CCmsSignerIdentifier Class Reference

class CCmsSignerIdentifier : public CBase

A representation of a RFC2630 (SignerIdentifier) entity.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CCmsSignerIdentifier ( ) [protected]

Default constructor

CCmsSignerIdentifier(CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber *)

CCmsSignerIdentifier ( CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * aIssuerAndSerialNumber ) [protected]

Constructor for encoding.


CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * aIssuerAndSerialNumber The issuer and serial number.

CCmsSignerIdentifier(HBufC8 *)

CCmsSignerIdentifier ( HBufC8 * aSubjectKeyIdExt ) [protected]

Constructor for encoding


HBufC8 * aSubjectKeyIdExt the subject key identifier extension


IMPORT_C ~CCmsSignerIdentifier ( )


Member Functions Documentation

ConstructL(const TDesC8 &)

void ConstructL ( const TDesC8 & aRawData ) [protected]

Second phase constructor for encoding


const TDesC8 & aRawData the raw data


CASN1EncBase * EncodeASN1DERLC ( ) const

Creates the ASN1 sequence of the signer identifier object and leaves it on the cleanup stack.


IMPORT_C const CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * IssuerAndSerialNumber ( ) const

Returns the issuer and serial name.

NewL(CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber *)

CCmsSignerIdentifier * NewL ( CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * aIssuerAndSerialNumber ) [static]

Creates a CMS SignerIdentifier as defined in RFC2630.


CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * aIssuerAndSerialNumber An IssuerAndSerialNumber instance used to construct this object. Ownership of aIssuerAndSerialNumber is transferred to the newly created CCmsSignerIdentifier object. If construction fails, ownership is not transferred. The caller needs to push aIssuerAndSerialNumber onto the cleanup stack before calling this method, and pop it off the cleanup stack after successful construction.

NewL(HBufC8 *)

CCmsSignerIdentifier * NewL ( HBufC8 * aSubjectKeyIdExt ) [static]

Creates a CMS SignerIdentifier as defined in RFC2630.


HBufC8 * aSubjectKeyIdExt A buffer that contains the subject key identifier. Ownership of aSubjectKeyIdExt is transferred to the newly created CCmsSignerIdentifier object. If construction fails, ownership is not transferred. The caller needs to push aSubjectKeyIdExt onto the cleanup stack before calling this method, and pop it off the cleanup stack after successful construction.

NewL(const TDesC8 &)

CCmsSignerIdentifier * NewL ( const TDesC8 & aRawData ) [static]

Creates a CMS SignerIdentifier as defined in RFC2630.


const TDesC8 & aRawData A buffer that contains the encoded CMS signer identifier.

NewLC(CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber *)

CCmsSignerIdentifier * NewLC ( CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * aIssuerAndSerialNumber ) [static]

Creates a CMS SignerIdentifier as defined in RFC2630, and leaves it on the cleanup stack.


CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * aIssuerAndSerialNumber An IssuerAndSerialNumber instance used to construct this object. Ownership of aIssuerAndSerialNumber is transferred to the newly created CCmsSignerIdentifier object. If construction fails, ownership is not transferred. The caller needs to push aIssuerAndSerialNumber onto the cleanup stack before calling this method, and pop it off the cleanup stack after successful construction.

NewLC(HBufC8 *)

CCmsSignerIdentifier * NewLC ( HBufC8 * aSubjectKeyIdExt ) [static]

Creates a CMS SignerIdentifier as defined in RFC2630, and leaves it on the cleanup stack.


HBufC8 * aSubjectKeyIdExt A buffer that contains the subject key identifier. Ownership of aSubjectKeyIdExt is transferred to the newly created CCmsSignerIdentifier object. If construction fails, ownership is not transferred. The caller needs to push aSubjectKeyIdExt onto the cleanup stack before calling this method, and pop it off the cleanup stack after successful construction.

NewLC(const TDesC8 &)

CCmsSignerIdentifier * NewLC ( const TDesC8 & aRawData ) [static]

Creates a CMS SignerIdentifier as defined in RFC2630, and leaves it on the cleanup stack.


const TDesC8 & aRawData A buffer that contains the encoded CMS signer identifier.


IMPORT_C TInt SignerIdentifierType ( ) const

Returns the type of the signer identifier.


IMPORT_C const TDesC8 & SubjectKeyIdentifier ( ) const

Returns the subject key identifier.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TSignerIdentifierType

The SignerIdentifier type.



The SignerIdentifier type is issuerAndSerialNumber.


The SignerIdentifier type is subjectKeyIdentifier.

Member Data Documentation

CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * iIssuerAndSerialNumber

CPKCS7IssuerAndSerialNumber * iIssuerAndSerialNumber [private]

The issuer and serial number

TSignerIdentifierType iSignerIdentifierType

TSignerIdentifierType iSignerIdentifierType [private]

The type of the signer identifier.

HBufC8 * iSubjectKeyIdExt

HBufC8 * iSubjectKeyIdExt [private]

The subject key identifier.