess. Theme was received successfully. Client can start its rendering.

  • EhspsGetODTFailed. Theme was not received. Check Additional Return Code in hspsResult-object for the exact reason. Theme load can fail for e.g. for missing rights.

  • EhspsGetODTLowMemoryStrategy. Possible memory low to create chunk. Client should implement some low memory strategy. In version 3.1, the low-memory stategy is use direct file handle in accessing ODT. System can be configured to use low-memory strategy only.

After receiving the theme, Rendering Engine may subscribe the theme related events. These events may concern the changes of the theme status (meaning that some other theme is activated), or that the theme is updated. In both cases, client should reload the theme and do the rendering again. To act as a subscriber of these events, client must implement the interface MhspsClientRequestServiceObserver. Subscription is applied by calling hspsGetODTUpdate(). This function returns immediately one of the following codes:
  • EhspsGetODTUpdateSuccess - The subscription of the theme updates and/or status changes was successful. The cient must start observe the server events.

  • EhspsGetODTUpdateFailed - The subscription of the theme updates and status changes was failed.

Once success-response was received, the observation of the Client Request Service events can return one of the following codes:

  • EhspsGetODTUpdateStatus - Theme status was changed. Client must reset rendering and request theme again.

  • EhspsGetODTUpdateHot - Theme was updated. Client should reload the theme and then do the rendering again.

Rendering Engine can get information of the theme resources through the ChspsResource-objects delivered on the resource list in ODT. When ChspsODT-object's DOM-document has a reference to some resource-URL, the access method to the resource can be found in ChspsResource-object. When access-method is resolved, client should call hspsAccessResourceFile() function with resource file path and empty RFile-handle. In successful cases, valid file handle to the associated resource file is returned. This functionality is arranged by the means of Symbian 9.0 EKA2 Kernel's support for Platform Security Concept. The return code can be one of the following:
  • EhspsAccessResourceFileSuccess - request to get access to a theme resource file was successful.

  • EhspsAccessResourceFileFailed - request to get access to a theme resource file was unsuccessful possible in due to a security fault.

Client Request Service functions may also return one of the following codes:
  • EhspsServiceRequestSheduled, or

  • EhspsServiceRequestError.

For explanation of the meanings of these messages, see ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-documentation.

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Inherits from

  • ChspsClientRequestHandler
Public Member Functions
voidHandleCenRepChangeL(const TUint32)
TBool HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(ThspsRepositoryInfo)
voidHandlePluginReferencesL(ChspsODT &)
ChspsClientRequestHandler *NewL(ChspsThemeServer &)
ChspsClientRequestHandler *NewLC(ChspsThemeServer &)
voidServiceAccessResourceFileL(const RMessage2 &)
voidServiceGetOdtL(const RMessage2 &)
voidServiceGetOdtUpdateL(const RMessage2 &)
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsAccessResourceFile(const TDesC &, const ThspsConfiguration &, RFile &)
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsCancelGetODTUpdate()
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetODT(TInt, ChspsODT &)
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetODT(TInt, ChspsODT &, CArrayPtrSeg< ChspsResource > &)
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetODTUpdate()
Protected Member Functions
ChspsClientRequestHandler(ChspsThemeServer &)
Private Member Functions
voidAddErrorConfigurationL(ChspsDomDocument &, ChspsDomNode &, const TInt)
TInt AppendInitialSettingsL(ChspsODT &)
voidAppendPluginConfigurationsL(ChspsODT &)
voidCallGetODTPathL(ChspsODT &, TDes &)
voidCompleteRequestL(const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage, RMessagePtr2 &, const TDesC8 &)
ChspsDomNode &FindRootNodeByIdentifierL(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, ChspsDomNode &)
TBool HandleDefinitionRespositoryEventL(ThspsRepositoryInfo)
TInt HandlePropertyAttributesL(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, ChspsDomNode &)
TInt HandlePropertyNodeL(ChspsDomNode &, ChspsDomNode &)
TInt ParseInitialSettingsItemsL(ChspsDomNode &, ChspsDomNode &)
voidPrepareAndCompleteRequestL(const ThspsRepositoryInfo &, const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage &)
voidRestoreDefaultL(ChspsODT &)
voidRestoreValidThemeL(ChspsODT &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
TUint iActiveThemeUid
ChspsCenRepListener *iCenRepListener
CRepository &iCentralRepository
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage iCompletedMessage
ChspsDefinitionRepository &iDefinitionRepository
RFs iFs
CArrayPtrSeg< ChspsODT > &iHeaderListCache
TTime iLastHeaderListUpdateTime
TTime iLastSuccessThemeLoadTime
RMessagePtr2 iMessagePtr
TFileName iODTPath
ChspsODT *iOdt
TBuf8< KMaxReqNotifDataLength8 >iReqNotifData
ChspsRequestNotificationParams *iReqNotifParams
HBufC8 *iRequestData
ThspsServiceRequestMessage iRequestMessage
TAny *iReserved
TBool iRestoreDefault
ChspsResult *iResult
TBuf8< KMaxResultDataLength8 >iResultData
TUint iRootUid
TUint iSecureId
ChspsSecurityEnforcer &iSecurityEnforcer
TInt iThemeLoadRepeatCount
ChspsThemeServer &iThemeServer

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ChspsClientRequestHandler(ChspsThemeServer &)

ChspsClientRequestHandler(ChspsThemeServer &aThemeServer)[protected]
ChspsClientRequestHandler C++ default constructor.
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ChspsThemeServer & aThemeServer



~ChspsClientRequestHandler Destructor.

Member Functions Documentation

AddErrorConfigurationL(ChspsDomDocument &, ChspsDomNode &, const TInt)

voidAddErrorConfigurationL(ChspsDomDocument &aAppDom,
ChspsDomNode &aMissingPluginNode,
const TIntaPluginUid
Appends missing plugin with a dummy configuration where status="Error"
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ChspsDomDocument & aAppDomis a DOM of an application configuration
ChspsDomNode & aMissingPluginNodeis a plug-in node which was not found from the Plugin Repository
const TInt aPluginUidis an UID of the missing plugin

AppendInitialSettingsL(ChspsODT &)

TInt AppendInitialSettingsL(ChspsODT &aAppODT)[private]

Finds plug-in's initial settings from the provided root configuration and modify plugin specific settings with these initial settings.

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ChspsODT & aAppODTis an ODT instance of an application configuration

AppendPluginConfigurationsL(ChspsODT &)

voidAppendPluginConfigurationsL(ChspsODT &aAppODT)[private]

Finds plug-in references from the provided application configuration and append XML document with plug-ins specific XML. Applies to plug-in configurations of type "application configuration" only.


ChspsODT & aAppODTis an ODT instance of an application configuration

CallGetODTPathL(ChspsODT &, TDes &)

voidCallGetODTPathL(ChspsODT &aSearchMask,
TDes &aODTPath


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ChspsODT & aSearchMask
TDes & aODTPath

CompleteRequestL(const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage, RMessagePtr2 &, const TDesC8 &)

voidCompleteRequestL(const ThspsServiceCompletedMessageaReturnMessage,
RMessagePtr2 &aMessagePtr,
const TDesC8 &aHeaderData =  KNullDesC8


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const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage aReturnMessage
RMessagePtr2 & aMessagePtr
const TDesC8 & aHeaderData =  KNullDesC8


ConstructL By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private
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FindRootNodeByIdentifierL(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, ChspsDomNode &)

ChspsDomNode &FindRootNodeByIdentifierL(const TDesC8 &aNodeTag,
const TDesC8 &aNodeIdentifier,
ChspsDomNode &aNode

Finds a root node for liw structure from dom document by identifier

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const TDesC8 & aNodeTag
const TDesC8 & aNodeIdentifierAn Identifier.
ChspsDomNode & aNodeA Dom Node where the node is searched from.

HandleCenRepChangeL(const TUint32)

voidHandleCenRepChangeL(const TUint32aId)


const TUint32 aId


TBool HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(ThspsRepositoryInfoaRepositoryInfo)


ThspsRepositoryInfo aRepositoryInfo


TBool HandleDefinitionRespositoryEventL(ThspsRepositoryInfoaRepositoryInfo)[private]


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ThspsRepositoryInfo aRepositoryInfo

HandlePluginReferencesL(ChspsODT &)

voidHandlePluginReferencesL(ChspsODT &aAppODT)
Finnishes installation of application configurations
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ChspsODT & aAppODTis an ODT instance of an application configuration

HandlePropertyAttributesL(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, ChspsDomNode &)

TInt HandlePropertyAttributesL(const TDesC8 &aAttrName,
const TDesC8 &aAttrValue,
ChspsDomNode &aNode

Handling attributes.

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const TDesC8 & aAttrNameAttribute name.
const TDesC8 & aAttrValueAttribute value.
ChspsDomNode & aNodeTarget property node.

HandlePropertyNodeL(ChspsDomNode &, ChspsDomNode &)

TInt HandlePropertyNodeL(ChspsDomNode &aPropertyNode,
ChspsDomNode &aNode

Handling initial settings property nodes.

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ChspsDomNode & aPropertyNodeInitial settings property node(property source node).
ChspsDomNode & aNodeTarget node.

NewL(ChspsThemeServer &)

ChspsClientRequestHandler *NewL(ChspsThemeServer &aThemeServer)[static]


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ChspsThemeServer & aThemeServer

NewLC(ChspsThemeServer &)

ChspsClientRequestHandler *NewLC(ChspsThemeServer &aThemeServer)[static]


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ChspsThemeServer & aThemeServer

ParseInitialSettingsItemsL(ChspsDomNode &, ChspsDomNode &)

TInt ParseInitialSettingsItemsL(ChspsDomNode &aInitialSettingsNode,
ChspsDomNode &aSettingsNode

Parse initial settings items.

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ChspsDomNode & aInitialSettingsNodeInitial settings node to be parsed(source node).
ChspsDomNode & aSettingsNodeActual settings node(target node) where to initial settings needs to be copied.

PrepareAndCompleteRequestL(const ThspsRepositoryInfo &, const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage &)

voidPrepareAndCompleteRequestL(const ThspsRepositoryInfo &aInfo,
const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage &aMessage

Prepare given ChspsRequestNotificationParams for sending.

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const ThspsRepositoryInfo & aInfoInfo to build params from.
const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage & aMessageCompleted message.

RestoreDefaultL(ChspsODT &)

voidRestoreDefaultL(ChspsODT &aOdt)[private]


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ChspsODT & aOdt

RestoreValidThemeL(ChspsODT &)

voidRestoreValidThemeL(ChspsODT &aCorruptedOdt)[private]
RestoreValidThemeL Restores operator/licensee default theme
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ChspsODT & aCorruptedOdtOdt which failed to render

ServiceAccessResourceFileL(const RMessage2 &)

voidServiceAccessResourceFileL(const RMessage2 &aMessage)


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const RMessage2 & aMessagecontains the data received from the client

ServiceGetOdtL(const RMessage2 &)

voidServiceGetOdtL(const RMessage2 &aMessage)


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const RMessage2 & aMessagecontains the data received from the client

ServiceGetOdtUpdateL(const RMessage2 &)

voidServiceGetOdtUpdateL(const RMessage2 &aMessage)


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const RMessage2 & aMessagecontains the data received from the client

hspsAccessResourceFile(const TDesC &, const ThspsConfiguration &, RFile &)

ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsAccessResourceFile(const TDesC &,
const ThspsConfiguration &,
RFile &
From MhspsClientRequestService hspsAccessResourceFile
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const TDesC &
const ThspsConfiguration &
RFile &


ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsCancelGetODTUpdate()
From MhspsClientRequestService hspsCancelGetODTUpdate
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hspsGetODT(TInt, ChspsODT &)

ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetODT(TIntaAppUid,
ChspsODT &aODT
From MhspsClientRequestService hspsGetODT
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TInt aAppUidis the UID of the application for which the theme is requested for.
ChspsODT & aODTis an empty ChspsODT-object in where the theme is expected to be placed when the call returns.

hspsGetODT(TInt, ChspsODT &, CArrayPtrSeg< ChspsResource > &)

ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetODT(TIntaAppUid,
ChspsODT &aODT,
CArrayPtrSeg< ChspsResource > &aResourceList
From MhspsClientRequestService hspsGetODT
S60 3.1


TInt aAppUidis the UID of the application for which the theme is requested for.
ChspsODT & aODTis an empty ChspsODT-object in where the theme is expected to be placed when the call returns.
CArrayPtrSeg< ChspsResource > & aResourceListis an empty list-object able to contain ChspsResource-objects. On return of the call, every resource object on the list will describe a resource belonging to the theme in hand.


ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetODTUpdate()
From MhspsClientRequestService hspsGetODTUpdate
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Member Data Documentation

TUint iActiveThemeUid

TUint iActiveThemeUid[private]

ChspsCenRepListener * iCenRepListener

ChspsCenRepListener *iCenRepListener[private]

CRepository & iCentralRepository

CRepository &iCentralRepository[private]

ThspsServiceCompletedMessage iCompletedMessage

ThspsServiceCompletedMessage iCompletedMessage[private]

ChspsDefinitionRepository & iDefinitionRepository

ChspsDefinitionRepository &iDefinitionRepository[private]

RFs iFs

RFs iFs[private]

CArrayPtrSeg< ChspsODT > & iHeaderListCache

CArrayPtrSeg< ChspsODT > &iHeaderListCache[private]

TTime iLastHeaderListUpdateTime

TTime iLastHeaderListUpdateTime[private]

TTime iLastSuccessThemeLoadTime

TTime iLastSuccessThemeLoadTime[private]

RMessagePtr2 iMessagePtr

RMessagePtr2 iMessagePtr[private]

TFileName iODTPath

TFileName iODTPath[private]

ChspsODT * iOdt

ChspsODT *iOdt[private]

TBuf8< KMaxReqNotifDataLength8 > iReqNotifData

TBuf8< KMaxReqNotifDataLength8 >iReqNotifData[private]

ChspsRequestNotificationParams * iReqNotifParams

ChspsRequestNotificationParams *iReqNotifParams[private]

HBufC8 * iRequestData

HBufC8 *iRequestData[private]

ThspsServiceRequestMessage iRequestMessage

ThspsServiceRequestMessage iRequestMessage[private]

TAny * iReserved

TAny *iReserved[private]

TBool iRestoreDefault

TBool iRestoreDefault[private]

ChspsResult * iResult

ChspsResult *iResult[private]

TBuf8< KMaxResultDataLength8 > iResultData

TBuf8< KMaxResultDataLength8 >iResultData[private]

TUint iRootUid

TUint iRootUid[private]

TUint iSecureId

TUint iSecureId[private]

ChspsSecurityEnforcer & iSecurityEnforcer

ChspsSecurityEnforcer &iSecurityEnforcer[private]

TInt iThemeLoadRepeatCount

TInt iThemeLoadRepeatCount[private]

ChspsThemeServer & iThemeServer

ChspsThemeServer &iThemeServer[private]