CCommChannelHandler Class Reference
class CCommChannelHandler : public CommsFW::CCFModuleChannelHandler
Main Comms Channel traffic handler for the serialserver. The adapter responsible for communicating with the Root Server over the channel given with the
structure delivered via the parameter to the main thread function.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
CCommChannelHandler(CC32WorkerThread *)
Member Functions Documentation
CFMessageBind(const CommsFW::TCFBindMsg &)
This will be called by the handler when a Bind message have been received from the Root Server. Delegating the call to the Worker Thread.
CFMessageDiscover(const CommsFW::TCFDiscoverMsg &)
This will be called by the handler when a Discovery message have been received from the Root Server. It will send a response, telling the Root Server that it has a single sub-module/binding point which is named after the WorkerID. As each Worker has a unique ID each worker thus also has a unique sub-module name to bind to, which potentially allows for simpler handling code and easy to interpret logs.
CFMessageShutdown(const CommsFW::TCFShutdownMsg &)
This will be called by the handler when a shutdown message have been received from the Root Server. Delegating the call to the Worker Thread.
CFMessageUnbind(const CommsFW::TCFUnbindMsg &)
This will be called by the handler when a Unbind message have has received from the Root Server. Delegating the call to the Worker Thread.
NewL(CommsFW::RCFChannel::TMsgQueues, CommsFW::RCFChannel::TMsgQueues, CC32WorkerThread *)
Send(const CommsFW::TCFMessage &)
Member Type Definitions Documentation
Member Data Documentation
CC32WorkerThread * iWorkerThread
Pointer back to the worker thread owning this instance.
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