MThumbnailManagerObserver Class Reference

class MThumbnailManagerObserver

Thumbnail observer.

Callback interface for getting information about completed thumbnail operations. This should be implemented by the client using the API.

Example of how the client may implement the ThumbnailReady() method:
  void CMyThumbnailControl::ThumbnailReady(
      TInt aError,
      MThumbnailData& aThumbnail,
      TThumbnailRequestId aId )
      // This function must not leave.
      delete iBitmap;
      iBitmap = NULL;

      if ( !aError )
          // Claim ownership of the bitmap instance for later use
          iBitmap = aThumbnail.DetachBitmap();
          // We can now use iBitmap in our Draw() method
          // An error occurred while getting the thumbnail.
          // Perhaps we should show a broken image icon to the user.
S60 v5.0
Public Member Functions
voidThumbnailPreviewReady(MThumbnailData &, TThumbnailRequestId)
voidThumbnailReady(TInt, MThumbnailData &, TThumbnailRequestId)

Member Functions Documentation

ThumbnailPreviewReady(MThumbnailData &, TThumbnailRequestId)

voidThumbnailPreviewReady(MThumbnailData &aThumbnail,
)[pure virtual]

Preview thumbnail generation or loading is complete.

This callback is not called unless EOptimizeForQualityWithPreview flag was specified.

This callback is not called if any of the following is true:
  • an error occurred while processing the preview thumbnail

  • a suitable existing thumbnail was not found

  • a high quality thumbnail is already available

The MThumbnailData instance is only valid for the duration of this call. It may not be stored for later use. If the client should want to use the bitmap data later, it can claim ownership of the CFbsBitmap object by calling DetachBitmap().

S60 v5.0


MThumbnailData & aThumbnailAn object representing the resulting thumbnail.
TThumbnailRequestId aIdRequest ID for the operation

ThumbnailReady(TInt, MThumbnailData &, TThumbnailRequestId)

MThumbnailData &aThumbnail,
)[pure virtual]

Final thumbnail bitmap generation or loading is complete.

The MThumbnailData instance is only valid for the duration of this call. It may not be stored for later use. If the client should want to use the bitmap data later, it can claim ownership of the CFbsBitmap object by calling DetachBitmap().

S60 v5.0


TInt aErrorError code.
MThumbnailData & aThumbnailAn object representing the resulting thumbnail.
TThumbnailRequestId aIdRequest ID for the operation.