Defining resources for your own CBA buttons

To define resources for your own CBA buttons :

  1. Determine the CBA button requirements of your application.

  2. Declare cba = r_name21 in the EIK_APP_INFO or AVKON_VIEW statements, where r_name21 is a unique identifier in the application.

  3. Create a RESOURCE statement for the CBA buttons. For the declaration in step 2, the syntax is as follows:

            RESOURCE CBA r_name21
    	flags = enumerated value in eikon.hrh;
    	buttons =
    			id = enumerated command either from Symbian platform or from application;
    			txt = STRING_button_name1;
    			bmpfile = file name;
    			bmpid = ID of bitmap in file;
    			bmpmask = ID of bitmap mask in file;


    • flags indicates how the button group should be handled by the Symbian platform. The default value is EEikButtonGroupAddToStack , which indicates the button group should be added to the stack.

      For more information on the stack, see Event handling

      While the value used here is determined by the requirements of your application, typically the default value is valid for most applications.

    • buttons is the name of an array that holds the individual buttons that the group is composed of. The array can contain the CBA_BUTTON structures.

    The CBA_BUTTON structure has the following syntax:

    • id is an enumerated value for the command that is associated with the button. The value used can be provided either by the underlying Symbian platform or by your application .

      For more information on command handling, see Event handling .

    • txt is a string that defines the name of the button present

    • bmpfile , bmpid , and bmpmask are used for defining an icon for the button.