CTlsCryptoAttributes Class Reference

class CTlsCryptoAttributes : public CBase

This structure hold all the information required by the provider or the token obtained form the handshake. The structure is gradually filled in by the protocol. optional The following structure is incomplete and will have to be decided with nicky Also the enums and constants, may be referenced through ssl.h

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CTlsCryptoAttributes ( ) [private]


~CTlsCryptoAttributes ( ) [virtual]

Member Functions Documentation


CTlsCryptoAttributes * NewL ( ) [static]

The first call to CTlsProviderImpl takes place before ClientHello is sent,then as the handshake progresses, the information relevant for Provider and token will be gradually filled in a structure. This structure CTlsCryptoAttributes will be returned in this API, If the structure already exists, then the pointer to the same structure is returned. CTlsCryptoAttributes

Member Data Documentation

TBool iAllowNullCipherSuites

TBool iAllowNullCipherSuites

TBool iClientAuthenticate

TBool iClientAuthenticate

TTLSCompressionMethod iCompressionMethod

TTLSCompressionMethod iCompressionMethod

TTLSCipherSuite iCurrentCipherSuite

TTLSCipherSuite iCurrentCipherSuite

TBool iDialogNonAttendedMode

TBool iDialogNonAttendedMode

RPointerArray< const TDesC8 > iDistinguishedCANames

RPointerArray < const TDesC8 > iDistinguishedCANames

TTLSMasterSecretInput iMasterSecretInput

TTLSMasterSecretInput iMasterSecretInput

TTLSProtocolVersion iNegotiatedProtocol

TTLSProtocolVersion iNegotiatedProtocol

TBuf8< 60 > iProposedCiphers

TBuf8 < 60 > iProposedCiphers

TTLSProtocolVersion iProposedProtocol

TTLSProtocolVersion iProposedProtocol

TBool iPskConfigured

TBool iPskConfigured

HBufC8 * iPskIdentityHint

HBufC8 * iPskIdentityHint

MSoPskKeyHandler * iPskKeyHandler

MSoPskKeyHandler * iPskKeyHandler

CTLSPublicKeyParams * iPublicKeyParams

CTLSPublicKeyParams * iPublicKeyParams

RArray< TTLSClientCertType > iReqCertTypes

RArray < TTLSClientCertType > iReqCertTypes

HBufC8 * iServerDNFromCertIssuer

HBufC8 * iServerDNFromCertIssuer

HBufC8 * iServerDNFromCertSubject

HBufC8 * iServerDNFromCertSubject

CDesC8Array * iServerNames

CDesC8Array * iServerNames

TTLSSessionNameAndID iSessionNameAndID

TTLSSessionNameAndID iSessionNameAndID

TBuf8< 256 > idomainName

TBuf8 < 256 > idomainName

TTLSSignatureAlgorithm isignatureAlgorithm

TTLSSignatureAlgorithm isignatureAlgorithm