Timers and Timing Services Example Code

This example describes how to use RTimer functions.

BasicTimer: the asynchronous timer


Click the following link to download the example: BasicTimer.zip .

Click the following link to download additional files: CommonFramework.zip

Click browse BasicTimer to view the example code.

Click browse CommonFramework to view additional files.


This example demonstrates the asynchronous timer, RTimer . The example does not use active objects.

Class summary

  • RTimer - Asynchronous timer services.

  • TRequestStatus - Indicates the completion status of a request made to a service provider.

Security issues

The example requires no specific capabilities in order to run - and does not demonstrate any security issues.

Periodic: a periodic timer and a heartbeat timer


Download the example: Periodic.zip .

Download some additional files required by the example: CommonFramework.zip

View the source code: browse . View the additional file: browse


The example demonstrates a periodic and a heartbeat timer and shows the differences between them.

Class summary

Security issues

The example requires no specific capabilities in order to run - and does not demonstrate any security issues.