CApAccessPointItem Class Reference

class CApAccessPointItem : public CBase

CApAccessPointItem is used to exchange data between engine and client. It holds the information for an access point including WAP, IAP, ISP (if present & applies). This class uses the same approach as CommDB to read and write data: it has functions for each data type implemented. To read or write the data, we have to know the data type and the enum name of the 'column'. The column values has the names of the database columns with the 'EAp' prefix. The reason for this (not using the database column descriptors) is performance. It is much faster to compare enum values than literals.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CApAccessPointItem ()
IMPORT_C TApBearerType BearerTypeL ()
IMPORT_C const TDesC & ConnectionName ()
IMPORT_C void CopyFromL (const CApAccessPointItem &)
IMPORT_C TBool HasSameIspAndBearerL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
IMPORT_C TBool IsReadOnly ()
TBool IsVpnAp ()
IMPORT_C CApAccessPointItem * NewLC ()
IMPORT_C TInt ReadBool (const TApMember , TBool &)
IMPORT_C const HBufC * ReadConstLongTextL (const TApMember )
IMPORT_C HBufC * ReadLongTextL (const TApMember )
IMPORT_C void ReadTextL (const TApMember , TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C void ReadTextL (const TApMember , TDes16 &)
IMPORT_C TUint32 ReadTextLengthL (const TApMember )
IMPORT_C TInt ReadUint (const TApMember , TUint32 &)
IMPORT_C TBool SanityCheckOk ()
IMPORT_C void SetBearerTypeL ( TApBearerType )
IMPORT_C void SetNamesL (const TDesC16 &)
void SetVpnAp ( TBool )
IMPORT_C const TDesC & WapBearer ()
IMPORT_C TUint32 WapUid ()
IMPORT_C TInt WriteBool (const TApMember , const TBool &)
IMPORT_C TInt WriteLongTextL (const TApMember , const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt WriteTextL (const TApMember , const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt WriteTextL (const TApMember , const TDesC16 &)
IMPORT_C TInt WriteUint (const TApMember , const TUint32 &)
IMPORT_C TBool operator!= (const CApAccessPointItem &)
IMPORT_C TBool operator== (const CApAccessPointItem &)
Protected Member Functions
CApAccessPointItem ()
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ()
Private Member Functions
TBool CompareCdma (const CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool CompareGprs (const CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool CompareIap (const CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool CompareIsp (const CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool CompareProxy (const CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool CompareWap (const CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool CompareWlan (const CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool DoCompareApL (const CApAccessPointItem &)
HBufC * GetCleanIpAddressLC (const TDesC &)
HBufC * GetPlainPhoneNumberLC (const TDesC &)
TBool HasProxy ()
TBool IsSamePhoneNumberL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool IsSupported ( TApMember )
TBool IsWlan ()
void LeaveIfUnsupportedL ( TApMember )
void LimitIp6DNSL ()
void LimitSpeedL ()
void ReAllocL ( HBufC *&, const TDesC16 &)
void ReAllocL ( HBufC8 *&, const TDesC8 &)
HBufC * RemoveInvalidCharsLC (const TDesC16 &)
HBufC8 * RemoveInvalidCharsLC (const TDesC8 &)
HBufC * RemoveInvalidPhoneCharsLC (const TDesC16 &)
void SetDns6IpFromServer ()
void SetDnsIpFromServer ()
void SetIfNetworksL ()
void SetIpFromServer ()
void SetProxyFlag ()
TBool Specified ( TApMember )
void Specify ( TApMember , TBool )
void SpecifyAll ( TBool )
void SpecifyCDMA ( TBool )
void SpecifyGPRS ( TBool )
void SpecifyIAP ( TBool )
void SpecifyISP ( TBool )
void SpecifyIpBearer ( TBool )
void SpecifyWLAN ( TBool )
void SpecifyWap ( TBool )
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
TBool iApHasProxySettings
TUint32 iApIapBearerService
HBufC * iApProxyExceptions
TUint32 iApProxyPortNumber
HBufC * iApProxyProtocolName
HBufC * iApProxyServerAddress
TBool iApProxyUseProxy
TApCallType iBearerCallTypeIsdn
TCallbackAction iCallBackTypeIsServerNum
TUint32 iChargeCard
TBool iDisplayTerminalWindow
TBool iEnablePPPCompression
CApItemExtra * iExt
TBool iGetDNSIPFromServer
HBufC * iGprsAccessPointName
TUint32 iGprsMinDelay
TUint32 iGprsMinMeanThroughput
TUint32 iGprsMinPeakThroughput
TUint32 iGprsMinPrecedence
TUint32 iGprsMinReliability
HBufC * iGprsPdpAddress
TUint32 iGprsPdpType
TUint32 iGprsReqDelay
TUint32 iGprsReqMeanPeakThroughput
TUint32 iGprsReqPeakThroughput
TUint32 iGprsReqPrecedence
TUint32 iGprsReqReliability
TBool iGprsUseAnonymAccess
TUint32 iIapChargeCardId
HBufC * iIapName
TUint32 iIapServiceId
HBufC * iIapServiceType
TUint32 iIsConnectionTypeContinuous
TBool iIsPasswordAuthenticationSecure
TBool iIsReadOnly
TBool iIsWTLSSecurityOn
TUint32 iIspAIUR
TInt iIspBearerCE
TInt iIspBearerName
TUint32 iIspBearerType
TUint32 iIspCallbackTimeOut
TUint32 iIspChannelCoding
HBufC * iIspDefaultTelNumber
HBufC * iIspDescription
TBool iIspDialResolution
TBool iIspEnableLCPExtensions
TBool iIspEnableSwCompression
HBufC * iIspGateway
HBufC * iIspIPAddr
TBool iIspIPAddrFromServer
HBufC * iIspIPNetMask
HBufC * iIspIfAuthName
HBufC * iIspIfAuthPass
TUint32 iIspIfAuthRetries
HBufC8 * iIspIfCallbackInfo
HBufC * iIspIfName
HBufC * iIspIfNetworks
HBufC * iIspIfParams
TBool iIspIfPromptForAuth
HBufC8 * iIspInitString
TUint32 iIspMaximumTimeSlots
HBufC * iIspName
TUint32 iIspRequestedTimeSlots
TCommsDbIspType iIspType
HBufC * iLoginScript
TApCallSpeed iMaxConnSpeed
TUint32 iNetworkId
HBufC * iNetworkName
HBufC * iPassword
HBufC * iPrimaryDNS
TBool iPromptPassword
HBufC * iSecondaryDNS
CArrayFixFlat < TBool > * iSpecified
HBufC * iStartingPage
TBool iUseCallBack
TBool iUseLoginScript
HBufC * iUserName
HBufC * iWapAccessPointName
HBufC * iWapBearer
HBufC * iWapGatewayAddress
TUint32 iWapIap
TUint32 iWapIspType
HBufC * iWapProxyLoginName
HBufC * iWapProxyLoginPass
TUint32 iWapProxyPort
TUint32 iWapUid

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C CApAccessPointItem ( ) [protected]

C++ default constructor.


IMPORT_C ~CApAccessPointItem ( ) [virtual]


Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TApBearerType BearerTypeL ( )

This function returns the bearer type for the current access point

CompareCdma(const CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool CompareCdma ( const CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) const [private]

Compares the Cdma part of THIS and the passed aItem.


const CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to

CompareGprs(const CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool CompareGprs ( const CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) const [private]

Compares the Gprs part of THIS and the passed aItem.


const CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to

CompareIap(const CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool CompareIap ( const CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) const [private]

Compares the IAP part of THIS and the passed aItem.


const CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to

CompareIsp(const CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool CompareIsp ( const CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) const [private]

Compares the IsP part of THIS and the passed aItem.


const CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to

CompareProxy(const CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool CompareProxy ( const CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) const [private]

Compares the proxy data of this and the passed CApAccessPointItem .


const CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to

CompareWap(const CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool CompareWap ( const CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) const [private]

Compares the WAP part of THIS and the passed aItem. Does not compares IAP ID


const CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to

CompareWlan(const CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool CompareWlan ( const CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) const [private]

Compares the Wlan part of THIS and the passed aItem.


const CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to


IMPORT_C const TDesC & ConnectionName ( ) const

This function returns the name of the connection Ownership is not passed.


IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( ) [protected]

Second-phase constructor.

CopyFromL(const CApAccessPointItem &)

IMPORT_C void CopyFromL ( const CApAccessPointItem & aCopyFrom )

Copies the data from another CApAccessPointItem . Substitute for the "assignment operator". It requires allocation thus can leave. Wap Access Point Uid is not copied.


const CApAccessPointItem & aCopyFrom

DoCompareApL(const CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool DoCompareApL ( const CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) const [private]

Compares THIS and the passed aItem.


const CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to

GetCleanIpAddressLC(const TDesC &)

HBufC * GetCleanIpAddressLC ( const TDesC & aValue ) [private]

Removes leading 0s from the passed IP address.


const TDesC & aValue A descriptor holding the IP address to remove leading 0s from

GetPlainPhoneNumberLC(const TDesC &)

HBufC * GetPlainPhoneNumberLC ( const TDesC & aNumber ) [private]

Removes invalid chars e.g. space, () from the passed phone number. (valid are 0,1,2,..9,p,w,+,*,#) Strips pre- and postfixes, prefix separator is#, postfix separators are p, w or +


const TDesC & aNumber


TBool HasProxy ( ) const [private]

Returns whether the Ap has proxy data or not.

HasSameIspAndBearerL(CApAccessPointItem &)

IMPORT_C TBool HasSameIspAndBearerL ( CApAccessPointItem & aItem )

This function compares this and the passed CApAccessPointItem whether they have the same ISP and bearer Returns true if the APs have the same phone number


CApAccessPointItem & aItem a CApAccessPointItem to compare with


IMPORT_C TBool IsReadOnly ( ) const

This function returns whether the access point is read-only or not.

IsSamePhoneNumberL(CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool IsSamePhoneNumberL ( CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) [private]

Compares the 'default phone number' (ISP dial-in number) of this and the passed CApAccessPointItem


CApAccessPointItem & aItem The item to compare this to


TBool IsSupported ( TApMember aColumn ) [private]

Check if aColumn is supported.


TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to check.


TBool IsVpnAp ( ) const

Returnes whether the given access point is a VPN ap or not.


TBool IsWlan ( ) [private]

Returns whether this item has WLAN or not


void LeaveIfUnsupportedL ( TApMember aColumn ) [private]

Leave with KErrNotSupported if aColumn is not supported.


TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to check.


void LimitIp6DNSL ( ) [private]

Limit the Ip6 DNS address In case of CSD, HSCSD, only Well-known and User defined is supported, so if the bearer is changed from something else to these bearer types, the possible 'Dynamic' should be replaced with Well-known


void LimitSpeedL ( ) [private]

Limits the speed after changing e.g. bearer type


IMPORT_C CApAccessPointItem * NewLC ( ) [static]

Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure, places instance on cleanup stack. Instance is initialised to default values. The created instance is suitable for passing to CApDataHandler's functions, contains all necessary information.

ReAllocL(HBufC *&, const TDesC16 &)

void ReAllocL ( HBufC *& aDes,
const TDesC16 & aValue
) [private]

Reallocates a passed 16-bit descriptor. Passed descriptor is deleted, new one is AllocL-ed Passed descriptor MUST NOT BE on the CleanupStack


HBufC *& aDes The descriptor to hold the value
const TDesC16 & aValue The value to pass to the aDes descriptor.

ReAllocL(HBufC8 *&, const TDesC8 &)

void ReAllocL ( HBufC8 *& aDes,
const TDesC8 & aValue
) [private]

Reallocates a passed 8-bit descriptor. Passed descriptor is deleted, new one is AllocL-ed Passed descriptor MUST NOT BE on the CleanupStack


HBufC8 *& aDes The descriptor to hold the value
const TDesC8 & aValue The value to pass to the aDes descriptor.

ReadBool(const TApMember, TBool &)

IMPORT_C TInt ReadBool ( const TApMember aColumn,
TBool & aValue

This function reads up a boolean value from the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to read.
TBool & aValue A reference to a boolean to hold the value

ReadConstLongTextL(const TApMember)

IMPORT_C const HBufC * ReadConstLongTextL ( const TApMember aColumn )

This function reads up a long text value from the specified column. The ownership is not passed to the caller. It means that the caller should not delete the received value. If the caller must take the ownership for any reason, must make a copy and use that and delete the copy when no longer needed.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to read.

ReadLongTextL(const TApMember)

IMPORT_C HBufC * ReadLongTextL ( const TApMember aColumn )

NOTE: This function is deprecated. Use ReadConstLongTextL! This function reads up a long text value from the specified column. The ownership is not passed to the caller. It means that the caller should not delete the received value. If the caller must take the ownership for any reason, must make a copy and use that and delete the copy when no longer needed.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to read.

ReadTextL(const TApMember, TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C void ReadTextL ( const TApMember aColumn,
TDes8 & aValue

This function reads up an 8-bit text value from the specified column.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to read.
TDes8 & aValue Reference to an 8-bit descriptor to hold the value

ReadTextL(const TApMember, TDes16 &)

IMPORT_C void ReadTextL ( const TApMember aColumn,
TDes16 & aValue

This function reads up a 16-bit text value from the specified column.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to read.
TDes16 & aValue Reference to a 16-bit descriptor to hold the value

ReadTextLengthL(const TApMember)

IMPORT_C TUint32 ReadTextLengthL ( const TApMember aColumn )

This function reads the length of the text in the specified column.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to read.

ReadUint(const TApMember, TUint32 &)

IMPORT_C TInt ReadUint ( const TApMember aColumn,
TUint32 & aValue

This function reads up a TUint32 value from the specified column. In case the given value was not written to the database, it will return KErrValueUnspecified. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to read.
TUint32 & aValue A reference to a TUint32 to hold the value

RemoveInvalidCharsLC(const TDesC16 &)

HBufC * RemoveInvalidCharsLC ( const TDesC16 & aInText ) [private]

Removes invalid chars from the passed text Invalid chars are: TAB


const TDesC16 & aInText

RemoveInvalidCharsLC(const TDesC8 &)

HBufC8 * RemoveInvalidCharsLC ( const TDesC8 & aInText ) [private]

Removes invalid chars from the passed text Invalid chars are: TAB


const TDesC8 & aInText

RemoveInvalidPhoneCharsLC(const TDesC16 &)

HBufC * RemoveInvalidPhoneCharsLC ( const TDesC16 & aInText ) [private]

Removes invalid chars from the passed phone number


const TDesC16 & aInText


IMPORT_C TBool SanityCheckOk ( )

This function checks the integrity of the CApAccessPointItem . Currently checks: IF WAP_IP_BEARER, WAP_ISP_TYPE conforms to IAP_SERVICE_TYPE


IMPORT_C void SetBearerTypeL ( TApBearerType aBearer )

This function sets the bearer type for the current access point


TApBearerType aBearer TApBearerType enum indicating the desired bearer type.


void SetDns6IpFromServer ( ) [private]

Sets iExt->iIpv6GetDNSIPFromServer according the currently valid iExt->iIpv6PrimaryDNS & iExt->iIpv6SecondaryDNS values. Called internally, after every setting of the above two values


void SetDnsIpFromServer ( ) [private]

Sets iGetDNSIPFromServer according the currently valid iPrimaryDNS & iSecondaryDNS values. Called internally, after every setting of the above two values


void SetIfNetworksL ( ) [private]

Sets the IfNetworks value according to the bearer type and the IPv6 support availability. The required values are: IPv4: GPRS/CDMA, pdptype ipv4 "ip", CSD "ip" HSCSD "ip" IPv6: GPRS/CDMA, pdptype ipv4 "ip", GPRS/CDMA, pdptype ipv6 "ip6", CSD "ip,ip6" HSCSD "ip,ip6"


void SetIpFromServer ( ) [private]

Sets iIspIPAddrFromServer according the currently valid iIspIPAddr value. Called internally, after every setting of iIspIPAddr values

SetNamesL(const TDesC16 &)

IMPORT_C void SetNamesL ( const TDesC16 & aValue )

This function writes a 16-bit text value to the 'name' fields of the access point. This includes: WAP_ACCESS_POINT, IAP, Dial/in/out/Gprs In/Out table's COMM_DB_NAME fields. These fields are (by TApMember): EApWapAccessPointName, EApIapName, EApIspName. It is useful if we need to use same names.


const TDesC16 & aValue A const reference to a 16-bit text descriptor to the value.


void SetProxyFlag ( ) [private]

Sets the proxy flag.


void SetVpnAp ( TBool aIsVpn )

Sets the current access point as VPN or as normal AP. Internal use only!


TBool aIsVpn a TBool specifiyng that the current AP is VPN or not.


TBool Specified ( TApMember aMember ) [private]

Returns whether a given member is specified (after reading it from the DB) or not.


TApMember aMember The member we would like to knopw if it is specified or not.

Specify(TApMember, TBool)

void Specify ( TApMember aMember,
TBool aOn
) [private]

Sets a given member as specified or not


TApMember aMember The member to set
TBool aOn The value to set


void SpecifyAll ( TBool aOn ) [private]

Sets all member as specified or not


TBool aOn The value to set


void SpecifyCDMA ( TBool aOn ) [private]

Sets all CDMA member as specified or not


TBool aOn The value to set


void SpecifyGPRS ( TBool aOn ) [private]

Sets all GPRS member as specified or not


TBool aOn The value to set


void SpecifyIAP ( TBool aOn ) [private]

Sets all IAP member as specified or not


TBool aOn The value to set


void SpecifyISP ( TBool aOn ) [private]

Sets all ISP member as specified or not


TBool aOn The value to set


void SpecifyIpBearer ( TBool aOn ) [private]

Sets all IP bearer member as specified or not


TBool aOn The value to set


void SpecifyWLAN ( TBool aOn ) [private]

Sets all WLAN member as specified or not


TBool aOn The value to set


void SpecifyWap ( TBool aOn ) [private]

Sets all WAP member as specified or not


TBool aOn The value to set


IMPORT_C const TDesC & WapBearer ( ) const

This function returns the current WAP bearer for the access point Ownership is not passed.


IMPORT_C TUint32 WapUid ( ) const

This function returns the ID of the access point

WriteBool(const TApMember, const TBool &)

IMPORT_C TInt WriteBool ( const TApMember aColumn,
const TBool & aValue

This function writes a boolean value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to write.
const TBool & aValue A const reference to a boolean value

WriteLongTextL(const TApMember, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt WriteLongTextL ( const TApMember aColumn,
const TDesC & aValue

This function writes a long text value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. This function can Leave if the copying of the text does not succeed.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to write.
const TDesC & aValue Reference to a 16-bit text descriptor to the value

WriteTextL(const TApMember, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt WriteTextL ( const TApMember aColumn,
const TDesC8 & aValue

This function writes an 8-bit text value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. This function can Leave if the copying of the text does not succeed. Possible leave codes are the system leave codes.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to write.
const TDesC8 & aValue Reference to an 8-bit text descriptor to the value

WriteTextL(const TApMember, const TDesC16 &)

IMPORT_C TInt WriteTextL ( const TApMember aColumn,
const TDesC16 & aValue

This function writes a 16-bit text value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. This function can Leave if the copying of the text does not succeed.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to write.
const TDesC16 & aValue Reference to a 16-bit text descriptor to the value

WriteUint(const TApMember, const TUint32 &)

IMPORT_C TInt WriteUint ( const TApMember aColumn,
const TUint32 & aValue

This function writes a TUint32 value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation.


const TApMember aColumn Enum value indicating the column to write.
const TUint32 & aValue A const reference to a TUint32 value

operator!=(const CApAccessPointItem &)

IMPORT_C TBool operator!= ( const CApAccessPointItem & aitem ) const

Inequality operator. Wap Access Point Uid is not counted.


const CApAccessPointItem & aitem

operator==(const CApAccessPointItem &)

IMPORT_C TBool operator== ( const CApAccessPointItem & aitem ) const

Equality operator. Wap Access Point Uid is not counted.


const CApAccessPointItem & aitem

Member Data Documentation

TBool iApHasProxySettings

TBool iApHasProxySettings [private]

TUint32 iApIapBearerService

TUint32 iApIapBearerService [private]

HBufC * iApProxyExceptions

HBufC * iApProxyExceptions [private]

TUint32 iApProxyPortNumber

TUint32 iApProxyPortNumber [private]

HBufC * iApProxyProtocolName

HBufC * iApProxyProtocolName [private]

HBufC * iApProxyServerAddress

HBufC * iApProxyServerAddress [private]

TBool iApProxyUseProxy

TBool iApProxyUseProxy [private]

TApCallType iBearerCallTypeIsdn

TApCallType iBearerCallTypeIsdn [private]

TCallbackAction iCallBackTypeIsServerNum

TCallbackAction iCallBackTypeIsServerNum [private]

TUint32 iChargeCard

TUint32 iChargeCard [private]

TBool iDisplayTerminalWindow

TBool iDisplayTerminalWindow [private]

TBool iEnablePPPCompression

TBool iEnablePPPCompression [private]

CApItemExtra * iExt

CApItemExtra * iExt [private]

TBool iGetDNSIPFromServer

TBool iGetDNSIPFromServer [private]

HBufC * iGprsAccessPointName

HBufC * iGprsAccessPointName [private]

TUint32 iGprsMinDelay

TUint32 iGprsMinDelay [private]

TUint32 iGprsMinMeanThroughput

TUint32 iGprsMinMeanThroughput [private]

TUint32 iGprsMinPeakThroughput

TUint32 iGprsMinPeakThroughput [private]

TUint32 iGprsMinPrecedence

TUint32 iGprsMinPrecedence [private]

TUint32 iGprsMinReliability

TUint32 iGprsMinReliability [private]

HBufC * iGprsPdpAddress

HBufC * iGprsPdpAddress [private]

TUint32 iGprsPdpType

TUint32 iGprsPdpType [private]

TUint32 iGprsReqDelay

TUint32 iGprsReqDelay [private]

TUint32 iGprsReqMeanPeakThroughput

TUint32 iGprsReqMeanPeakThroughput [private]

TUint32 iGprsReqPeakThroughput

TUint32 iGprsReqPeakThroughput [private]

TUint32 iGprsReqPrecedence

TUint32 iGprsReqPrecedence [private]

TUint32 iGprsReqReliability

TUint32 iGprsReqReliability [private]

TBool iGprsUseAnonymAccess

TBool iGprsUseAnonymAccess [private]

TUint32 iIapChargeCardId

TUint32 iIapChargeCardId [private]

HBufC * iIapName

HBufC * iIapName [private]

TUint32 iIapServiceId

TUint32 iIapServiceId [private]

HBufC * iIapServiceType

HBufC * iIapServiceType [private]

TUint32 iIsConnectionTypeContinuous

TUint32 iIsConnectionTypeContinuous [private]

TBool iIsPasswordAuthenticationSecure

TBool iIsPasswordAuthenticationSecure [private]

TBool iIsReadOnly

TBool iIsReadOnly [private]

TBool iIsWTLSSecurityOn

TBool iIsWTLSSecurityOn [private]

TUint32 iIspAIUR

TUint32 iIspAIUR [private]

TInt iIspBearerCE

TInt iIspBearerCE [private]

TInt iIspBearerName

TInt iIspBearerName [private]

TUint32 iIspBearerType

TUint32 iIspBearerType [private]

TUint32 iIspCallbackTimeOut

TUint32 iIspCallbackTimeOut [private]

TUint32 iIspChannelCoding

TUint32 iIspChannelCoding [private]

HBufC * iIspDefaultTelNumber

HBufC * iIspDefaultTelNumber [private]

HBufC * iIspDescription

HBufC * iIspDescription [private]

TBool iIspDialResolution

TBool iIspDialResolution [private]

TBool iIspEnableLCPExtensions

TBool iIspEnableLCPExtensions [private]

TBool iIspEnableSwCompression

TBool iIspEnableSwCompression [private]

HBufC * iIspGateway

HBufC * iIspGateway [private]

HBufC * iIspIPAddr

HBufC * iIspIPAddr [private]

TBool iIspIPAddrFromServer

TBool iIspIPAddrFromServer [private]

HBufC * iIspIPNetMask

HBufC * iIspIPNetMask [private]

HBufC * iIspIfAuthName

HBufC * iIspIfAuthName [private]

HBufC * iIspIfAuthPass

HBufC * iIspIfAuthPass [private]

TUint32 iIspIfAuthRetries

TUint32 iIspIfAuthRetries [private]

HBufC8 * iIspIfCallbackInfo

HBufC8 * iIspIfCallbackInfo [private]

HBufC * iIspIfName

HBufC * iIspIfName [private]

HBufC * iIspIfNetworks

HBufC * iIspIfNetworks [private]

HBufC * iIspIfParams

HBufC * iIspIfParams [private]

TBool iIspIfPromptForAuth

TBool iIspIfPromptForAuth [private]

HBufC8 * iIspInitString

HBufC8 * iIspInitString [private]

TUint32 iIspMaximumTimeSlots

TUint32 iIspMaximumTimeSlots [private]

HBufC * iIspName

HBufC * iIspName [private]

TUint32 iIspRequestedTimeSlots

TUint32 iIspRequestedTimeSlots [private]

TCommsDbIspType iIspType

TCommsDbIspType iIspType [private]

HBufC * iLoginScript

HBufC * iLoginScript [private]

TApCallSpeed iMaxConnSpeed

TApCallSpeed iMaxConnSpeed [private]

TUint32 iNetworkId

TUint32 iNetworkId [private]

HBufC * iNetworkName

HBufC * iNetworkName [private]

HBufC * iPassword

HBufC * iPassword [private]

HBufC * iPrimaryDNS

HBufC * iPrimaryDNS [private]

TBool iPromptPassword

TBool iPromptPassword [private]

HBufC * iSecondaryDNS

HBufC * iSecondaryDNS [private]

CArrayFixFlat< TBool > * iSpecified

CArrayFixFlat < TBool > * iSpecified [private]

HBufC * iStartingPage

HBufC * iStartingPage [private]

TBool iUseCallBack

TBool iUseCallBack [private]

TBool iUseLoginScript

TBool iUseLoginScript [private]

HBufC * iUserName

HBufC * iUserName [private]

HBufC * iWapAccessPointName

HBufC * iWapAccessPointName [private]

HBufC * iWapBearer

HBufC * iWapBearer [private]

HBufC * iWapGatewayAddress

HBufC * iWapGatewayAddress [private]

TUint32 iWapIap

TUint32 iWapIap [private]

TUint32 iWapIspType

TUint32 iWapIspType [private]

HBufC * iWapProxyLoginName

HBufC * iWapProxyLoginName [private]

HBufC * iWapProxyLoginPass

HBufC * iWapProxyLoginPass [private]

TUint32 iWapProxyPort

TUint32 iWapProxyPort [private]

TUint32 iWapUid

TUint32 iWapUid [private]