Retrieving Skipped Alarmed Calendar Instances

This topic describes how a client can get a list of Calendar instances that correspond to skipped Calendar alarms.

The client uses the FindAlarmedInstanceL() function to retrieve a list of alarmed Calendar instances. The function takes an aInstanceParams argument. The value of aInstanceParams is obtained by querying the current value of the KSkippedAlarmInstancesPubSubKey property.

The procedure that follows shows how an application retrieves an alarmed Calendar instance.

RetrieveListOfInstancesL() gets the list of instances of skipped alarms.
#include <calinstanceview.h> // For CCalInstanceView etc.
#include <ASShdAlarm.h>      // For TASShdAlarmedInstanceParams etc.
#include <…>
void CSkippedAlarmsObserver::RetrieveListOfInstancesL(
    RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aInstanceList,     
    TASShdAlarmedInstanceParams& aInstanceParams)
    iCalInstanceView->FindAlarmedInstanceL(aInstanceList, aInstanceParams);
The aInstanceList value can then be used by a client to display information about the alarmed Calendar instances that were skipped. An example of this is a summary field from the associated Calendar entry.