CmPluginBaseSettingsDlg Class Reference
class CmPluginBaseSettingsDlg : public CAknDialog |
Public Member Functions |
| CmPluginBaseSettingsDlg(CCmPluginBaseEng &) |
| ~CmPluginBaseSettingsDlg() |
IMPORT_C TInt | ConstructAndRunLD() |
IMPORT_C void | Execute() |
IMPORT_C void | GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext &) |
IMPORT_C TInt | GetIPv6DNSTypeL(TUint32, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C void | HandleLeaveError(TInt) |
IMPORT_C void | HandleListboxDataChangeL() |
IMPORT_C void | HandleResourceChange(TInt) |
IMPORT_C void | InitTextsL() |
IMPORT_C void | ProcessCommandL(TInt) |
void | RunAdvancedSettingsL() |
IMPORT_C TBool | ShowPopupIPv4DNSEditorL(TUint32, TUint32, TUint32, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C TInt | ShowPopupIPv6DNSEditorL(const TUint32 *, TUint32, TUint32, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C TBool | ShowPopupIpSettingPageL(TUint32, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C TBool | ShowPopupPasswordSettingPageL(TUint32, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C TBool | ShowPopupPortNumSettingPageL(TUint32, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C TBool | ShowPopupTextSettingPageL(TUint32, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C TInt | ShowRadioButtonSettingPageL(const TUint32 *, TInt &, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C TInt | ShowRadioButtonSettingPageL(CDesCArrayFlat &, TInt &, TUint32) |
void | UpdateListBoxContentBearerSpecificL(CDesCArray &) |
Protected Member Functions |
IMPORT_C void | AppendSettingTextsL(CDesCArray &, const TInt, const TInt) |
IMPORT_C void | AppendSettingTextsL(CDesCArray &, const TInt, const HBufC *) |
IMPORT_C void | AppendSettingTextsL(CDesCArray &, const TInt, const TInt, const TInt, const TBool) |
IMPORT_C void | AppendSettingTextsL(CDesCArray &, const TInt, const TInt, const TDesC &, const TBool) |
IMPORT_C void | DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt, CEikMenuPane *) |
IMPORT_C void | HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox *, TListBoxEvent) |
IMPORT_C TInt | LoadResourceL(const TDesC &) |
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse | OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &, TEventCode) |
IMPORT_C TBool | OkToExitL(TInt) |
IMPORT_C void | PreLayoutDynInitL() |
IMPORT_C void | SelectItem(TInt) |
IMPORT_C TBool | ShowPopupSettingPageL(TUint32, TInt) |
IMPORT_C HBufC * | StringAttributeWithDefaultL(TUint32, TUint32) |
IMPORT_C void | UpdateListBoxContentL() |
Inherited Functions |
| CAknControl::CAknControl() |
| CAknControl::~CAknControl() |
| CAknDialog::CAknDialog() |
| CAknDialog::ConstructL(TInt) |
| CAknDialog::CreateMenuBarL(TInt) |
| CAknDialog::DisplayMenuL() |
| CAknDialog::Draw(const TRect &)const |
| CAknDialog::ExecuteLD(TInt) |
| CAknDialog::FocusChanged(TDrawNow) |
| CAknDialog::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &) |
| CAknDialog::HideMenu() |
| CAknDialog::MenuShowing()const |
| CAknDialog::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid) |
| CAknDialog::PrepareLC(TInt) |
| CAknDialog::RunLD() |
| CAknDialog::SetEmphasis(CCoeControl *,TBool) |
| CAknDialog::SizeChanged() |
| CAknDialog::~CAknDialog() |
| CBase::CBase() |
| CBase::Delete(CBase *) |
| CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint) |
| CBase::~CBase() |
| CCoeControl::AccumulatedZoom()const |
| CCoeControl::ActivateGc()const |
| CCoeControl::ActivateL() |
| CCoeControl::BackedUpWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::Background()const |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl() |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl(CCoeEnv *) |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl(const CCoeControl &) |
| CCoeControl::CapturesPointer()const |
| CCoeControl::ClaimPointerGrab(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::ClaimPointerGrab(TInt,TBool) |
| CCoeControl::CloseWindow() |
| CCoeControl::ComponentArrayExists()const |
| CCoeControl::Components() |
| CCoeControl::Components()const |
| CCoeControl::ControlContext()const |
| CCoeControl::ControlEnv()const |
| CCoeControl::CopyControlContextFrom(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &) |
| CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &,TDisplayMode) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL() |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(RWindowGroup *) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::CustomGc()const |
| CCoeControl::DeactivateGc()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawBackground(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawDeferred()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawForeground(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawNow()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawNow(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawableWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::EnableDragEvents() |
| CCoeControl::EnableReportControlStateChange(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::EnableWindowTransparency() |
| CCoeControl::FindBackground()const |
| CCoeControl::FindFontProvider()const |
| CCoeControl::GetColor(TInt,TRgb &)const |
| CCoeControl::GetGc()const |
| CCoeControl::GrabbingComponent()const |
| CCoeControl::GrabbingComponent(TInt)const |
| CCoeControl::HandleComponentControlsResourceChange(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::HandleControlArrayEventL(CCoeControlArray::TEvent,const CCoeControlArray *,CCoeControl *,TInt) |
| CCoeControl::HandlePointerBufferReadyL() |
| CCoeControl::HandleRedrawEvent(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::HitTest()const |
| CCoeControl::IgnoreEventsUntilNextPointerUp() |
| CCoeControl::Index(const CCoeControl *)const |
| CCoeControl::InitComponentArrayL() |
| CCoeControl::IsActivated()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBackedUp()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBeingDestroyed()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBlank()const |
| CCoeControl::IsDimmed()const |
| CCoeControl::IsFocused()const |
| CCoeControl::IsNonFocusing()const |
| CCoeControl::IsReadyToDraw()const |
| CCoeControl::IsVisible()const |
| CCoeControl::LayoutManager()const |
| CCoeControl::MaximumWidth()const |
| CCoeControl::NotifyFontChange(const CCoeFontProvider *) |
| CCoeControl::Observer()const |
| CCoeControl::OverrideColorL(TInt,TRgb) |
| CCoeControl::OwnsWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::Parent() |
| CCoeControl::Parent()const |
| CCoeControl::Position()const |
| CCoeControl::PositionChanged() |
| CCoeControl::PositionRelativeToScreen()const |
| CCoeControl::PrepareForFocusGainL() |
| CCoeControl::PrepareForFocusLossL() |
| CCoeControl::ProcessPointerBufferReadyL() |
| CCoeControl::ProcessPointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &) |
| CCoeControl::Rect()const |
| CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergeInputCapabilities(TCoeInputCapabilities &)const |
| CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergedInputCapabilities()const |
| CCoeControl::RefetchPixelMappingL() |
| CCoeControl::RemoveFromParent() |
| CCoeControl::ReportEventL(MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent) |
| CCoeControl::RequestRelayout(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::ResetGc()const |
| CCoeControl::ScreenFont(const TCoeFont &)const |
| CCoeControl::SetAllowStrayPointers() |
| CCoeControl::SetBackground(const MCoeControlBackground *) |
| CCoeControl::SetBlank() |
| CCoeControl::SetCanDrawOutsideRect() |
| CCoeControl::SetComponentsToInheritVisibility(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(RBackedUpWindow &) |
| CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(RWindow &) |
| CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(const CCoeControl &) |
| CCoeControl::SetControlContext(MCoeControlContext *) |
| CCoeControl::SetCornerAndSize(TGulAlignment,const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetCustomGc(CWindowGc *) |
| CCoeControl::SetDimmed(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetExtent(const TPoint &,const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetExtentToWholeScreen() |
| CCoeControl::SetFocus(TBool,TDrawNow) |
| CCoeControl::SetFocusing(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetFontProviderL(const CCoeFontProvider &) |
| CCoeControl::SetGc(CWindowGc *)const |
| CCoeControl::SetGloballyCapturing(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetHitTest(const MCoeControlHitTest *) |
| CCoeControl::SetLayoutManagerL(MCoeLayoutManager *) |
| CCoeControl::SetMaximumWidth(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetMopParent(MObjectProvider *) |
| CCoeControl::SetNeighbor(CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::SetNonFocusing() |
| CCoeControl::SetObserver(MCoeControlObserver *) |
| CCoeControl::SetParent(CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::SetPointerCapture(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetPosition(const TPoint &) |
| CCoeControl::SetRect(const TRect &) |
| CCoeControl::SetSize(const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetSizeWithoutNotification(const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetTextBaselineSpacing(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetUniqueHandle(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetZoomFactorL(TInt,TZoomType) |
| CCoeControl::Size()const |
| CCoeControl::SystemGc()const |
| CCoeControl::TextBaselineOffset(const TSize &)const |
| CCoeControl::TextDrawer(TInt)const |
| CCoeControl::UniqueHandle()const |
| CCoeControl::Window()const |
| CCoeControl::WriteInternalStateNowL(RWriteStream &)const |
| CCoeControl::ZoomWithType()const |
| CCoeControl::operator=(const CCoeControl &) |
| CCoeControl::~CCoeControl() |
| CEikBorderedControl::Border()const |
| CEikBorderedControl::CEikBorderedControl() |
| CEikBorderedControl::CEikBorderedControl(const TGulBorder &) |
| CEikBorderedControl::HasBorder()const |
| CEikBorderedControl::SetAdjacent(TInt) |
| CEikBorderedControl::SetBorder(TGulBorder::TBorderType) |
| CEikBorderedControl::SetBorder(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::ActivateFirstPageL()const |
| CEikDialog::ActivePageId()const |
| CEikDialog::ActivePageIndex()const |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoDateEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,const TTime &,const TTime &,TBool,TTime *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoDurationEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &,TBool,TTimeIntervalSeconds *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoFixedPointEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,TInt,TInt *,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoFloatEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,const TReal &,const TReal &,TReal *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoGlobalTextEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,TInt,TInt,TInt,CGlobalText *,TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoNumberEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,TInt,TInt *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoRangeEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,TInt,HBufC *,SEikRange *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoRichTextEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,TInt,TInt,TInt,CGlobalText *,TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoSecretEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,TDes *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoTextEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,TInt,TInt,TDes *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoTimeAndDateEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,const TTime &,const TTime &,TBool,TBool,HBufC *,TTime *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoTimeEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,const TTime &,const TTime &,TBool,TTime *) |
| CEikDialog::AddAutoTimeOffsetEditorL(const TDesC &,TInt,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &,TBool,TTimeIntervalSeconds *) |
| CEikDialog::AdjustAllIdsOnPage(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::BorderStyle() |
| CEikDialog::ButtonCommandObserver()const |
| CEikDialog::ButtonGroupContainer()const |
| CEikDialog::ComponentControl(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::ConstructAutoDialogLC(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::ConstructSleepingAlertDialogL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::ConstructSleepingDialogL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::Control(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::ControlCaption(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::ControlOrNull(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::ControlsOnPage(RArray< CEikCaptionedControl * > &,TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::CountComponentControls()const |
| CEikDialog::CreateCustomControlL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::CreateLineByTypeL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,TAny *) |
| CEikDialog::CreateLineByTypeL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,TInt,TAny *) |
| CEikDialog::CurrentLine()const |
| CEikDialog::DECLARE_TYPE_ID(0x10282EA8) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoDateEditor(TInt,TTime *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoDurationEditor(TInt,TTimeIntervalSeconds *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoFixedPointEditor(TInt,TInt *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoNumberEditor(TInt,TInt *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoRangeEditor(TInt,SEikRange *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoSecretEditor(TInt,TDes *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoTextEditorL(TInt,TDes *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoTimeAndDateEditor(TInt,TTime *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoTimeEditor(TInt,TTime *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareAutoTimeOffsetEditor(TInt,TTimeIntervalSeconds *) |
| CEikDialog::DeclareItemAuto(TInt,TInt,TAny *) |
| CEikDialog::DeleteLine(TInt,TBool) |
| CEikDialog::DialogFlags() |
| CEikDialog::DurationEditorValue(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::ExitSleepingDialog() |
| CEikDialog::Extension()const |
| CEikDialog::FindLineIndex(const CCoeControl &)const |
| CEikDialog::FixedPointEditorDecimal(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::FixedPointEditorValue(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::FloatEditorValue(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::FloatingPointEditorValue(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::FormFlagsFromActivePage() |
| CEikDialog::GetAutoValuesFromPage(CEikCapCArray *) |
| CEikDialog::GetColorUseListL(CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &)const |
| CEikDialog::GetCustomAutoValue(TAny *,TInt,const CCoeControl *) |
| CEikDialog::GetEdwinText(TDes &,TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::GetFileName(TFileName *,TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::GetFirstLineOnFirstPageOrNull() |
| CEikDialog::GetLabelText(TDes &,TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::GetLineByLineAndPageIndex(TInt,TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::GetNumberOfLinesOnPage(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::GetNumberOfPages()const |
| CEikDialog::GetSecretEditorText(TDes &,TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::GetTextEditorText(CGlobalText *&,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl *,TCoeEvent) |
| CEikDialog::HandleControlStateChangeL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::HandleDialogPageEventL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::HandleInteractionRefused(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::IdOfFocusControl()const |
| CEikDialog::InputCapabilities()const |
| CEikDialog::InsertLineL(TInt,TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::IsEditable()const |
| CEikDialog::Layout() |
| CEikDialog::Line(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::LineChangedL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::ListBoxCurrentItem(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::MakeLineVisible(TInt,TBool) |
| CEikDialog::MakePanelButtonVisible(TInt,TBool) |
| CEikDialog::MakeVisible(TBool) |
| CEikDialog::MakeWholeLineVisible(TInt,TBool) |
| CEikDialog::MappedCommandId(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::NumberEditorValue(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::PageChangedL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::PostLayoutDynInitL() |
| CEikDialog::PreferredSize(const TSize &)const |
| CEikDialog::PrepareContext(CWindowGc &)const |
| CEikDialog::PrepareForFocusTransitionL() |
| CEikDialog::PublishDialogL(TInt,TUid) |
| CEikDialog::RangeEditorValue(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::ReadResourceLC(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::RegisterDialgWithPageSelector() |
| CEikDialog::ResetLineMinimumSizes() |
| CEikDialog::ResetSecretEditor(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::RotateFocusByL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::RouseSleepingDialog() |
| CEikDialog::SetControlCaptionL(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetControlCaptionL(TInt,const TDesC &) |
| CEikDialog::SetDurationEditorMinAndMax(TInt,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &) |
| CEikDialog::SetDurationEditorValue(TInt,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &) |
| CEikDialog::SetEditableL(TBool) |
| CEikDialog::SetEdwinTextL(TInt,const TDesC *) |
| CEikDialog::SetFileNameL(TInt,const TDesC *) |
| CEikDialog::SetFixedPointEditorDecimal(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetFixedPointEditorValueL(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetFloatEditorMinAndMax(TInt,TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetFloatEditorValueL(TInt,TReal) |
| CEikDialog::SetFloatingPointEditorValueL(TInt,const TReal *) |
| CEikDialog::SetInitialCurrentLine() |
| CEikDialog::SetLabelL(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetLabelL(TInt,const TDesC &) |
| CEikDialog::SetLabelReserveLengthL(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetLineDimmedNow(TInt,TBool) |
| CEikDialog::SetLineNonFocusing(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetListBoxCurrentItem(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetMediatorObserver(MAknDialogMediatorObserver *) |
| CEikDialog::SetMultilineQuery(TBool) |
| CEikDialog::SetNumberEditorMinAndMax(TInt,TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetNumberEditorValue(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetPageDensePacking(TInt,TBool) |
| CEikDialog::SetPageDimmedNow(TInt,TBool) |
| CEikDialog::SetRangeEditorMinAndMax(TInt,TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetRangeEditorValue(TInt,const SEikRange &) |
| CEikDialog::SetSizeAndPosition(const TSize &) |
| CEikDialog::SetTTimeEditorMinAndMax(TInt,const TTime &,const TTime &) |
| CEikDialog::SetTTimeEditorValue(TInt,const TTime &) |
| CEikDialog::SetTextEditorTextL(TInt,const CGlobalText *) |
| CEikDialog::SetTimeOffsetEditorMinAndMax(TInt,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &) |
| CEikDialog::SetTimeOffsetEditorValue(TInt,const TTimeIntervalSeconds &) |
| CEikDialog::SetTitleL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::SetTitleL(const TDesC &) |
| CEikDialog::SlideDialog() |
| CEikDialog::SwapButtonGroupContainer(CEikButtonGroupContainer *) |
| CEikDialog::SwitchLineLatency(TInt,TInt) |
| CEikDialog::TTimeEditorValue(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::TimeOffsetEditorValue(TInt)const |
| CEikDialog::Title()const |
| CEikDialog::TryChangeFocusToL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::TryExitL(TInt) |
| CEikDialog::UpdatePageL(TBool) |
| CEikDialog::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream &)const |
| CEikDialog::~CEikDialog() |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
CmPluginBaseSettingsDlg(CCmPluginBaseEng &)
IMPORT_C | ~CmPluginBaseSettingsDlg | ( | ) | |
Member Functions Documentation
AppendSettingTextsL(CDesCArray &, const TInt, const TInt)
IMPORT_C void | AppendSettingTextsL | ( | CDesCArray & | aItemArray, |
| const TInt | aSettingItemId, |
| const TInt | aValueResId |
| ) | [protected] |
Adds the setting item text to the setting list array
- Since
- S60 3.2
CDesCArray & aItemArray | an array of setting texts |
const TInt aSettingItemId | the Id used to recognise a setting |
const TInt aValueResId | the resource if for the setting value |
AppendSettingTextsL(CDesCArray &, const TInt, const HBufC *)
IMPORT_C void | AppendSettingTextsL | ( | CDesCArray & | aItemArray, |
| const TInt | aSettingItemId, |
| const HBufC * | aValueString = NULL |
| ) | [protected] |
Adds the setting item text to the setting list array
- Since
- S60 3.2
CDesCArray & aItemArray | an array of setting texts |
const TInt aSettingItemId | the Id used to recognise a setting |
const HBufC * aValueString = NULL | the value of a setting |
AppendSettingTextsL(CDesCArray &, const TInt, const TInt, const TInt, const TBool)
IMPORT_C void | AppendSettingTextsL | ( | CDesCArray & | aItemArray, |
| const TInt | aSettingItemId, |
| const TInt | aTitleResId, |
| const TInt | aValueResId, |
| const TBool | aCompulsory = EFalse |
| ) | const [protected] |
Adds the setting item text to the setting list array
- Since
- S60 3.2
CDesCArray & aItemArray | an array of setting texts |
const TInt aSettingItemId | the Id used to recognise a setting |
const TInt aTitleResId | the resource if for the setting title |
const TInt aValueResId | the resource if for the setting value |
const TBool aCompulsory = EFalse | indicates compulsory settings |
AppendSettingTextsL(CDesCArray &, const TInt, const TInt, const TDesC &, const TBool)
IMPORT_C void | AppendSettingTextsL | ( | CDesCArray & | aItemArray, |
| const TInt | aSettingItemId, |
| const TInt | aTitleResId, |
| const TDesC & | aValueString, |
| const TBool | aCompulsory = EFalse |
| ) | const [protected] |
Adds the setting item text to the setting list array
- Since
- S60 3.2
CDesCArray & aItemArray | an array of setting texts |
const TInt aSettingItemId | the Id used to recognise a setting |
const TInt aTitleResId | the resource if for the setting title |
const TDesC & aValueString | the value of a setting |
const TBool aCompulsory = EFalse | indicates compulsory settings |
IMPORT_C TInt | ConstructAndRunLD | ( | ) | |
Create and launch dialog.
- Since
- S60 3.2
DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt, CEikMenuPane *)
IMPORT_C void | DynInitMenuPaneL | ( | TInt | aResourceId, |
| CEikMenuPane * | aMenuPane |
| ) | [protected, virtual] |
EditorId(TUint32, TUint32)
IMPORT_C void | Execute | ( | ) | [virtual] |
GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext &)
GetIPv6DNSTypeL(TUint32, TUint32)
IMPORT_C void | HandleLeaveError | ( | TInt | aError | ) | [virtual] |
HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox *, TListBoxEvent)
IMPORT_C void | HandleListBoxEventL | ( | CEikListBox * | aListBox, |
| TListBoxEvent | aEventType |
| ) | [protected] |
IMPORT_C void | HandleListboxDataChangeL | ( | ) | |
IMPORT_C void | HandleResourceChange | ( | TInt | aType | ) | [virtual] |
TInt aType | Type of the resource change |
IMPORT_C void | InitTextsL | ( | ) | [virtual] |
LoadResourceL(const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt | LoadResourceL | ( | const TDesC & | aResFileName | ) | [protected] |
Loads a resource file.
- Since
- S60 3.2
const TDesC & aResFileName | the resource file name. |
OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &, TEventCode)
IMPORT_C TBool | OkToExitL | ( | TInt | aButtonId | ) | [protected, virtual] |
IMPORT_C void | PreLayoutDynInitL | ( | ) | [protected, virtual] |
IMPORT_C void | ProcessCommandL | ( | TInt | aCommandId | ) | [virtual] |
void | RunAdvancedSettingsL | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Runs the Advanced settings dialog
- Since
- S60 3.2
IMPORT_C void | SelectItem | ( | TInt | aItemIndex | ) | [protected] |
Selects one item of the listbox.
- Since
- S60 3.2
TInt aItemIndex | The index of the item to be select. |
SetTitleL(CAknSettingPage *, TUint32, TUint32)
void | SetUniqueNameL | ( | TPtr | ptrTextToChange | ) | [private] |
Tries to save the connection name. If it is not unique opens a dialog to notify the user and asks the name again.
ShowPopupIPv4DNSEditorL(TUint32, TUint32, TUint32, TUint32)
ShowPopupIPv6DNSEditorL(const TUint32 *, TUint32, TUint32, TUint32)
ShowPopupIpSettingPageL(TUint32, TUint32)
Displays an IP setting page
TUint32 aAttribute | the setting to be modified |
TUint32 aTitleId = 0 | The title of the setting page |
ShowPopupPasswordSettingPageL(TUint32, TUint32)
Shows a popup page for password settings
- Since
- S60 3.2
TUint32 aAttribute | the setting to be modified |
TUint32 aTitleId = 0 | The title of the setting page if NULL, default is used |
ShowPopupPortNumSettingPageL(TUint32, TUint32)
Shows a popup page for numeric settings
- Since
- S60 3.2
TUint32 aAttribute | the setting to be modified |
TUint32 aTitleId = 0 | The title of the setting page |
ShowPopupSettingPageL(TUint32, TInt)
IMPORT_C TBool | ShowPopupSettingPageL | ( | TUint32 | aAttribute, |
| TInt | aCommandId |
| ) | [protected, virtual] |
Shows the setting page for a certain setting.
- Since
- S60 3.2
TUint32 aAttribute | The setting to be changed by the setting page |
TInt aCommandId | The command the attribute is changed with (ok/change key pressed) |
ShowPopupTextSettingPageL(TUint32, TUint32)
ShowRadioButtonSettingPageL(const TUint32 *, TInt &, TUint32)
Displays a Radio button setting page
- Since
- S60 3.2
const TUint32 * aResIds | an array of item texts terminated with 0. |
TInt & aCurrentItem | The currently selected item |
TUint32 aTitleId | The title of the setting page |
ShowRadioButtonSettingPageL(CDesCArrayFlat &, TInt &, TUint32)
Displays a Radio button setting page
- Since
- S60 3.2
CDesCArrayFlat & aItems | array of selection items |
TInt & aCurrentItem | The currently selected item |
TUint32 aTitleId | The title of the setting page |
StringAttributeWithDefaultL(TUint32, TUint32)
Sets a string attribute in the settings listbox.
- Since
- S60 3.2
TUint32 aAttribute | The attribute id to set. |
TUint32 aDefRes | The default string's resource to use. HBuf ownership is passed to the caller |
TitleId(TUint32, TUint32)
UpdateListBoxContentBearerSpecificL(CDesCArray &)
void | UpdateListBoxContentBearerSpecificL | ( | CDesCArray & | aItemArray | ) | [pure virtual] |
Updates bearer specific listbox contents.
- Since
- S60 3.2
CDesCArray & aItemArray | The listbox's item array containing the setting texts |
IMPORT_C void | UpdateListBoxContentL | ( | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Updates Setting items in the listbox (setting names and values are refreshed).
- Since
- S60 3.2
Member Data Documentation
| iCanEditingContinue |
CCmPluginBaseEng & iCmPluginBaseEng
CCmdExec * iCmdExec
CCmdExec * | iCmdExec | [private] |
| iExitReason | [protected] |
Contains the help context of the current settings view
| iIsPossibleToSaveSetting |
CDesCArrayFlat * iItemArray
CAknSettingStyleListBox * iListbox
CAknNavigationDecorator * iNaviDecorator
CAknNavigationControlContainer * iNaviPane
HBufC * iOldTitleText
HBufC * | iOldTitleText | [protected] |
| iProcessing | [private] |
RConeResourceLoader iResourceReader
RConeResourceLoader | iResourceReader | [protected] |
CArrayFixFlat< TUint > * iSettingIndex
CEikStatusPane * iStatusPane
CEikStatusPane * | iStatusPane | [protected] |
CAknTitlePane * iTitlePane
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reserved. Unless otherwise stated, these materials are provided under the terms of the Eclipse Public License