_xmlSecEncCtx Struct Reference

struct _xmlSecEncCtx

xmlSecEncCtx: : the pointer to user data (xmlsec and xmlsec-crypto libraries never touches this). : the XML Encryption processing flags. : the XML Encryption processing flags. : the mode. : the reading key context. : the writing key context (not used for signature verification). : the transforms processing context. : the default encryption method (used if <enc:EncryptionMethod/> node is not present). : the signature key; application may set encKey before calling encryption/decryption functions. : the operation: encrypt or decrypt. XML Encrypiton context.

Member Data Documentation

xmlChar * carriedKeyName

xmlChar *carriedKeyName

xmlNodePtr cipherValueNode

xmlNodePtr cipherValueNode

xmlSecTransformId defEncMethodId

xmlSecTransformId defEncMethodId

xmlNodePtr encDataNode

xmlNodePtr encDataNode

xmlSecKeyPtr encKey

xmlSecKeyPtr encKey

xmlSecTransformPtr encMethod

xmlSecTransformPtr encMethod

xmlNodePtr encMethodNode

xmlNodePtr encMethodNode

xmlChar * encoding

xmlChar *encoding

unsigned int flags

unsigned intflags

unsigned int flags2

unsigned intflags2

xmlChar * id

xmlChar *id

xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode

xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode

xmlSecKeyInfoCtx keyInfoReadCtx

xmlSecKeyInfoCtx keyInfoReadCtx

xmlSecKeyInfoCtx keyInfoWriteCtx

xmlSecKeyInfoCtx keyInfoWriteCtx

xmlChar * mimeType

xmlChar *mimeType

xmlEncCtxMode mode

xmlEncCtxMode mode

xmlSecTransformOperation operation

xmlSecTransformOperation operation

xmlChar * recipient

xmlChar *recipient

void * reserved0

void *reserved0

void * reserved1

void *reserved1

xmlSecBufferPtr result

xmlSecBufferPtr result

int resultBase64Encoded


int resultReplaced


xmlSecTransformCtx transformCtx

xmlSecTransformCtx transformCtx

xmlChar * type

xmlChar *type

void * userData

void *userData