Data Call Capability Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to get the capabilities of a data call.

  1. Use RMobileCall::GetMobileDataCallCaps() to get the capability of the data call. Capabilities are encapsulated in a RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 object
  2. Use RMobileCall::NotifyMobileDataCallCapsChange() to get the notification of any changes in the capabilities.
  3. Use RMobileCall::GetMobileDataCallRLPRange() to get the Radio Link Protocol (RLP) parameter ranges. Retrieve the values of minimum and maximum retransmission attempts with this function.

Data call capability example

The following code tests if the call supports a data rate of at least 9600 baud.

TBool CClientApp::DataCallCapsL(RMobileCall& aCall)
    RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 callCaps;
    RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1Pckg callCapsPckg(callCaps);
    if (callCaps.iSpeedCaps >= RMobileCall::KCapsSpeed9600)
         return ETrue;

         return EFalse;