lbtcommon.h File Reference

Typedef TLbtTriggerId

typedef TUint32 TLbtTriggerId

Trigger identity data type.

S60 5.1

const TLbtTriggerId KLbtNullTriggerId

const TLbtTriggerIdKLbtNullTriggerId

Defines the null trigger ID.

S60 5.1

const TInt KLbtMaxNameLength

const TIntKLbtMaxNameLength

Defines maximum length of the trigger name.

S60 5.1

const TInt KErrTriggerAreaTooSmall

const TIntKErrTriggerAreaTooSmall

Error code used when a client application tries to create a trigger with trigger area smaller than the system's minimum size of trigger area.

S60 5.1

const TInt KLbtErrMaxTriggerLimitExceeded

const TIntKLbtErrMaxTriggerLimitExceeded

Error code used when a client application tries to create start-up triggers beyond the limit specified by the system

S60 5.1

const TInt KLbtErrMaxEnabledValidTriggersLimitExceeded

const TIntKLbtErrMaxEnabledValidTriggersLimitExceeded

Error code used when a client application tries to create triggers beyond the total number of enabled and valid triggers limit define by the system

S60 5.1

Typedef TLbtTriggerAttributeFieldsMask

typedef TUint32 TLbtTriggerAttributeFieldsMask

Trigger entry attribute fields mask.

const TLbtTriggerAttributeFieldsMask KLbtTriggerAttributeFieldsAll

const TLbtTriggerAttributeFieldsMaskKLbtTriggerAttributeFieldsAll

Defines all attributes of a trigger entry are specified.

S60 5.1

Typedef TLbtTriggerDynamicInfoFieldsMask

typedef TUint32 TLbtTriggerDynamicInfoFieldsMask

Trigger dynamic information fields mask.

const TLbtTriggerDynamicInfoFieldsMask KLbtTriggerDynInfoFieldsAll

const TLbtTriggerDynamicInfoFieldsMaskKLbtTriggerDynInfoFieldsAll

Defines all attributes of the trigger's dynamic information are specified.

S60 5.1

const TInt KLbtDefaultTimeToRearm

const TIntKLbtDefaultTimeToRearm

Defines the default time interval after which the trigger is set effective by the Location Triggering Server.

S60 5.1

const TInt KLbtMaxTimeToRearm

const TIntKLbtMaxTimeToRearm

Defines the maximum time interval after which the trigger is set effective by the Location Triggering Server.

S60 5.1

const TInt KLbtMinTimeToRearm

const TIntKLbtMinTimeToRearm

Defines the minimum time interval after which the trigger is set effective by the Location Triggering Server.

S60 5.1