CEzlibExample Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ~CEzlibExample ()
void OpenZipFileL (RFs &aFsSession)
void GetPropertiesL (TFileName &aFileName, RFs &aFsSession)
void ExtractFilesL (const CZipFileMember *aMember, CZipFile *aZipFile, RFs &aFsSession, const TDesC &aOutputPath)
void CompressToGzipFileL (RFs &aFsSession)
void ExtractGzipFileL (RFs &aFsSession)

Static Public Member Functions

static CEzlibExampleNewLC ()

Detailed Description

Demonstrates the use of the Symbian platform Ezlib component to zip and unzip .GZ files and unzip .ZIP files. CEzlibExample publicly inherits from CBase, which is the base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap.

Definition at line 33 of file ezlibexample.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CEzlibExample::~CEzlibExample (  ) 


Definition at line 100 of file ezlibexample.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

CEzlibExample * CEzlibExample::NewLC (  )  [static]

Allocates and constructs a CEzlibExample object and leaves it on the cleanup stack. Initialises all member data to their default values.

Definition at line 75 of file ezlibexample.cpp.

void CEzlibExample::GetPropertiesL ( TFileName &  aFileName,
RFs &  aFsSession 

Gets the properties of each member of the zip file passed to it and prints it on the console.

aFileName Pointer to a file whose properties are to be fetched.
aFsSession File server session handle

KZipArchiveError KZipFileIOError KCentralDirectoryTrailerNotFound KCentralDirectoryTrailerInvalid KMultiDiskArchivesNotSupported ... A system-wide error code.

Definition at line 123 of file ezlibexample.cpp.

void CEzlibExample::ExtractFilesL ( const CZipFileMember *  aMember,
CZipFile *  aZipFile,
RFs &  aFsSession,
const TDesC &  aOutputPath 

Extracts and saves the members of a zip file to the directory passed to the function as aOutputPath.

aMember Pointer to CZipFileMember class
aZipFile Pointer to CZipFile class
aFsSession File server session handle
aOutputPath Path where the file needs to be extracted to

... A system-wide error code.

Definition at line 218 of file ezlibexample.cpp.

void CEzlibExample::CompressToGzipFileL ( RFs &  aFsSession  ) 

Compresses the error.wav file into a gzip file and stores it in the c:\private\e80000b7\gzip\extracts directory.

aFsSession File server session handle KErrAlreadyExists ... A system-wide error code.

Definition at line 353 of file ezlibexample.cpp.

void CEzlibExample::ExtractGzipFileL ( RFs &  aFsSession  ) 

Opens the icon.bmp.gz file and decompresses it to the c:\private\e80000b7\gzip\extracts directory.

aFsSession File server session handle KErrAlreadyExists ... A system-wide error code.

Definition at line 285 of file ezlibexample.cpp.

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