TScheduleEntryInfo2 Class Reference

class TScheduleEntryInfo2

Contains detailed information for a single schedule entry.

A schedule can have any number of schedule entries. A client passes one or more of these objects, contained within an array, to the RScheduler functions that create or amend a schedule.

RScheduler::CreatePersistentSchedule() RScheduler::EditSchedule() RScheduler::ScheduleTask() RScheduler::GetScheduleL()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



TScheduleEntryInfo2 Default constructor. It sets the object's members data to the following default values. iIntervalType : EHourly iStartTime : UTC time set to 0 iInterval : 0 iValidityPeriod : 0

TScheduleEntryInfo2(const TScheduleEntryInfo2 &)

IMPORT_CTScheduleEntryInfo2(const TScheduleEntryInfo2 &aEntryInfo)

Copy constructor for TScheduleEntryInfo2 Sets the parameter's data to this object.


const TScheduleEntryInfo2 & aEntryInfoThe TScheduleEntryInfo2 object to be copied

TScheduleEntryInfo2(const TTsTime &, TIntervalType, TInt, TTimeIntervalMinutes)

IMPORT_CTScheduleEntryInfo2(const TTsTime &aStartTime,

TScheduleEntryInfo2 constructor taking the specified parameters.


const TTsTime & aStartTimeThe first time that the entry will cause execution of tasks
TIntervalType aIntervalTypeDefines the type of time-frame relative to which execution of tasks is timed; for example, EHourly implies relative to the current hour, EDaily implies relative to the current day
TInt aIntervalThe interval between execution of tasks For a schedule entry interval to be valid, it should be greater than or equal to 1
TTimeIntervalMinutes aValidityPeriod

TScheduleEntryInfo2(const TScheduleEntryInfo &)

TScheduleEntryInfo2(const TScheduleEntryInfo &aEntryInfo)

Non exported constructor accepting a TScheduleEntryInfo parameter This constructor is provided for use with the deprecated APIs. This will assume home time in order to maintain backwards compatibility and will create a # TScheduleEntryInfo2 object with a local time based start time. TScheduleEntryInfo


const TScheduleEntryInfo & aEntryInfoEntry info of deprecated type TScheduleEntryInfo

Member Functions Documentation

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream)const

Externalises an object of this class to a write stream. The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() can be used to externalise objects of this class.


RWriteStream & aStreamStream to which the object should be externalised. only used by server

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)

Internalises an object of this class from a read stream. The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator>>() can be used to internalise objects of this class.


RReadStream & aStreamStream from which the object is to be internalised. only used by server


IMPORT_C TIntInterval()const

Returns the interval between execution of tasks. TScheduleEntryInfo2::SetInterval


IMPORT_C TIntervalTypeIntervalType()const

Returns the Interval Type TIntervalType



Calls ProcessOffsetEvent() on TScheduleEntryInfo's start time member TTsTime::ProcessOffsetEvent only used by the server


IMPORT_C voidSetInterval(TIntaInterval)

Sets the interval between execution of tasks. The way that this value is interpreted depends on the value of iIntervalType. For example, if the interval is 2 and iIntervalType has a value of EMonthly, then the interval is 2 months.


TInt aIntervalFor a schedule entry interval to be valid, it should be greater than or equal to 1.


IMPORT_C voidSetIntervalType(TIntervalTypeaIntervalType)

Sets the type of interval used between due times for this schedule entry. The type of interval used may be EHourly, EDaily, EMonthly or EYearly. TIntervalType


TIntervalType aIntervalTypeThe type of interval to be used.

SetStartTime(const TTsTime &)

IMPORT_C voidSetStartTime(const TTsTime &aStartTime)

Sets the first time the entry will cause execution of tasks. TTsTime


const TTsTime & aStartTimeThis TTsTime value may be either UTC or local time based. If this is a local time based value, the schedule entry will remain at that local time regardless of timezone and DST changes (ie. it will float) If the value is UTC based, the schedule entry will remain at that UTC time (will not float).


IMPORT_C voidSetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutesaValidityPeriod)

Sets the period for which the entry is valid. After the validity period has expired, tasks associated with the entry will not be eligible for execution TTimeIntervalMinutes


TTimeIntervalMinutes aValidityPeriod


IMPORT_C const TTsTime &StartTime()const

Returns the first time at which the entry will cause execution of tasks. TTsTime


IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMinutesValidityPeriod()const

Return the period for which the entry is valid. After the validity period has expired, tasks associated with the entry will not be eligible for execution

operator=(const TScheduleEntryInfo2 &)

IMPORT_C TScheduleEntryInfo2 &operator=(const TScheduleEntryInfo2 &aEntryInfo)

Assignment operator for TScheduleEntryInfo2 Mem::Copy


const TScheduleEntryInfo2 & aEntryInfo

Member Data Documentation

TInt iInterval

TInt iInterval[private]

The interval between execution of tasks. The way that this value is interpreted depends on the value of iIntervalType. For example, if the interval is 2 and iIntervalType has a value of EMonthly, then the interval is 2 months. The interval must have a minimum value of 1.

TIntervalType iIntervalType

TIntervalType iIntervalType[private]

Defines the type of interval between the execution of tasks. May be EHourly, EDaily, EMonthly or EYearly.

TAny * iReserved

TAny *iReserved[private]

For future use

TTsTime iStartTime

TTsTime iStartTime[private]

The first time that the entry will cause execution of tasks.

TTimeIntervalMinutes iValidityPeriod

TTimeIntervalMinutes iValidityPeriod[private]

The period for which the entry is valid. After the validity period has expired, tasks associated with the entry will not be eligible for execution.