HAL Attributes and Function IDs

List of HAL attributes, their related function IDs and links to the related reference documentation.

This topic The list is ordered by group.

Symbian defines capabilities for each function ID. To find out a function ID's capabilities, follow the link to its reference information. If no capabilities are listed in the reference documentation for a function ID, it means that no capabilities are required.


  • An attribute can map to more than one function ID. This reflects the fact that any given attribute can be passed to both HAL::Get() and HAL::Set(), but the set behavior and get behavior map to two different function IDs.

  • There are group/function ID pairs for which there is no attribute. This reflects the fact that the hardware specific information represented by that group/function ID cannot be accessed from the user side using the generic interface.

Attributes are defined as values of the TAttribute enum within the scope of the HALData class in ...\os\kernelhwsrv\halservices\hal\inc\hal_data.h, which is exported to ...\epoc32\include.

HAL groups are defined as values of the THalFunctionGroup enum in ...\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\include\u32hal.h, which is exported to ...\epoc32\include.

Function IDs are defined as values of various enums in ...\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\include\u32hal.h.

Group EHalGroupKernel

This group is defined as internal and is listed here for information purposes only. However, the attributes are public.

Group EHalGroupMedia


Function ID

No attribute - the group and function ID pair is used internally.


Group EHalGroupEmulator

This group is defined as internal and is listed here for information purposes only. However, the attributes are public.