MCameraVideoCaptureControl Class Reference

class MCameraVideoCaptureControl

Mixin class for implementation by providers of the Video Capture Control Camera Extension API. CCamera Video Capture Control class exposes an API for controlling advanced video capture related settings and control.

Member Functions Documentation

CreateHistogramImplFactoryL(MImplementationFactory *&)

void CreateHistogramImplFactoryL ( MImplementationFactory *& aImplFactoryPtr ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the concrete factory handle for the histogram implementation in order to use it specifically for the video capture.

May leave with any error code.


MImplementationFactory *& aImplFactoryPtr The concrete factory handle for the histogram implementation specific to the video capture.

GetDisabledSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)

void GetDisabledSettingsL ( RArray < TUid > & aDisabledSettings ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the camera settings whose value got affected once the desired video settings (frame rate/frame size) are in place. This method may be called by the client after receiving the notification KUidECamEventVideoCaptureControlSettingsDisabled.

May leave with any error code.
PrepareVideoCapture(const TPrepareVideoParameters& aPrepareVideoParameters)


RArray < TUid > & aDisabledSettings Retrieves the list of disabled settings

GetEmbeddedStillCaptureSupportInfoL(TInt &)

void GetEmbeddedStillCaptureSupportInfoL ( TInt & aSupportedEmbeddedStillCaptureTypes ) const [pure virtual]

Informs whether or not the 'embedded still capture' feature is supported. Allowing still image capture in between on-going video capture is referred to as embedded still capture.

May leave with any error code.


TInt & aSupportedEmbeddedStillCaptureTypes Retrieves the supported embedded still capture. The TInt is retrieved as a bit field of supported TEmbeddedStillCaptureTypes.

GetFadingEffectStateL(CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TFadingEffectState &)

void GetFadingEffectStateL ( CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TFadingEffectState & aFadingEffectState ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the fading effect state for video capture.

May leave with any error code.


CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TFadingEffectState & aFadingEffectState Retrieves the current fading effect state for video capture.

GetImageProcessingImplFactoryL(MImplementationFactory *&)

void GetImageProcessingImplFactoryL ( MImplementationFactory *& aImplFactoryPtr ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the concrete factory handle for the image processing implementation in order to use it specifically for the video capture.

May leave with any error code.


MImplementationFactory *& aImplFactoryPtr The concrete factory handle for the image processing implementation specific to the video capture.

GetPixelAspectsSupportedL(TUint &, CCamera::TFormat, const TSize &)

void GetPixelAspectsSupportedL ( TUint & aPixelAspectsSupported,
CCamera::TFormat aVideoFormat,
const TSize & aSize
) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the supported pixel aspect ratio for a given resolution in case of video.

May leave with any error code.


TUint & aPixelAspectsSupported A bit field which retrieves the supported pixel aspect ratio for a given resolution. Pixel aspect ratio have been defined as CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPixelAspectRatio
CCamera::TFormat aVideoFormat The video format for which the supported pixel aspect ratio have to be retrieved.
const TSize & aSize The resolution (or size) for which the supported pixel aspect ratio have to be retrieved.

GetPrepareVideoParametersL(CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TPrepareVideoParameters &)

void GetPrepareVideoParametersL ( CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TPrepareVideoParameters & aPrepareVideoParameters ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the current prepare video parameters.

May leave with any error code.


CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TPrepareVideoParameters & aPrepareVideoParameters Retrieves the current prepare video parameters.

GetRangeAffectedSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)

void GetRangeAffectedSettingsL ( RArray < TUid > & aRangeAffectedSettings ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the camera settings whose range got affected once the desired video settings (frame rate/frame size) are in place. This method may be called by the client after receiving the notification KUidECamEventVideoCaptureControlSettingsRangeChanged.

May leave with any error code.
PrepareVideoCapture(const TPrepareVideoParameters& aPrepareVideoParameters)


RArray < TUid > & aRangeAffectedSettings Retrieves the list of range affected settings

GetSnapshotImplFactoryL(MImplementationFactory *&)

void GetSnapshotImplFactoryL ( MImplementationFactory *& aImplFactoryPtr ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the concrete factory handle for the snapshot implementation in order to use it specifically for the video capture.

May leave with any error code.


MImplementationFactory *& aImplFactoryPtr The concrete factory handle for the snapshot implementation specific to the video capture.

GetValueAffectedSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)

void GetValueAffectedSettingsL ( RArray < TUid > & aValueAffectedSettings ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the camera settings whose value got affected once the desired video settings (frame rate/frame size) are in place. This method may be called by the client after receiving the notification KUidECamEventVideoCaptureControlSettingsValueChanged.

May leave with any error code.
PrepareVideoCapture(const TPrepareVideoParameters& aPrepareVideoParameters)


RArray < TUid > & aValueAffectedSettings Retrieves the list of value affected settings

GetVideoCaptureStateL(CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TVideoCaptureState &)

void GetVideoCaptureStateL ( CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TVideoCaptureState & aVideoCaptureState ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the current video capture state.

May leave with any error code.


CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TVideoCaptureState & aVideoCaptureState Retrieves the current video capture state.

GetVideoCaptureSupportInfoL(TInt &)

void GetVideoCaptureSupportInfoL ( TInt & aSupportedVideoCaptureTypes ) const [pure virtual]
Retrieves the various types of video capture supported.
May leave with any error code.


TInt & aSupportedVideoCaptureTypes Retrieves the supported video capture type. The TInt is retrieved as a bit field of supported TVideoCaptureType.

GetVideoFormatsSupportedL(TUint &, const TSize &)

void GetVideoFormatsSupportedL ( TUint & aVideoFormatsSupported,
const TSize & aSize
) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the supported video formats for a given resolution.

May leave with any error code.


TUint & aVideoFormatsSupported A bit field which retrieves the supported video formats for a given resolution. Formats have been defined as CCamera::TFormat
const TSize & aSize The resolution (or size) for which the total number of supported video formats have to be retrieved.


void PauseVideoCapture ( ) [pure virtual]

Pauses the on-going video capture. MCaptureVideoObserver::VideoBufferReady(MCameraBuffer2& aVideoBuffer, TInt aErrorCode) callback will not be received by the client until the video capture is resumed.

PrepareVideoCapture(const CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TPrepareVideoParameters &)

void PrepareVideoCapture ( const CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TPrepareVideoParameters & aPrepareVideoParameters ) [pure virtual]

Asynchronous method to prepare for video capture.

Performs setup and allocation of memory prior to calling StartVideoCapture() to keep the latency of that function to a minimum.


Event KUidECamEventVideoCaptureControlPrepareComplete is used to notify clients about completing the preparation for video capture.

Next PrepareVideoCapture can be called only after receiving the notification KUidECamEventReadyForNextPrepare.

If some camera settings get affected because of desired video settings such as frame rate/frame size, specific notifications will be sent to the client about camera settings being affected.

Event KUidECamEventVideoCaptureControlSettingsRangeChanged: informs that range of certain camera settings have been changed. Client may call GetRangeAffectedSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aRangeAffectedSettings) const to get the list of affected camera settings.

Event KUidECamEventVideoCaptureControlSettingsValueChanged: informs that value of certain camera settings have been changed. Client may call GetValueAffectedSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aValueAffectedSettings) const to get the list of affected camera settings.

Event KUidECamEventVideoCaptureControlSettingsDisabled: informs that certain camera settings have been disabled. Client may call GetDisabledSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aDisabledSettings) const to get the list of affected camera settings.

CCamera::PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat aFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,TInt aRateIndex,TInt aBuffersToUse,TInt aFramesPerBuffer) ReleaseVideoResource()


const CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TPrepareVideoParameters & aPrepareVideoParameters Parameters necessary to prepare for video capture.


void Release ( ) [pure virtual]

Releases the interface.


void ReleaseVideoResource ( ) [pure virtual]

Frees the video resources which were set up as a result of CCameraVideoCaptureControl::PrepareVideoCapture call. If this methid is called while PrepareVideoCapture call is outstanding, then this will be equivalent to cancelling the PrepareVideoCapture call and release any allocated resources.


void ResumeVideoCaptureL ( ) [pure virtual]

Resumes the on-going video capture. MCaptureVideoObserver::VideoBufferReady(MCameraBuffer2& aVideoBuffer, TInt aErrorCode) callback will again be received by the client.

May leave with any error code.

SetCaptureVideoObserver(MCaptureVideoObserver &)

void SetCaptureVideoObserver ( MCaptureVideoObserver & aCaptureVideoObserver ) [pure virtual]

The observer for the video capture is passed to the implementation for passing callbacks on it.


MCaptureVideoObserver & aCaptureVideoObserver The reference to the capture video observer.


void SetFadingEffectState ( CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TFadingEffectState aFadingEffectState ) [pure virtual]

Sets the fading effect state for video capture.


Triggers a KUidECamEventVideoCaptureControlFadingEffect event notification.


CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::TFadingEffectState aFadingEffectState The desired fading effect state for video capture.


void StartVideoCaptureL ( ) [pure virtual]

Starts the video capture. This operation gives priority to the low latency aspects.

Video frames are send to client via MCaptureVideoObserver::VideoBufferReady(MCameraBuffer2& aVideoBuffer, TInt aErrorCode).

May leave with any error code.

This method is recommended to be used rather than CCamera::StartVideoCaptureL().


void StopVideoCapture ( ) [pure virtual]

Stops the video capture. This operation gives priority to the low latency aspects.


This method is recommended to be used rather than CCamera::StopVideoCapture() .