CTulStringResourceReader Class Reference

class CTulStringResourceReader : public CBase

CTulStringResourceReader reads strings from resource without CCoeEnv . If resource file given to the constructor is not found, the constructor leaves. This module is mainly for server usage, where there is the need to read resources, but no CCoeEnv instance is present.


        #include <platform/stringresourcereader.h>
#include <errorres.rsg> // Resource to be read header 

TFileName myFileName( _L("z:\\resource\\errorres.rsc") );
CTulStringResourceReader* test = CTulStringResourceReader::NewL( myFileName );

TPtrC buf;
buf.Set(test-> ReadResourceString(R_ERROR_RES_GENERAL)); 
// Note that buf will only be valid as long as CTulStringResourceReader 
// instance is alive and no new string is read by the same instance.
// If you need to read multiple strings, make copies.

delete test;

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CTulStringResourceReader ( ) [private]

C++ default constructor.


~CTulStringResourceReader ( )

Member Functions Documentation

ConstructL(TFileName &)

void ConstructL ( TFileName & aResFile ) [private]

By default Symbian OS constructor is private.


TFileName & aResFile

ConstructL(TFileName &, RFs &)

void ConstructL ( TFileName & aResFile,
RFs & aFs
) [private]

By default Symbian OS constructor is private.


TFileName & aResFile
RFs & aFs

NewL(TFileName &)

IMPORT_C CTulStringResourceReader * NewL ( TFileName & aResFile ) [static]
Creates a new String Resource Reader object.
KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.


TFileName & aResFile The resource file from which the string(s) are to be read.

NewL(TFileName &, RFs &)

IMPORT_C CTulStringResourceReader * NewL ( TFileName & aResFile,
RFs & aFs
) [static]
Creates a new String Resource Reader object.
KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.


TFileName & aResFile The resource file from which the string(s) are to be read.
RFs & aFs A handle to a shared file server session.

NewLC(TFileName &)

IMPORT_C CTulStringResourceReader * NewLC ( TFileName & aResFile ) [static]
Creates a new String Resource Reader object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.


TFileName & aResFile The resource file from which the string(s) are to be read.

NewLC(TFileName &, RFs &)

IMPORT_C CTulStringResourceReader * NewLC ( TFileName & aResFile,
RFs & aFs
) [static]
Creates a new String Resource Reader object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.


TFileName & aResFile The resource file from which the string(s) are to be read.
RFs & aFs A handle to a shared file server session.


IMPORT_C const TDesC & ReadResourceString ( TInt aResourceId )
ReadResourceString: returns the string that match with the resource id. No lenght limitations are imposed on read string.
aResourceId If the alignment of Unicode strings within the resource is incorrect,


TInt aResourceId

Member Data Documentation

TBool iFsConnected

TBool iFsConnected [private]

RFs iFsSession

RFs iFsSession [private]

HBufC * iResourceBuffer

HBufC * iResourceBuffer [private]

RResourceFile iResourceFile

RResourceFile iResourceFile [private]

TPtrC iTruncatedTextPointer

TPtrC iTruncatedTextPointer [private]