EGL Reusable Sync Extension

This topic describes the EGL reusable sync extension, which introduces sync objects into EGL. Sync objects provide a synchronization mechanism and represent events, whose completion can be tested or waited on.

The following table provides a link to the specification.

The OpenWF-C Engine and Support components use EGL sync objects for synchronization. Therefore the EGL implementation must support the extension if OpenWF composition is in use. The EGL Reference Implementation component implements the extension.

The following table lists the reusable sync extension APIs. Clients obtain an extension function by calling eglGetProcAddress() and pass in the function name.

Function Description
eglCreateSyncKHR() Creates a sync object which is associated with the initialized EGL display and whose status is unsignaled.
eglDestroySyncKHR() Destroys an existing sync object.
eglClientWaitSyncKHR() Blocks the calling thread until the sync object is signaled or after the specified timeout period.
eglSignalSyncKHR() Signals or unsignals the sync object.
eglGetSyncAttribKHR() Queries attributes of the sync object.