CScheduledTask Class Reference

class CScheduledTask : public CBase

The representation of a scheduled task that is passed to registered programs.

When tasks are due, the Task Scheduler encapsulates task information within CScheduledTask objects, and externalises them to a direct file store.

The root stream of the direct file store contains a 32 bit value, followed by the external representations of one or more CScheduledTask objects. The 32 bit value is interpreted as a TInt32 and contains the number of CScheduledTask objects that follow in the stream.

The registered program can create successive CScheduledTask objects from this stream using the static NewLC() function.

TScheduledTaskFile RStoreReadStream

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CScheduledTask(TTaskInfo &, HBufC *, TScheduleType, const TSecurityInfo &)

CScheduledTask ( TTaskInfo & aInfo,
HBufC * aData,
TScheduleType aScheduleType,
const TSecurityInfo & aSecurityInfo


TTaskInfo & aInfo
HBufC * aData
TScheduleType aScheduleType
const TSecurityInfo & aSecurityInfo


CScheduledTask ( ) [private]


~CScheduledTask ( )

Member Functions Documentation


TBool Due ( ) const

Is this task due? only used by server

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

void ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & aStream ) const


RWriteStream & aStream


IMPORT_C const TTaskInfo & Info ( ) const

Gets the detailed information for the task.

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

void InternalizeL ( RReadStream & aStream ) [private]


RReadStream & aStream

NewLC(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C CScheduledTask * NewLC ( RReadStream & aStream ) [static]

Creates the object from the specified stream.


RReadStream & aStream The stream containing the external representation of this object.


TInt Offset ( ) [static]

queue offset only used by server

OnDue(const TTsTime &)

void OnDue ( const TTsTime & aValidUntil )


const TTsTime & aValidUntil


TBool Persists ( ) const

Return flag that determines if task is transisent or persistent. only used by server


void Remove ( )

Remove from queue only used by server


TInt ScheduleId ( ) const

Gets the schedulesID only used by server


IMPORT_C const TSecurityInfo & SecurityInfo ( ) const

Gets the security information for this scheduled task. This information is the securityID, VenforID and capabilities of the client who created the schedule responsible for invoking this task.


void SetDue ( TBool aDue )

Set due flag. only used by server


TBool aDue


void SetPersists ( )

Mark task as belonging to a persistent schedule. only used by server


void SetScheduleId ( TInt aScheduleId )

Sets the schedules ID only used by server


TInt aScheduleId


IMPORT_C const TTsTime & ValidUntil ( ) const

Gets the time when the task stops being valid.

If the executing program determines that this time is in the past, then it should not run the task.

Member Data Documentation

HBufC * iData

HBufC * iData [private]

TBool iDue

TBool iDue [private]

TTaskInfo iInfo

TTaskInfo iInfo [private]

TPriQueLink iPLink

TPriQueLink iPLink [private]

TBool iPersists

TBool iPersists [private]

TInt iScheduleId

TInt iScheduleId [private]

TScheduleType iScheduleType

TScheduleType iScheduleType [private]

TSecurityInfo iSecurityInfo

TSecurityInfo iSecurityInfo [private]

TTsTime iValidUntil

TTsTime iValidUntil [private]