MCameraObserver2 Class Reference

class MCameraObserver2

Mixin base class V2 for camera clients.

An application must implement an MCameraObserver2 (or MCameraObserver ) in order to use the camera API. This derived class is called when the camera is ready for use, an image has been captured or a buffer of video data is ready, including when errors occur.

Member Functions Documentation

HandleEvent(const TECAMEvent &)

void HandleEvent ( const TECAMEvent & aEvent ) [pure virtual]
A camera event has completed.

Implementations of MCameraObserver2 should ignore events which are not recognised and should not leave.


This may internally call TECAMEvent2::IsEventEncapsulationValid(aEvent) and also for any other derived version of TECAMEvent class to know whether correct version of TECAMEvent base class has been used.


const TECAMEvent & aEvent A reference to a TECAMEvent. This can be completion of a call to Reserve() or a call to PowerOn() or a notification that the client has lost control of the camera. The event contains a uid identifying the event and an accompanying error code (KErrNone for the successful completion of a request). The error will be KErrNotReady for a request that was made out of the correct sequence. The error will be KErrAccessDenied for a Reserve() request that failed because a higher priority client already controls the camera.

ImageBufferReady(MCameraBuffer &, TInt)

void ImageBufferReady ( MCameraBuffer & aCameraBuffer,
TInt aError
) [pure virtual]

Notifies the client of a new captured camera image. Called asynchronously when CCamera::CaptureImage() completes.


If new image capture classes used, then this callback will not be used. Refer MCaptureImageObserver


MCameraBuffer & aCameraBuffer A reference to an MCameraBuffer if successful, or NULL if not successful.
TInt aError KErrNone if successful, or an error code if not successful.

VideoBufferReady(MCameraBuffer &, TInt)

void VideoBufferReady ( MCameraBuffer & aCameraBuffer,
TInt aError
) [pure virtual]

Notifies the client of new captured video. Called asynchronously and periodically after CCamera::StartVideoCapture() is called. The buffer has been filled with the required number of video frames specified PrepareVideoCaptureL().


MCameraBuffer & aCameraBuffer A reference to an MCameraBuffer if successful, or NULL if not successful.
TInt aError KErrNone if successful, or an error code if not successful.

ViewFinderReady(MCameraBuffer &, TInt)

void ViewFinderReady ( MCameraBuffer & aCameraBuffer,
TInt aError
) [pure virtual]

Notifies client of new view finder data. Called periodically in response to the use of CCamera::StartViewFinderL() .


MCameraBuffer & aCameraBuffer A reference to an MCameraBuffer if successful, or NULL if not successful.
TInt aError KErrNone if successful, or an error code if not successful.