ScanInfo Class Reference

class ScanInfo : public ScanListIterator

Wrapper class to parse data fields from scan info.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ScanInfo(const ScanList &)

ScanInfo(const ScanList &scan_list)

C++ constructor.


const ScanList & scan_listReference to the scan list container.

ScanInfo(const ScanInfo &)

ScanInfo(const ScanInfo &)[private]

Prohibit copy constructor.


const ScanInfo &

Member Functions Documentation


voidBSSID(u8_tbssid)const [inline]

Return BSSID of the BSS.


u8_t bssidBSSID of the BSS.


u16_t BeaconInterval()const [inline]

Return the beacon interval of the BSS.


u16_t Capability()const [inline]

Return the capability information of the BSS.

CurrentIE(u8_t &, u8_t &, const u8_t **)

WlanScanError CurrentIE(u8_t &ie_id,
u8_t &ie_length,
const u8_t **ie_data
)const [private]

Return current information element.


u8_t & ie_idElement ID of the information element.
u8_t & ie_lengthLength of the IE. Zero if IE not found.
const u8_t ** ie_dataPointer to the beginning of the IE data. NULL if IE not found.

FirstIE(u8_t &, u8_t &, const u8_t **)

WlanScanError FirstIE(u8_t &ie_id,
u8_t &ie_length,
const u8_t **ie_data

Return the first information element.


u8_t & ie_idElement ID of the information element.
u8_t & ie_lengthLength of the IE. Zero if IE not found.
const u8_t ** ie_dataPointer to the beginning of the IE data. NULL if IE not found.

InformationElement(u8_t, u8_t &, const u8_t **)

WlanScanError InformationElement(u8_tie_id,
u8_t &ie_length,
const u8_t **ie_data

Return the requested information element.


u8_t ie_idElement ID of the information element.
u8_t & ie_lengthLength of the IE. Zero if IE not found.
const u8_t ** ie_dataPointer to the beginning of the IE data. NULL if IE not found.

InformationElement(u8_t, const WlanIeOui &, u8_t, u8_t &, const u8_t **)

WlanScanError InformationElement(u8_tie_id,
const WlanIeOui &ie_oui,
u8_t &ie_length,
const u8_t **ie_data

Return the first information element with given OUI and OUI type.


u8_t ie_idElement ID of the information element.
const WlanIeOui & ie_ouiOUI element of the requested IE.
u8_t ie_oui_typeOUI type element of the requested IE.
u8_t & ie_lengthLength of the IE. Zero if IE not found.
const u8_t ** ie_dataPointer to the beginning of the IE data. NULL if IE not found.

InformationElement(u8_t, const WlanIeOui &, u8_t, u8_t, u8_t &, const u8_t **)

WlanScanError InformationElement(u8_tie_id,
const WlanIeOui &ie_oui,
u8_t &ie_length,
const u8_t **ie_data

Return the first information element with given OUI, OUI type and OUI subtype.


u8_t ie_idElement ID of the information element.
const WlanIeOui & ie_ouiOUI element of the requested IE.
u8_t ie_oui_typeOUI type element of the requested IE.
u8_t ie_oui_subtypeOUI subtype element of the requested IE.
u8_t & ie_lengthLength of the IE. Zero if IE not found.
const u8_t ** ie_dataPointer to the beginning of the IE data. NULL if IE not found.

IsApSetupLocked(const u8_t *, const u8_t)

bool_t IsApSetupLocked(const u8_t *ie_data,
const u8_tie_length
)const [private]

Search through WSC IE and return value of AP setup locked attribute.


const u8_t * ie_dataPointer to the beginning of the IE data.
const u8_t ie_lengthLength of the IE.


bool_t IsProtectedSetupSupported()

Check whether Wi-Fi Protected Setup is supported.

NextIE(u8_t &, u8_t &, const u8_t **)

WlanScanError NextIE(u8_t &ie_id,
u8_t &ie_length,
const u8_t **ie_data

Return next information element.


u8_t & ie_idElement ID of the information element.
u8_t & ie_lengthLength of the IE. Zero if IE not found.
const u8_t ** ie_dataPointer to the beginning of the IE data. NULL if IE not found.


WlanOperatingMode OperatingMode()const [inline]

Return the operating mode of the BSS.


bool_t Privacy()const [inline]

Return whether the privacy bit is enabled in BSs capabilities.


u8_t RXLevel()const [inline]

Return the measured Received Channel Power Indicator value of the BSS.


WlanSecurityMode SecurityMode()

Return the security mode of the BSS.


u8_t SignalNoiseRatio()const [inline]

Return the measured signal noise ratio of the BSS.


voidTimestamp(u8_ttimestamp)const [inline]

Return the timestamp (TSF) of the BSS.


u8_t timestampTimestamp of the BSS.

WpaIE(u8_t &, const u8_t **)

WlanScanError WpaIE(u8_t &ie_length,
const u8_t **ie_data

Return the WPA information element.


u8_t & ie_lengthLength of the IE. Zero if IE not found.
const u8_t ** ie_dataPointer to the beginning of the IE data. NULL if IE not found.

operator=(const ScanInfo &)

ScanInfo &operator=(const ScanInfo &)[private]

Prohibit assigment operator.


const ScanInfo &

Member Data Documentation

const u8_t * ie_iter_m

const u8_t *ie_iter_m[private]

Iterator for going through IEs of scan info.