CDRMHelper Class Reference

class CDRMHelper : public CBase

Handles some error situations DRM-aware applications may encounter.

Series 60 2.1

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CDRMHelper ()
IMPORT_C void ActivateContentL ( CData &)
IMPORT_C void ActivateContentL ( TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt CanSetAutomated (const TDesC8 &, TBool &)
IMPORT_C TInt CanSetAutomated (const TDesC &, TBool &)
IMPORT_C TInt CanSetAutomated ( RFile &, TBool &)
IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountL (const TDesC &, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountL ( RFile &, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountL (const TDesC8 &, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsPercentL (const TDesC &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsPercentL ( RFile &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt Consume2 (const TDesC8 &, TUint32 , TDRMHelperConsumeAction )
IMPORT_C TInt ConsumeFile2 (const TDesC &, TUint32 , TDRMHelperConsumeAction )
IMPORT_C TInt ConsumeFile2 ( RFile &, TUint32 , TDRMHelperConsumeAction )
IMPORT_C TInt DataTypesCount ( TInt &)
IMPORT_C TBool EmbeddedPreviewCompletedL ( CData &)
IMPORT_C TBool EmbeddedPreviewCompletedL ( TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetContentURIList ( RPointerArray < HBufC8 > *&)
IMPORT_C void GetPreviewRightsL ( CData &)
IMPORT_C void GetPreviewRightsL ( TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void GetRightsDetailsL (const TDesC &, TUint32 , TBool &, TBool &, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&)
IMPORT_C void GetRightsDetailsL ( RFile &, TUint32 , TBool &, TBool &, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&)
IMPORT_C void GetRightsDetailsL (const TDesC &, TUint32 , TBool &, TBool &, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&)
IMPORT_C void GetRightsDetailsL ( RFile &, TUint32 , TBool &, TBool &, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&)
IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorL ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorL ( TInt , const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorL ( TInt , RFile &)
IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorOrPreviewL ( TInt , RFile &, HBufC8 *&)
IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorOrPreviewL ( TInt , const TDesC &, HBufC8 *&)
IMPORT_C TBool HasInfoUrlL ( CData &, HBufC8 *&)
IMPORT_C TBool HasInfoUrlL ( TDesC &, HBufC8 *&)
IMPORT_C TDRMHelperPreviewType HasPreviewL ( CData &, HBufC8 *&)
IMPORT_C TDRMHelperPreviewType HasPreviewL ( TDesC &, HBufC8 *&)
IMPORT_C void IndicateIdle ()
IMPORT_C void LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C void LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL ( RFile &)
IMPORT_C void LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL (const HBufC8 *)
IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewL ( CCoeEnv &)
IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewL ()
IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewL ( CCoeEnv &, RFs &)
IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewL ( RFs &)
IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewLC ( CCoeEnv &)
IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewLC ()
IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewLC ( CCoeEnv &, RFs &)
IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewLC ( RFs &)
IMPORT_C void OpenInfoUrlL ( CData &)
IMPORT_C void OpenInfoUrlL ( TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt RegisterDataType (const TDataType &)
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomated (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomated (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomated ( RFile &)
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomatedPassive (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomatedPassive (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomatedPassive ( RFile &)
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomated (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomated (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomated ( RFile &)
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedPassive (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedPassive (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedPassive ( RFile &)
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedSilent (const TDesC8 &, TBool )
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedSilent (const TDesC &, TBool )
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedSilent ( RFile &, TBool )
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedType ( TDRMHelperAutomatedType )
IMPORT_C void SetCountLimitL ( TUint )
IMPORT_C void SetPercentageLimitL ( TUint )
IMPORT_C TInt SetPreviewMediaType ( TDRMHelperPreviewMediaType )
IMPORT_C void SetTimeLimitL ( TUint )
IMPORT_C TInt ShowAutomatedNote (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt ShowAutomatedNote (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt ShowAutomatedNote ( RFile &)
IMPORT_C TInt ShowDRMUINotification2L ( TDRMHelperNotificationID , const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt ShowDRMUINotification2L ( TDRMHelperNotificationID , const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt SupportedDRMMethods2 ( TInt &, TDRMHelperOMALevel &)
IMPORT_C TInt SupportedDataType (const TInt , TDataType &)
IMPORT_C TInt UnRegisterDataType (const TInt )
Private Member Functions
CDRMHelper ( CCoeEnv &)
CDRMHelper ()
TInt AutomatedResIdL ( TBool , TBool , TUint32 )
TBool BrowserAPDefinedL ()
TInt CalculateEndTime ( CDRMRights *, TInt , TTime &, TBool &)
void CancelSecondaryDisplayL ( TInt )
void CheckPreviewUriL (const CData *, HBufC *&, TInt &)
void ConstructL ( RFs *)
void CreateLaunchParamL ( TUint32 , const HBufC8 *, HBufC *&)
void DisplayInfoNoteL ( TInt )
void DisplayInfoNoteL ( TInt , const TDesC &)
void DisplayInfoNoteL ( TInt , TInt )
void DisplayInfoNoteL ( TDesC &, TInt , const TDesC &, TInt )
TInt DisplayPopupWindowsForPreviewL ( TInt )
TInt DisplayQueryL ( TInt , TInt )
TInt DisplayQueryL ( TInt , const TDesC &)
TInt DisplayQueryL ( TInt , const TDesC &, TInt , TInt , TInt )
TInt DisplayQueryL ( TDesC &, TInt )
TInt DisplayQueryWithIdL ( TInt , TInt )
TInt DisplayQueryWithIdValueL ( TInt , TInt , const TDesC &)
TInt DoCanSetAutomated (const TDesC8 &, const HBufC *, TBool &)
TInt DoCheckRightsAmountL ( HBufC8 *, HBufC *, HBufC *, const TDesC &, TInt , TInt )
TInt DoCheckRightsPercentL ( HBufC8 *, HBufC *, HBufC *, const TDesC &, TInt )
TBool DoCheckSkinCanSetAutomated ( CDRMRights *)
void DoGetRightsDetailsL ( HBufC8 *, TUint32 , TBool &, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&)
void DoGetRightsDetailsL ( CData *, TUint32 , TBool &, TBool &, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&)
TInt DoHandleErrorL ( TInt , HBufC8 *, HBufC *, HBufC *, HBufC *, HBufC *, HBufC8 *, HBufC8 *, const TDesC &)
TInt DoSetAutomatedL (const TDesC8 &, TBool , const HBufC *)
TInt DoSetAutomatedSilent (const TDesC8 &, TBool , TInt )
TInt DoShowAutomatedNoteL (const TDesC8 &, const HBufC *)
TInt ErrorResIdL (const TDesC8 &, TInt , TBool , TBool )
void GetConstraintsL ( CDRMRights &, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&)
TInt GetCounts ( CDRMRightsConstraints *, TUint32 &, TTimeIntervalDays &)
TInt GetCounts ( CDRMRightsConstraints *, TUint32 &, TTime &)
TInt GetCounts ( CDRMConstraint *, TUint32 &, TTimeIntervalDays &)
TInt GetCounts ( CDRMConstraint *, TUint32 &, TTime &)
TInt GetEndTime ( CDRMRightsConstraints *, TTime &, TBool &)
TInt GetExpirationDetails ( HBufC8 *, TInt , CDRMRights *&)
TInt GetFileHandleFromURIL (const TDesC8 &, RFile &)
void GetRightsIssuerL (const CData &, HBufC *&)
TInt GetSilentRightsL (const TDesC8 &)
TInt GetStartTime ( CDRMRights *, TInt , TTime &)
void HandleServerAppExit ( TInt )
HBufC8 * HasSilentRightsUrlL ( CData *)
TInt Intent (const HBufC *)
void LaunchBrowserL ( HBufC8 *)
void LaunchBrowserL ( HBufC *)
void LaunchRightsManagerUiL (const TDesC &)
HBufC * MimeTypeFromURIL (const TDesC8 &)
TInt PerformCanSetAutomatedL (const CData &, TBool &)
TInt PerformRemoveAutomatedL (const CData &, TBool )
TInt PerformSetAutomatedL (const CData &, TBool )
TInt PerformSetAutomatedSilentL (const CData &, TBool )
TInt PerformShowAutomatedNoteL (const CData &)
void PrepareSecondaryDisplayL ( CEikDialog &, TInt , const TDesC &, TInt )
TUint32 RejectReasonL ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
TInt ShowFutureNoteL (const HBufC *, CDRMRights *)
TBool SilentRightsAllowedL ()
TPtrC StripPathAndExtension (const TDesC &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TDRMHelperAutomatedType {
EAutomatedTypeRingingTone , EAutomatedTypeMessageAlert , EAutomatedTypeEmailAlert , EAutomatedTypeIMAlert , EAutomatedTypeCalendarAlarm , EAutomatedTypeScreenSaver , EAutomatedTypeWallpaper , EAutomatedTypeTheme , EAutomatedTypeClockAlarm , EAutomatedTypeOther  = KMaxTUint8
enum TDRMHelperConsumeAction { EStart , EFinish , EPause , EContinue }
enum TDRMHelperDRMMethods { EForwardLock  = 0x0001, ECombinedDelivery  = 0x0002, ESeparateDelivery  = 0x0004, ESuperDistribution  = 0x0008 }
enum TDRMHelperNotificationID { ETActivateTextId  = 1, ETCountBasedErrorTextId  = 2, ETCountUsageReduceId  = 3, ETCountUsageReduceMediaId  = 4 }
enum TDRMHelperOMALevel { EOMA_None , EOMA_1_0 , EOMA_2_0 }
enum TDRMHelperPreviewType { ENoPreview , EEmbeddedPreview , EPreviewRights }
Private Attributes
TInt iAutomatedType
CCoeEnv * iCoeEnv
RPointerArray < CConsumeData > iConsumeList
DRMCommon * iDRMCommon
CMediatorEventProvider * iEventProvider
RFs iFs
TBool iFsOwned
RDRMHelper iHelperServer
RPointerArray < CDRMHelperInfoNoteWrapper > iNoteList
TBool iOma2
TInt iPreviewMediaType
TBool iReturnCancel
CSchemeHandler * iSchemeHandler
CStringResourceReader * iStringResourceReader
TBool iUseCoeEnv
CActiveSchedulerWait iWait

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CDRMHelper(CCoeEnv &)

CDRMHelper ( CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv ) [private]


CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv


CDRMHelper ( ) [private]


IMPORT_C ~CDRMHelper ( )


Member Functions Documentation

ActivateContentL(CData &)

IMPORT_C void ActivateContentL ( CData & aContent )

Acquires rights for given content if rights have been expired or rights are missing. If content already has valid or future rights, does nothing. This function should be called when user selects activate from options menu. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


CData & aContent

ActivateContentL(TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void ActivateContentL ( TDesC & aFileName )

Acquires rights for given content if rights have been expired or rights are missing. If content already has valid or future rights, does nothing. This function should be called when user selects activate from options menu. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


TDesC & aFileName

AutomatedResIdL(TBool, TBool, TUint32)

TInt AutomatedResIdL ( TBool aExpired,
TBool aSecondParameter,
TUint32 aRejectReason
) [private]

Returns correct resource id for automated content notes. If aExpired is ETrue, aSecondParameter indicates if RI URL exists If aExpired is EFalse, aSecondParameter indicates if there is one day left aRejectReason tells the constraints which are invalid.


TBool aExpired
TBool aSecondParameter
TUint32 aRejectReason


TBool BrowserAPDefinedL ( ) [private]

Check if browser AP has been defined

CalculateEndTime(CDRMRights *, TInt, TTime &, TBool &)

TInt CalculateEndTime ( CDRMRights * aRights,
TInt aIntent,
TTime & aEndTime,
TBool & aInactive
) [private]

Get expiration time of given rights object


CDRMRights * aRights
TInt aIntent
TTime & aEndTime
TBool & aInactive

CanSetAutomated(const TDesC8 &, TBool &)

IMPORT_C TInt CanSetAutomated ( const TDesC8 & aURI,
TBool & aValue
Checks if given content can be set as an automated content.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC8 & aURI
TBool & aValue

CanSetAutomated(const TDesC &, TBool &)

IMPORT_C TInt CanSetAutomated ( const TDesC & aFilename,
TBool & aValue
Checks if given content can be set as an automated content.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC & aFilename
TBool & aValue

CanSetAutomated(RFile &, TBool &)

IMPORT_C TInt CanSetAutomated ( RFile & aFileHandle,
TBool & aValue
Checks if given content can be set as an automated content.


RFile & aFileHandle
TBool & aValue


void CancelSecondaryDisplayL ( TInt aResourceId ) [private]

Cancels secondary display for DRM notes


TInt aResourceId

CheckPreviewUriL(const CData *, HBufC *&, TInt &)

void CheckPreviewUriL ( const CData * aContent,
HBufC *& aEmbeddedPreviewUri,
TInt & aPreviewType
) [private]


const CData * aContent
HBufC *& aEmbeddedPreviewUri
TInt & aPreviewType

CheckRightsAmountL(const TDesC &, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aCount =  KDRMHelperDefaultCountThreshold ,
TInt aDays =  KDRMHelperDefaultTimeThreshold
Check rights for the content. If there is less than given amount of usage time/count left, appropriate note is displayed depending on situation.
3.0 Check rights for the file. If there is less than given amount of usage time/count left, one of the following note is displayed depending on situation: 'Usage rights about to expire. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N days left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 day left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N counts left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 count left. View details?' It also checks that rights are valid and displays appropriate note, if they are not.

CheckRightsAmountL(RFile &, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountL ( RFile & aFileHandle,
TInt aCount =  KDRMHelperDefaultCountThreshold ,
TInt aDays =  KDRMHelperDefaultTimeThreshold
Check rights for the file. If there is less than given amount of usage time/count left, one of the following note is displayed depending on situation: 'Usage rights about to expire. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N days left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 day left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N counts left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 count left. View details?' It also checks that rights are valid and displays appropriate note, if they are not.

CheckRightsAmountL(const TDesC8 &, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountL ( const TDesC8 & aUri,
TInt aCount =  KDRMHelperDefaultCountThreshold ,
TInt aDays =  KDRMHelperDefaultTimeThreshold

Check rights for the file. If there is less than given amount of usage time/count left, one of the following note is displayed depending on situation: 'Usage rights about to expire. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N days left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 day left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N counts left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 count left. View details?' It also checks that rights are valid and displays appropriate note, if they are not.

CheckRightsPercentL(const TDesC &, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsPercentL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aThreshold =  KDRMHelperDefaultPercentageThreshold

Check rights for the file. If there is less than aThreshold percent of usage time/count left, one of the following note is displayed depending on situation: 'Usage rights about to expire. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N days left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 day left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N counts left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 count left. View details?' It also checks that rights are valid and displays appropriate note, if they are not.


const TDesC & aFileName
TInt aThreshold =  KDRMHelperDefaultPercentageThreshold

CheckRightsPercentL(RFile &, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsPercentL ( RFile & aFileHandle,
TInt aThreshold =  KDRMHelperDefaultPercentageThreshold
Check rights for the file. If there is less than aThreshold percent of usage time/count left, one of the following note is displayed depending on situation: 'Usage rights about to expire. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N days left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 day left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. N counts left. View details?' 'Usage rights about to expire. 1 count left. View details?' It also checks that rights are valid and displays appropriate note, if they are not.


RFile & aFileHandle
TInt aThreshold =  KDRMHelperDefaultPercentageThreshold

ConstructL(RFs *)

void ConstructL ( RFs * aFs ) [private]

By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.


RFs * aFs

Consume2(const TDesC8 &, TUint32, TDRMHelperConsumeAction)

IMPORT_C TInt Consume2 ( const TDesC8 & aContentURI,
TUint32 aRightsSpec,
TDRMHelperConsumeAction anAction


Overrides any rights consumption. This function must only be used by applications with user interaction and not by intermediate components. The main use cases are signalling that content is to be installed (including thumbnail generation), or that content is to be consumed. They are characterized as calls to this function with the correct intent (i.e. EPlay or EInstall) and the corresponding action (i.e. telling whether the indicated intent is started or finished). Calls to this function must be the result of a user interaction or otherwise high level event.



const TDesC8 & aContentURI
TUint32 aRightsSpec
TDRMHelperConsumeAction anAction

ConsumeFile2(const TDesC &, TUint32, TDRMHelperConsumeAction)

IMPORT_C TInt ConsumeFile2 ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TUint32 aRightsSpec,
TDRMHelperConsumeAction anAction


Overrides any rights consumption. This function must only be used by applications with user interaction and not by intermediate components. The main use cases are signalling that content is to be installed (including thumbnail generation), or that content is to be consumed. They are characterized as calls to this function with the correct intent (i.e. EPlay or EInstall) and the corresponding action (i.e. telling whether the indicated intent is started or finished). Calls to this function must be the result of a user interaction or otherwise high level event.



const TDesC & aFileName
TUint32 aRightsSpec
TDRMHelperConsumeAction anAction

ConsumeFile2(RFile &, TUint32, TDRMHelperConsumeAction)

IMPORT_C TInt ConsumeFile2 ( RFile & aFileHandle,
TUint32 aRightsSpec,
TDRMHelperConsumeAction anAction


Overrides any rights consumption. This function must only be used by applications with user interaction and not by intermediate components. The main use cases are signalling that content is to be installed (including thumbnail generation), or that content is to be consumed. They are characterized as calls to this function with the correct intent (i.e. EPlay or EInstall) and the corresponding action (i.e. telling whether the indicated intent is started or finished). Calls to this function must be the result of a user interaction or otherwise high level event.



RFile & aFileHandle
TUint32 aRightsSpec
TDRMHelperConsumeAction anAction

CreateLaunchParamL(TUint32, const HBufC8 *, HBufC *&)

void CreateLaunchParamL ( TUint32 aLocalId,
const HBufC8 * aUrl,
HBufC *& aLaunchParam
) [private]

Form string needed to launch rights manager UI embedded.


TUint32 aLocalId
const HBufC8 * aUrl
HBufC *& aLaunchParam

DataTypesCount(TInt &)

IMPORT_C TInt DataTypesCount ( TInt & aCount )


Returns the number of previously registered datatypes which are supported by the DRM system and associated applications.



TInt & aCount


void DisplayInfoNoteL ( TInt aTextResourceId ) [private]

Display information note


TInt aTextResourceId

DisplayInfoNoteL(TInt, const TDesC &)

void DisplayInfoNoteL ( TInt aTextResourceId,
const TDesC & aString
) [private]


TInt aTextResourceId
const TDesC & aString

DisplayInfoNoteL(TInt, TInt)

void DisplayInfoNoteL ( TInt aTextResourceId,
TInt aValue
) [private]


TInt aTextResourceId
TInt aValue

DisplayInfoNoteL(TDesC &, TInt, const TDesC &, TInt)

void DisplayInfoNoteL ( TDesC & aPromptText,
TInt aResourceId,
const TDesC & aString =  KNullDesC ,
TInt aValue = -1
) [private]


TDesC & aPromptText
TInt aResourceId
const TDesC & aString =  KNullDesC
TInt aValue = -1


TInt DisplayPopupWindowsForPreviewL ( TInt aPreviewType ) [private]


TInt aPreviewType

DisplayQueryL(TInt, TInt)

TInt DisplayQueryL ( TInt aTextResourceId,
TInt aValue
) [private]


TInt aTextResourceId
TInt aValue

DisplayQueryL(TInt, const TDesC &)

TInt DisplayQueryL ( TInt aTextResourceId,
const TDesC & aString
) [private]


TInt aTextResourceId
const TDesC & aString

DisplayQueryL(TInt, const TDesC &, TInt, TInt, TInt)

TInt DisplayQueryL ( TInt aTextResourceId,
const TDesC & aString,
TInt aValue,
TInt aStringPos = -1,
TInt aValuePos = -1
) [private]


TInt aTextResourceId
const TDesC & aString
TInt aValue
TInt aStringPos = -1
TInt aValuePos = -1

DisplayQueryL(TDesC &, TInt)

TInt DisplayQueryL ( TDesC & aPromptText,
TInt aQueryResourceId
) [private]


TDesC & aPromptText
TInt aQueryResourceId

DisplayQueryWithIdL(TInt, TInt)

TInt DisplayQueryWithIdL ( TInt aTextResourceId,
TInt aQueryResourceId
) [private]

Display query dialog


TInt aTextResourceId
TInt aQueryResourceId

DisplayQueryWithIdValueL(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &)

TInt DisplayQueryWithIdValueL ( TInt aTextResourceId,
TInt aQueryResourceId,
const TDesC & aString
) [private]


TInt aTextResourceId
TInt aQueryResourceId
const TDesC & aString

DoCanSetAutomated(const TDesC8 &, const HBufC *, TBool &)

TInt DoCanSetAutomated ( const TDesC8 & aURI,
const HBufC * aMimeType,
TBool & aValue
) [private]


const TDesC8 & aURI
const HBufC * aMimeType
TBool & aValue

DoCheckRightsAmountL(HBufC8 *, HBufC *, HBufC *, const TDesC &, TInt, TInt)

TInt DoCheckRightsAmountL ( HBufC8 * aContentUri,
HBufC * aMimeType,
HBufC * aRIUrl,
const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aCount,
TInt aDays
) [private]


HBufC8 * aContentUri
HBufC * aMimeType
HBufC * aRIUrl
const TDesC & aFileName
TInt aCount
TInt aDays

DoCheckRightsPercentL(HBufC8 *, HBufC *, HBufC *, const TDesC &, TInt)

TInt DoCheckRightsPercentL ( HBufC8 * aContentUri,
HBufC * aMimeType,
HBufC * aRIUrl,
const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aThreshold
) [private]

Checks if rights are about to expire.


HBufC8 * aContentUri
HBufC * aMimeType
HBufC * aRIUrl
const TDesC & aFileName
TInt aThreshold

DoCheckSkinCanSetAutomated(CDRMRights *)

TBool DoCheckSkinCanSetAutomated ( CDRMRights * aRights ) [private]


CDRMRights * aRights

DoGetRightsDetailsL(HBufC8 *, TUint32, TBool &, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&)

void DoGetRightsDetailsL ( HBufC8 * aContentUri,
TUint32 aIntent,
TBool & aExpired,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPlay,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aDisplay,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aExecute,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPrint
) [private]

Gets rights details.

DoGetRightsDetailsL(CData *, TUint32, TBool &, TBool &, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&)

void DoGetRightsDetailsL ( CData * aContent,
TUint32 aIntent,
TBool & aExpired,
TBool & aSendingAllowed,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPlay,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aDisplay,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aExecute,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPrint
) [private]


CData * aContent
TUint32 aIntent
TBool & aExpired
TBool & aSendingAllowed
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPlay
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aDisplay
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aExecute
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPrint

DoHandleErrorL(TInt, HBufC8 *, HBufC *, HBufC *, HBufC *, HBufC *, HBufC8 *, HBufC8 *, const TDesC &)

TInt DoHandleErrorL ( TInt aError,
HBufC8 * aContentUri,
HBufC * aMimeType,
HBufC * aRIUrl,
HBufC * aDomainRoUrl,
HBufC * aEta,
HBufC8 * aRiId8,
HBufC8 * aDomainId8,
const TDesC & aFileName
) [private]

Handles error by displaying appropriate note to user.


TInt aError
HBufC8 * aContentUri
HBufC * aMimeType
HBufC * aRIUrl
HBufC * aDomainRoUrl
HBufC * aEta
HBufC8 * aRiId8
HBufC8 * aDomainId8
const TDesC & aFileName

DoSetAutomatedL(const TDesC8 &, TBool, const HBufC *)

TInt DoSetAutomatedL ( const TDesC8 & aURI,
TBool aActive,
const HBufC * aMimeType
) [private]


const TDesC8 & aURI
TBool aActive
const HBufC * aMimeType

DoSetAutomatedSilent(const TDesC8 &, TBool, TInt)

TInt DoSetAutomatedSilent ( const TDesC8 & aURI,
TBool aActive,
TInt aIntent
) [private]


const TDesC8 & aURI
TBool aActive
TInt aIntent

DoShowAutomatedNoteL(const TDesC8 &, const HBufC *)

TInt DoShowAutomatedNoteL ( const TDesC8 & aURI,
const HBufC * aMimeType
) [private]


const TDesC8 & aURI
const HBufC * aMimeType

EmbeddedPreviewCompletedL(CData &)

IMPORT_C TBool EmbeddedPreviewCompletedL ( CData & aContent )

This method should be called after embedded preview has been played. It asks from user if he/she wants to buy rights and acquires those if user agrees. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


CData & aContent

EmbeddedPreviewCompletedL(TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TBool EmbeddedPreviewCompletedL ( TDesC & aFileName )

This method should be called after embedded preview has been played. It asks from user if he/she wants to buy rights and acquires those if user agrees. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


TDesC & aFileName

ErrorResIdL(const TDesC8 &, TInt, TBool, TBool)

TInt ErrorResIdL ( const TDesC8 & aContentUri,
TInt aIntent,
TBool aRightsIssuer,
TBool aExpired
) [private]

Returns the correct resource id for expired and no rights notes


const TDesC8 & aContentUri
TInt aIntent
TBool aRightsIssuer
TBool aExpired

GetConstraintsL(CDRMRights &, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&)

void GetConstraintsL ( CDRMRights & aRights,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPlay,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aDisplay,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aExecute,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPrint
) [private]

Get constraints for given rights

GetContentURIList(RPointerArray< HBufC8 > *&)

IMPORT_C TInt GetContentURIList ( RPointerArray < HBufC8 > *& aURIList )


Returns a list of all content URIs that have rights in the rights database.



RPointerArray < HBufC8 > *& aURIList

GetCounts(CDRMRightsConstraints *, TUint32 &, TTimeIntervalDays &)

TInt GetCounts ( CDRMRightsConstraints * aConstraint,
TUint32 & aOriginalCount,
TTimeIntervalDays & aDuration
) [private]

Get time and count based constraints


CDRMRightsConstraints * aConstraint
TUint32 & aOriginalCount
TTimeIntervalDays & aDuration

GetCounts(CDRMRightsConstraints *, TUint32 &, TTime &)

TInt GetCounts ( CDRMRightsConstraints * aConstraint,
TUint32 & aCountLeft,
TTime & aEndTime
) [private]


CDRMRightsConstraints * aConstraint
TUint32 & aCountLeft
TTime & aEndTime

GetCounts(CDRMConstraint *, TUint32 &, TTimeIntervalDays &)

TInt GetCounts ( CDRMConstraint * aConstraint,
TUint32 & aOriginalCount,
TTimeIntervalDays & aDuration
) [private]


CDRMConstraint * aConstraint
TUint32 & aOriginalCount
TTimeIntervalDays & aDuration

GetCounts(CDRMConstraint *, TUint32 &, TTime &)

TInt GetCounts ( CDRMConstraint * aConstraint,
TUint32 & aCountLeft,
TTime & aEndTime
) [private]


CDRMConstraint * aConstraint
TUint32 & aCountLeft
TTime & aEndTime

GetEndTime(CDRMRightsConstraints *, TTime &, TBool &)

TInt GetEndTime ( CDRMRightsConstraints * aConstraint,
TTime & aEndTime,
TBool & aInactive
) [private]

Get end time of given constraint


CDRMRightsConstraints * aConstraint
TTime & aEndTime
TBool & aInactive

GetExpirationDetails(HBufC8 *, TInt, CDRMRights *&)

TInt GetExpirationDetails ( HBufC8 * aContentUri,
TInt aIntent,
CDRMRights *& aRightsObject
) [private]

Get expiration details of file. Returns DRMCommon::ENoRights if no rights object found or CDRMRights::TExpiration value


HBufC8 * aContentUri
TInt aIntent
CDRMRights *& aRightsObject

GetFileHandleFromURIL(const TDesC8 &, RFile &)

TInt GetFileHandleFromURIL ( const TDesC8 & aURI,
RFile & aFileHandle
) [private]

Gets corresponding filename (including full path) based on content URI


const TDesC8 & aURI
RFile & aFileHandle

GetPreviewRightsL(CData &)

IMPORT_C void GetPreviewRightsL ( CData & aContent )

Acquires preview rights for given content. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


CData & aContent

GetPreviewRightsL(TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void GetPreviewRightsL ( TDesC & aFileName )

Acquires preview rights for given content. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


TDesC & aFileName

GetRightsDetailsL(const TDesC &, TUint32, TBool &, TBool &, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&)

IMPORT_C void GetRightsDetailsL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TUint32 aIntent,
TBool & aExpired,
TBool & aSendingAllowed,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPlay,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aDisplay,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aExecute,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPrint

Gets details of rights object associated of given file.

KErrArgument file is not DRM-protected.
KErrCANoRights no rights
caferr.h caftypes.h


const TDesC & aFileName Full path to file
TUint32 aIntent ContentAccess::EPlay, ContentAccess::EView, ContentAccess::EPrint or ContentAccess::EExecute
TBool & aExpired ETrue if rights are not valid. If this is ETrue and some constraints are returned, rights will become valid in future
TBool & aSendingAllowed ETrue if content can be sent
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPlay play constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aDisplay display constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aExecute execute constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPrint print constraints, must be deleted by caller

GetRightsDetailsL(RFile &, TUint32, TBool &, TBool &, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&, CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *&)

IMPORT_C void GetRightsDetailsL ( RFile & aFileHandle,
TUint32 aIntent,
TBool & aExpired,
TBool & aSendingAllowed,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPlay,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aDisplay,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aExecute,
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPrint

Gets details of rights object associated of given file.

KErrArgument file is not DRM-protected.
KErrCANoRights no rights
caferr.h caftypes.h


RFile & aFileHandle file handle to the file
TUint32 aIntent ContentAccess::EPlay, ContentAccess::EView, ContentAccess::EPrint or ContentAccess::EExecute
TBool & aExpired ETrue if rights are not valid. If this is ETrue and some constraints are returned, rights will become valid in future
TBool & aSendingAllowed ETrue if content can be sent
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPlay play constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aDisplay display constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aExecute execute constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMHelperRightsConstraints *& aPrint print constraints, must be deleted by caller

GetRightsDetailsL(const TDesC &, TUint32, TBool &, TBool &, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&)

IMPORT_C void GetRightsDetailsL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TUint32 aIntent,
TBool & aExpired,
TBool & aSendingAllowed,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPlay,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aDisplay,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aExecute,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPrint

Gets details of rights object associated of given file.

KErrArgument file is not DRM-protected.
KErrCANoRights no rights
caferr.h caftypes.h


const TDesC & aFileName Full path to file
TUint32 aIntent ContentAccess::EPlay, ContentAccess::EView, ContentAccess::EPrint or ContentAccess::EExecute
TBool & aExpired ETrue if rights are not valid. If this is ETrue and some constraints are returned, rights will become valid in future
TBool & aSendingAllowed ETrue if content can be sent
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPlay play constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aDisplay display constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aExecute execute constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPrint print constraints, must be deleted by caller

GetRightsDetailsL(RFile &, TUint32, TBool &, TBool &, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&, CDRMRightsConstraints *&)

IMPORT_C void GetRightsDetailsL ( RFile & aFileHandle,
TUint32 aIntent,
TBool & aExpired,
TBool & aSendingAllowed,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPlay,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aDisplay,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aExecute,
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPrint

Gets details of rights object associated of given file.

KErrArgument file is not DRM-protected.
KErrCANoRights no rights
caferr.h caftypes.h


RFile & aFileHandle file handle to the file
TUint32 aIntent ContentAccess::EPlay, ContentAccess::EView, ContentAccess::EPrint or ContentAccess::EExecute
TBool & aExpired ETrue if rights are not valid. If this is ETrue and some constraints are returned, rights will become valid in future
TBool & aSendingAllowed ETrue if content can be sent
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPlay play constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aDisplay display constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aExecute execute constraints, must be deleted by caller
CDRMRightsConstraints *& aPrint print constraints, must be deleted by caller

GetRightsIssuerL(const CData &, HBufC *&)

void GetRightsIssuerL ( const CData & aContent,
HBufC *& aIssuer
) [private]

Get rights-issuer URI from DCF file


const CData & aContent
HBufC *& aIssuer

GetSilentRightsL(const TDesC8 &)

TInt GetSilentRightsL ( const TDesC8 & aUrl ) [private]

Get rights silently


const TDesC8 & aUrl

GetStartTime(CDRMRights *, TInt, TTime &)

TInt GetStartTime ( CDRMRights * aRights,
TInt aIntent,
TTime & aStartTime
) [private]

Get start time of given rights object


CDRMRights * aRights
TInt aIntent
TTime & aStartTime

HandleErrorL(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorL ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aURI

Displays appropriate error note depending on error code.


TInt aError
const TDesC8 & aURI

HandleErrorL(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorL ( TInt aError,
const TDesC & aFileName

Displays: Handles error situations 'rights expired', 'no rights' and 'rights database corrupted'.


TInt aError
const TDesC & aFileName

HandleErrorL(TInt, RFile &)

IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorL ( TInt aError,
RFile & aFileHandle
Displays: Handles error situations 'rights expired', 'no rights' and 'rights database corrupted'.


TInt aError
RFile & aFileHandle

HandleErrorOrPreviewL(TInt, RFile &, HBufC8 *&)

IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorOrPreviewL ( TInt aError,
RFile & aFile,
HBufC8 *& aEmbeddedPreviewUri
Handles DRM-specific error situations. Should be called instead of HandleErrorL if user should be asked to play embedded preview or get preview/silent rights if there is no valid rights and either embedded preview or preview rights are available.
S60 3.1


TInt aError
RFile & aFile
HBufC8 *& aEmbeddedPreviewUri

HandleErrorOrPreviewL(TInt, const TDesC &, HBufC8 *&)

IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorOrPreviewL ( TInt aError,
const TDesC & aFileName,
HBufC8 *& aEmbeddedPreviewUri
Handles DRM specific error situations. Should be called instead of HandleErrorL if user should be asked to play embedded preview or get preview/silent rights if there is no valid rights and either embedded preview or preview rights are available.
S60 3.1


TInt aError
const TDesC & aFileName
HBufC8 *& aEmbeddedPreviewUri


void HandleServerAppExit ( TInt aReason ) [private]


TInt aReason

HasInfoUrlL(CData &, HBufC8 *&)

IMPORT_C TBool HasInfoUrlL ( CData & aContent,
HBufC8 *& aInfoUrl

Checks if given content has InfoUrl. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


CData & aContent
HBufC8 *& aInfoUrl

HasInfoUrlL(TDesC &, HBufC8 *&)

IMPORT_C TBool HasInfoUrlL ( TDesC & aFileName,
HBufC8 *& aInfoUrl

Checks if given content has InfoUrl. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


TDesC & aFileName
HBufC8 *& aInfoUrl

HasPreviewL(CData &, HBufC8 *&)

IMPORT_C TDRMHelperPreviewType HasPreviewL ( CData & aContent,
HBufC8 *& aPreviewUri

Checks if given content has embedded preview or if it is possible to get preview rights for it. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


CData & aContent
HBufC8 *& aPreviewUri

HasPreviewL(TDesC &, HBufC8 *&)

IMPORT_C TDRMHelperPreviewType HasPreviewL ( TDesC & aFileName,
HBufC8 *& aPreviewUri

Checks if given content has embedded preview or if it is possible to get preview rights for it. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


TDesC & aFileName
HBufC8 *& aPreviewUri

HasSilentRightsUrlL(CData *)

HBufC8 * HasSilentRightsUrlL ( CData * aContent ) [private]

Check whether a file as a silent rights URL which can be used, i.e the URL is valid and on the white list.


CData * aContent


IMPORT_C void IndicateIdle ( )
Informs DRMHelper that idle-screen has been activated.
Series 60 2.6

Intent(const HBufC *)

TInt Intent ( const HBufC * aMimeType ) [private]

Returns default intent for the mimetype


const HBufC * aMimeType

LaunchBrowserL(HBufC8 *)

void LaunchBrowserL ( HBufC8 * aUrl ) [private]

Launch browser embedded


HBufC8 * aUrl

LaunchBrowserL(HBufC *)

void LaunchBrowserL ( HBufC * aUrl ) [private]


HBufC * aUrl

LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL ( const TDesC8 & aURI )

Launches DRM Rights Manager UI embedded with details view related to given content.


const TDesC8 & aURI

LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL ( const TDesC & aFileName )

Launches DRM Rights Manager UI embedded with details view related to given file.


const TDesC & aFileName

LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL(RFile &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL ( RFile & aFileHandle )
Launches DRM Rights Manager UI embedded with details view related to given file.


RFile & aFileHandle

LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL(const HBufC8 *)

IMPORT_C void LaunchDetailsViewEmbeddedL ( const HBufC8 * aContentURI )

Launches DRM Rights Manager UI embedded with details view related to given content.


const HBufC8 * aContentURI

LaunchRightsManagerUiL(const TDesC &)

void LaunchRightsManagerUiL ( const TDesC & aParam16 ) [private]

Launch rights manager UI


const TDesC & aParam16

MimeTypeFromURIL(const TDesC8 &)

HBufC * MimeTypeFromURIL ( const TDesC8 & aURI ) [private]

Gets mimetype based on content URI


const TDesC8 & aURI

NewL(CCoeEnv &)

IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewL ( CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv ) [static]

Two-phased constructor.


CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv


IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewL ( ) [static]
Two-phased constructor.
Series 60 2.6

NewL(CCoeEnv &, RFs &)

IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewL ( CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv,
RFs & aFs
) [static]
Two-phased constructor.
Series 60 3.0


CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv
RFs & aFs

NewL(RFs &)

IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewL ( RFs & aFs ) [static]
Two-phased constructor.
Series 60 3.0


RFs & aFs

NewLC(CCoeEnv &)

IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewLC ( CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv ) [static]


CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv


IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewLC ( ) [static]

NewLC(CCoeEnv &, RFs &)

IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewLC ( CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv,
RFs & aFs
) [static]


CCoeEnv & aCoeEnv
RFs & aFs

NewLC(RFs &)

IMPORT_C CDRMHelper * NewLC ( RFs & aFs ) [static]


RFs & aFs

OpenInfoUrlL(CData &)

IMPORT_C void OpenInfoUrlL ( CData & aContent )

Opens browser with InfoUrl of the content. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


CData & aContent

OpenInfoUrlL(TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void OpenInfoUrlL ( TDesC & aFileName )

Opens browser with InfoUrl of the content. Leaves with system-wide error code in case of error.


TDesC & aFileName

PerformCanSetAutomatedL(const CData &, TBool &)

TInt PerformCanSetAutomatedL ( const CData & aContent,
TBool & aValue
) [private]

Checks if content can be used as automated content


const CData & aContent
TBool & aValue

PerformRemoveAutomatedL(const CData &, TBool)

TInt PerformRemoveAutomatedL ( const CData & aContent,
TBool aActive
) [private]

Unregisters automated content.


const CData & aContent
TBool aActive

PerformSetAutomatedL(const CData &, TBool)

TInt PerformSetAutomatedL ( const CData & aContent,
TBool aActive
) [private]

Register content as automated


const CData & aContent
TBool aActive

PerformSetAutomatedSilentL(const CData &, TBool)

TInt PerformSetAutomatedSilentL ( const CData & aContent,
TBool aActive
) [private]

Register content as automated without showing any queries


const CData & aContent
TBool aActive

PerformShowAutomatedNoteL(const CData &)

TInt PerformShowAutomatedNoteL ( const CData & aContent ) [private]

Display confirmation query about setting as automated. Does not actually register.


const CData & aContent

PrepareSecondaryDisplayL(CEikDialog &, TInt, const TDesC &, TInt)

void PrepareSecondaryDisplayL ( CEikDialog & aDialog,
TInt aResourceId,
const TDesC & aString =  KNullDesC ,
TInt aValue = -1
) [private]

Prepares secondary display for DRM notes


CEikDialog & aDialog
TInt aResourceId
const TDesC & aString =  KNullDesC
TInt aValue = -1

RegisterDataType(const TDataType &)

IMPORT_C TInt RegisterDataType ( const TDataType & aDataType )


Registers a datatype as a supported datatype.



const TDataType & aDataType

RejectReasonL(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

TUint32 RejectReasonL ( TInt aIntent,
const TDesC8 & aContentUri
) [private]

Returns the constraints which are invalid


TInt aIntent
const TDesC8 & aContentUri

RemoveAutomated(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomated ( const TDesC8 & aURI )
Unregisters given content to be used as an automated content.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC8 & aURI

RemoveAutomated(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomated ( const TDesC & aFilename )
Unregisters given content to be used as an automated content.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC & aFilename

RemoveAutomated(RFile &)

IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomated ( RFile & aFileHandle )
Unregisters given content to be used as an automated content.


RFile & aFileHandle

RemoveAutomatedPassive(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomatedPassive ( const TDesC8 & aURI )
Unregisters given content to be used as an automated content. This function must be used when content was registered using SetAutomatedPassive.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC8 & aURI

RemoveAutomatedPassive(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomatedPassive ( const TDesC & aFilename )
Unregisters given content to be used as an automated content. This function must be used when content was registered using SetAutomatedPassive.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC & aFilename

RemoveAutomatedPassive(RFile &)

IMPORT_C TInt RemoveAutomatedPassive ( RFile & aFileHandle )
Unregisters given content to be used as an automated content. This function must be used when content was registered using SetAutomatedPassive.


RFile & aFileHandle

SetAutomated(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomated ( const TDesC8 & aURI )
Registers given content to be used as an automated content. This function is used when registering application listens expiry notifications itself
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC8 & aURI

SetAutomated(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomated ( const TDesC & aFilename )
Registers given content to be used as an automated content. This function is used when registering application listens expiry notifications itself.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC & aFilename

SetAutomated(RFile &)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomated ( RFile & aFileHandle )
Registers given content to be used as an automated content. This function is used when registering application listens expiry


RFile & aFileHandle

SetAutomatedPassive(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedPassive ( const TDesC8 & aURI )
Registers given content to be used as an automated content. This function is used when phone application listens to expiry notifications.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC8 & aURI

SetAutomatedPassive(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedPassive ( const TDesC & aFilename )
Registers given content to be used as an automated content. This function is used when phone application listens to expiry notifications.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC & aFilename

SetAutomatedPassive(RFile &)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedPassive ( RFile & aFileHandle )
Registers given content to be used as an automated content. This function is used when phone application listens to expiry notifications.


RFile & aFileHandle

SetAutomatedSilent(const TDesC8 &, TBool)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedSilent ( const TDesC8 & aURI,
TBool aActive
Registers given content to be used as an automated content without confirmation query.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC8 & aURI
TBool aActive

SetAutomatedSilent(const TDesC &, TBool)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedSilent ( const TDesC & aFilename,
TBool aActive
Registers given content to be used as an automated content without confirmation query.
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC & aFilename
TBool aActive

SetAutomatedSilent(RFile &, TBool)

IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedSilent ( RFile & aFileHandle,
TBool aActive
Registers given content to be used as an automated content without confirmation query.


RFile & aFileHandle
TBool aActive


IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedType ( TDRMHelperAutomatedType aAutomatedType )
Sets the type of automated content to be registered. This method should be called before calling any of SetAutomated* methods.
Series 60 3.0


TDRMHelperAutomatedType aAutomatedType


IMPORT_C void SetCountLimitL ( TUint aCounts )

Set count limit for CheckRightsAmountL


TUint aCounts


IMPORT_C void SetPercentageLimitL ( TUint aPercentage )

Set percentage limit for CheckRightsAmountL. Applies to both counts and time.


TUint aPercentage


IMPORT_C TInt SetPreviewMediaType ( TDRMHelperPreviewMediaType aMediaType )
Sets media type of content for preview. Should be called prior to calling HandleErrorOrPreviewL or EmbeddedPreviewCompletedL.
S60 3.1u


TDRMHelperPreviewMediaType aMediaType


IMPORT_C void SetTimeLimitL ( TUint aDays )

Set time limit in days for CheckRightsAmountL


TUint aDays

ShowAutomatedNote(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt ShowAutomatedNote ( const TDesC8 & aURI )
Displays the confirmation query about setting given content as an automated content. Note that this function does not actually register content, just displays the note
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC8 & aURI

ShowAutomatedNote(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt ShowAutomatedNote ( const TDesC & aFilename )
Displays the confirmation query about setting given content as an automated content. Note that this function does not actually register content, just displays the note
Series 60 2.6


const TDesC & aFilename

ShowAutomatedNote(RFile &)

IMPORT_C TInt ShowAutomatedNote ( RFile & aFileHandle )
Displays the confirmation query about setting given content as an automated content. Note that this function does not actually register content, just displays the note


RFile & aFileHandle

ShowDRMUINotification2L(TDRMHelperNotificationID, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt ShowDRMUINotification2L ( TDRMHelperNotificationID aTextId,
const TDesC8 & aURI
Handle the general UI based error notes


TDRMHelperNotificationID aTextId The code for DRM general notification note.
const TDesC8 & aURI The DRM files URI, that caused the DRM error.

ShowDRMUINotification2L(TDRMHelperNotificationID, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt ShowDRMUINotification2L ( TDRMHelperNotificationID aTextId,
const TDesC & aFileName
Handle the general UI based error notes


TDRMHelperNotificationID aTextId The code for DRM general notification note.
const TDesC & aFileName The DRM file's name and path, that caused the DRM error.

ShowFutureNoteL(const HBufC *, CDRMRights *)

TInt ShowFutureNoteL ( const HBufC * aMimeType,
CDRMRights * aRightsObject
) [private]

Displays info note of rights that are not yet valid


const HBufC * aMimeType
CDRMRights * aRightsObject


TBool SilentRightsAllowedL ( ) [private]

Check if the user has allowed silent rights

StripPathAndExtension(const TDesC &)

TPtrC StripPathAndExtension ( const TDesC & aFileName ) [private]

Strip path and extension from given filename. Caller is responsible for freeing returned buffer


const TDesC & aFileName

SupportedDRMMethods2(TInt &, TDRMHelperOMALevel &)

IMPORT_C TInt SupportedDRMMethods2 ( TInt & aDRMMethod,
TDRMHelperOMALevel & aOMALevel


Returns the supported DRM protection methods and the OMA compliance level of the DRM engine



TInt & aDRMMethod
TDRMHelperOMALevel & aOMALevel

SupportedDataType(const TInt, TDataType &)

IMPORT_C TInt SupportedDataType ( const TInt aIndex,
TDataType & aDataType


Returns a specific datatype which has been registered before by giving an index



const TInt aIndex
TDataType & aDataType

UnRegisterDataType(const TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt UnRegisterDataType ( const TInt aIndex )


Unregisters a datatype via its index.



const TInt aIndex

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TDRMHelperAutomatedType


EAutomatedTypeOther = KMaxTUint8

Enum TDRMHelperConsumeAction



Enum TDRMHelperDRMMethods


EForwardLock = 0x0001
ECombinedDelivery = 0x0002
ESeparateDelivery = 0x0004
ESuperDistribution = 0x0008

Enum TDRMHelperNotificationID


ETActivateTextId = 1
ETCountBasedErrorTextId = 2
ETCountUsageReduceId = 3
ETCountUsageReduceMediaId = 4

Enum TDRMHelperOMALevel



Enum TDRMHelperPreviewType



Member Data Documentation

TInt iAutomatedType

TInt iAutomatedType [private]

CCoeEnv * iCoeEnv

CCoeEnv * iCoeEnv [private]

RPointerArray< CConsumeData > iConsumeList

RPointerArray < CConsumeData > iConsumeList [private]

DRMCommon * iDRMCommon

DRMCommon * iDRMCommon [private]

CMediatorEventProvider * iEventProvider

CMediatorEventProvider * iEventProvider [private]

RFs iFs

RFs iFs [private]

TBool iFsOwned

TBool iFsOwned [private]

RDRMHelper iHelperServer

RDRMHelper iHelperServer [private]

RPointerArray< CDRMHelperInfoNoteWrapper > iNoteList

RPointerArray < CDRMHelperInfoNoteWrapper > iNoteList [private]

TBool iOma2

TBool iOma2 [private]

TInt iPreviewMediaType

TInt iPreviewMediaType [private]

TBool iReturnCancel

TBool iReturnCancel [private]

CSchemeHandler * iSchemeHandler

CSchemeHandler * iSchemeHandler [private]

CStringResourceReader * iStringResourceReader

CStringResourceReader * iStringResourceReader [private]

TBool iUseCoeEnv

TBool iUseCoeEnv [private]

CActiveSchedulerWait iWait

CActiveSchedulerWait iWait [private]