CBaseMtm Class Reference

class CBaseMtm : public CBase

Provides a high-level interface for accessing and manipulating a Message Server entry.

Message client applications use the class to access such functionality polymorphically. MTM implementers implement a derived class to provide such functionality for their message protocol.

The following are some significant groups of functions:

Context functions: the SetCurrentEntryL() and SwitchCurrentEntryL() functions change the context - the entry on which later actions are performed. After creating a new Client-side MTM object, a message client application should set an initial context before using other functions. Note that: any changes made to an existing context are not automatically saved: the message client application should ensure this itself by calling SaveMessageL() ; no message data for the new context is retrieved from the Message Server, to retrieve entry data, call LoadMessageL() after setting the context; calling Body() immediately after setting the context returns an empty CRichText object: this is because the private cache of context body text that the base class maintains is re-initialised to an empty value. MTM implementers should note that the virtual ContextEntrySwitched() is called from these functions to allow derived classes to also clear any caches of MTM-specific entry data.

Store and restore entry data functions: the changes that a message client application makes to a message context through Client-side MTM functions, such as altering the body text obtained through Body() , are, for efficiency, cached in memory by a Client-side MTM. The message store and restore functions are concerned with transferring data between that cache and committed storage. Note that, unlike message contexts, message client applications are not expected to manipulate directly service contexts. Instead, the corresponding User Interface MTM will provide dialogs to allow the user to alter service settings, and call Client-side MTM functions to handle their retrieval and storage. Symbian OS v5 expects the base class functions to handle storage and retrieval for both message and service contexts, and their implementations must detect what the context is, and act accordingly. Post-v5, the API is clarified by restricting the base class functions to handle message contexts only. To handle service contexts, a Client-side MTM must define its own functions for the User Interface MTM to call.

Store and restore body text functions: the base class maintains a private CRichText object cache to store the body text for the current context. This can be accessed for reading and writing by message client applications through Body() . StoreBodyL() and RestoreBodyL() encapsulate for implementers of derived classes the retrieval and storage of this CRichText object to a CMsvStore .

Address list functions: the format and storage of message addresses is MTM-specific. AddresseeList() , AddAddresseeL() , and RemoveAddressee() are designed to allow clients with no MTM-specific knowledge to access address information in a generic way. The base class has a protected data member iAddresseeList, an array of descriptors, which these functions manipulate. Implementations should save the address information to the appropriate place in the message store when the message is stored.

MTM-specific functionality: MTM components can offer protocol-specific functionality not provided by base class interface functions. MTM components define IDs that correspond to each protocol-specific operation offered, and implement the InvokeSyncFunctionL() and InvokeAsyncFunctionL() functions to allow clients to access these operations by passing in the appropriate ID. Two functions are provided to allow the MTM component to offer both synchronous and asynchronous functionality. Message client applications can dynamically add user-interface features for these operations using CBaseMtmUiData::MtmSpecificFunctions(). MTM developers should document the IDs if they wish to make the operations available to clients.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CBaseMtm ()
void AddAddresseeL (const TDesC &)
void AddAddresseeL (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void AddAddresseeL ( TMsvRecipientType , const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void AddAddresseeL ( TMsvRecipientType , const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void AddAttachmentL (const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void AddLinkedAttachmentL (const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C const CMsvRecipientList & AddresseeList ()
IMPORT_C void BioTypeChangedL ( TUid )
IMPORT_C CRichText & Body ()
IMPORT_C void CancelAttachmentOperation ()
IMPORT_C void ChangeDefaultServiceL (const TMsvId &)
IMPORT_C void CreateAttachmentL (const TDesC &, RFile &, const TDesC8 &, TUint , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void CreateMessageL ( TMsvId )
IMPORT_C TMsvId DefaultServiceL ()
void Filler1 ()
void Filler2 ()
TMsvPartList Find (const TDesC &, TMsvPartList )
CMsvOperation * ForwardL ( TMsvId , TMsvPartList , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TAny * GetExtensionData ()
IMPORT_C TBool HasContext ()
CMsvOperation * InvokeAsyncFunctionL ( TInt , const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)
void InvokeSyncFunctionL ( TInt , const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &)
void LoadMessageL ()
IMPORT_C TInt QueryCapability ( TUid , TInt &)
void RemoveAddressee ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void RemoveDefaultServiceL ()
CMsvOperation * ReplyL ( TMsvId , TMsvPartList , TRequestStatus &)
void SaveMessageL ()
IMPORT_C CMsvSession & Session ()
IMPORT_C void SetCurrentEntryL ( CMsvEntry *)
IMPORT_C void SetExtensionData ( TAny *)
IMPORT_C TInt SetMessageCharacterSet ( TUint )
IMPORT_C void SetSubjectL (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C const TPtrC SubjectL ()
IMPORT_C void SwitchCurrentEntryL ( TMsvId )
IMPORT_C TUid Type ()
TMsvPartList ValidateMessage ( TMsvPartList )
Protected Member Functions
CBaseMtm ( CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvSession &)
void ContextEntrySwitched ()
IMPORT_C TInt Extension_ ( TUint , TAny *&, TAny *)
IMPORT_C TAny * GetInterface ( TUid )
IMPORT_C void HandleEntryEventL (TMsvEntryEvent, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)
IMPORT_C void RestoreBodyL ( CMsvStore &)
IMPORT_C void StoreBodyL ( CMsvStore &)
Private Member Functions
void AddFilePathAttachmentL (const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint , CMsvAttachment::TMsvAttachmentType , TRequestStatus &)
void DeleteEntry ()
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Protected Attributes
CMsvRecipientList * iAddresseeList
CCharFormatLayer * iCharFormatLayer
CMsvEntry * iMsvEntry
CParaFormatLayer * iParaFormatLayer
Private Attributes
CMsvAttachmentWaiter * iAttachmentWaiter
TMsvId iEntryId
TAny * iExtensionData
CRegisteredMtmDll & iRegisteredMtmDll
CRichText * iRichTextBody
CMsvSession & iSession

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CBaseMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvSession &)

IMPORT_C CBaseMtm ( CRegisteredMtmDll & aRegisteredMtmDll,
CMsvSession & aSession
) [protected]

Creates a CBaseMtm with member variables initialised from the passed arguments.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.

The value of aSession can be accessed through Session() .

Derived classes can implement a constructor to perform any additional MTM-specific setup that can be safely carried out in a constructor. Such constructors must call the base class constructor function.

Derived classes also implement two-phase construction functions (NewL(), ConstructL()) to create a new instance of the object, in which any dynamic allocation should be performed. Client-side MTMs also implement a factory function by which a MTM registry can request an instance of the class.


CRegisteredMtmDll & aRegisteredMtmDll Registration data for the MTM DLL.
CMsvSession & aSession The CMsvSession of the client requesting the object


IMPORT_C ~CBaseMtm ( )

Cleans up the base class.

CBaseMtm -derived objects must be deleted by client applications when they are no longer required.

Derived classes can implement a destructor to do any additional clean up tasks that they require.

Member Functions Documentation

AddAddresseeL(const TDesC &)

void AddAddresseeL ( const TDesC & aRealAddress ) [pure virtual]

Adds an addressee for the current context.

Addresses are not validated by checking their format by this function. Usually that is performed by calling ValidateMessage() .


Implementations should append the address to the object's address cache in the protected iAddresseeList data member. Some implementations may also wish to store addresses in an internal data structure appropriate for the protocol, for example, a class holding message header information.

KErrNotSupported The message already has the maximum number of addressees
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


const TDesC & aRealAddress String representing an address to be added to the list for the current message

AddAddresseeL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

void AddAddresseeL ( const TDesC & aRealAddress,
const TDesC & aAlias
) [pure virtual]

Adds an addressee for the current context, and enables the client to specify an alias, which may be useful for some protocols. For example, for fax, if the address is the fax number, the alias could supply the recipient's name.

Addresses are not validated by checking their format by this function. Usually that is performed by calling ValidateMessage() .


Implementations should append the address to the object's address cache in the protected iAddresseeList data member. Some implementations may also wish to store addresses in an internal data structure appropriate for the protocol, for example, a class holding message header information.

KErrNotSupported The message already has the maximum number of addressees
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


const TDesC & aRealAddress String representing an address to be added to the list for the current message
const TDesC & aAlias Alias information

AddAddresseeL(TMsvRecipientType, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void AddAddresseeL ( TMsvRecipientType aType,
const TDesC & aRealAddress
) [virtual]

Adds addressee to list.

The default implementation treats To: and Cc: type addressees as if the addressee had no type.

The default implementation does not support Bcc type addressees.

KErrNotSupprted The addressee type was Bcc which is not supported in the default implementation.


TMsvRecipientType aType The addressee type.
const TDesC & aRealAddress The addressee address.

AddAddresseeL(TMsvRecipientType, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void AddAddresseeL ( TMsvRecipientType aType,
const TDesC & aRealAddress,
const TDesC & aAlias
) [virtual]


TMsvRecipientType aType
const TDesC & aRealAddress
const TDesC & aAlias

AddAttachmentL(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void AddAttachmentL ( const TDesC & aFilePath,
const TDesC8 & aMimeType,
TUint aCharset,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]


const TDesC & aFilePath
const TDesC8 & aMimeType
TUint aCharset
TRequestStatus & aStatus

AddFilePathAttachmentL(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, CMsvAttachment::TMsvAttachmentType, TRequestStatus &)

void AddFilePathAttachmentL ( const TDesC & aFilePath,
const TDesC8 & aMimeType,
TUint aCharset,
CMsvAttachment::TMsvAttachmentType aType,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [private]


const TDesC & aFilePath
const TDesC8 & aMimeType
TUint aCharset
CMsvAttachment::TMsvAttachmentType aType
TRequestStatus & aStatus

AddLinkedAttachmentL(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void AddLinkedAttachmentL ( const TDesC & aFilePath,
const TDesC8 & aMimeType,
TUint aCharset,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Adds a file attachment to the current message entry as a linked file.

The attachment is referenced by its file path and is not copied into the message store. The attachment file is always used from its original location on disk indicated by the aFilePath parameter. Only one asynchronous operation can be run at any one time.

System-wide error codes.


const TDesC & aFilePath The full path specification of the attachment file.
const TDesC8 & aMimeType The mime type of the attachment file.
TUint aCharset The mime charset. The value is a standard IANA value. The value 0 indicates that no charset is provided.
TRequestStatus & aStatus The request status to complete when request has completed.


IMPORT_C const CMsvRecipientList & AddresseeList ( ) const

Gets the list of intended recipients for the current context, which must be a message.

In the case of protocols that allow different classes of recipient (such as To, Cc and Bcc), the list returned is whatever the protocol defines as the default recipient list.


The default implementation simply returns the value of the protected data member iAddresseeList. As a consequence, Client-side MTM implementations should update this member whenever the address list is modified.


IMPORT_C void BioTypeChangedL ( TUid aBioTypeUid ) [virtual]

Informs client-side MTM that the context's BIO field is being changed as a result of a call to CSendAs::SetBioTypeL().

CSendAs::SetBioTypeL() calls this function before setting the BIO field in the context's index entry. This allows a client-side MTM to perform MTM specific actions when the BIO type changes.

CSendAs will not change the BIO type if this function leaves.

The default implementation is to do nothing.



TUid aBioTypeUid New value for the BIO field


IMPORT_C CRichText & Body ( )

Gets the body text of the context, that must be a message. For non-message contexts, an empty CRichText is returned.

StoreBodyL() RestoreBodyL()


IMPORT_C void CancelAttachmentOperation ( ) [virtual]

ChangeDefaultServiceL(const TMsvId &)

IMPORT_C void ChangeDefaultServiceL ( const TMsvId & aService ) [virtual]


const TMsvId & aService


void ContextEntrySwitched ( ) [protected, pure virtual]

Called by the base class functions SwitchCurrentEntryL() and SetCurrentEntryL() when the context is changed to another entry.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.


An implementation should clear:

1. address data stored in iAddresseeList

2. any caches of MTM-specific entry data relating to a previous context. For example, if the implementation has a private buffer storing a message subject, for access through Subject(), this buffer should be cleared.

CreateAttachmentL(const TDesC &, RFile &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void CreateAttachmentL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
RFile & aAttachmentFile,
const TDesC8 & aMimeType,
TUint aCharset,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Creates a new empty file attachment to the current message entry.

An empty file attachment is created with the suggested given name and if completed successfully, the aAttachmentFile will be open on the new file. Only one asynchronous operation can be run at any one time.

System-wide error codes.


const TDesC & aFileName The suggested file name for the new attachment file.
RFile & aAttachmentFile If successful, this will be set to the open new file.
const TDesC8 & aMimeType The mime type of the attachment file.
TUint aCharset The mime charset. The value is a standard IANA value. The value 0 indicates that no charset is provided.
TRequestStatus & aStatus The request status to complete when request has completed.


IMPORT_C void CreateMessageL ( TMsvId aServiceId ) [virtual]

Creates a new message entry as a child of the current context.

The default implementation creates an empty entry with its visible flag set to false and its in-preparation flag set to true.


TMsvId aServiceId ID of the service to own the entry.


IMPORT_C TMsvId DefaultServiceL ( ) const [virtual]

Gets the default MTM service.

The default implementation is to assume the MTM only supports one service so finds the first service associated with this MTM and returns that.

KErrNotFound If no service has been created.


void DeleteEntry ( ) [private]

Extension_(TUint, TAny *&, TAny *)

IMPORT_C TInt Extension_ ( TUint aExtensionId,
TAny *& a0,
TAny * a1
) [protected, virtual]

The default Extension service. The default implementation of this function assumes that the new service for setting the charset encoding value for a SMS message is not supported. TAny* is equivalent to void*.


TUint aExtensionId Uid of the extension interface
TAny *& a0 The collective parameters of TAny*
TAny * a1 The collective parameters of TAny*,Charset encoding value is actually extracted from a1.


void Filler1 ( ) [inline, virtual]


void Filler2 ( ) [inline, virtual]

Find(const TDesC &, TMsvPartList)

TMsvPartList Find ( const TDesC & aTextToFind,
TMsvPartList aPartList
) [pure virtual]

Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.

If the specified part list indicates a part that is not supported, or is not present in the current message, the function behaves as if the specified part exists but does not contain the required text.


The parts of the entry for which searching is allowed is implementation specific. If no searching is supported, always return 0.


const TDesC & aTextToFind The plain-text version of the text to be found.
TMsvPartList aPartList Indicates the message parts which should be searched.

ForwardL(TMsvId, TMsvPartList, TRequestStatus &)

CMsvOperation * ForwardL ( TMsvId aDestination,
TMsvPartList aPartList,
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus
) [pure virtual]

Creates a forwarded message from the current message context.

Some MTMs may support inclusion of elements, specified by aPartlist, from the original message in the forwarded message. The parent for the new entry is specified in aDestination. The returned CMsvOperation object completes when editing the forwarded message is complete. On completion, the context is set to the forwarded message.


A typical implementation for this function would include the following steps:

1. create a new message in the specified destination by calling CMsvEntry::CreateL()

2. set the entry index values as appropriate

3. set message content as required. The normal minimum is to include the text of the original message. An implementation may also follow the options specified in aPartlist to include other properties of the original message.

4. set the context to the reply

5. return a CMsvOperation-derived object to provide asynchronous control and monitoring of the operation

If forwarded messages are not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

The implementation of this function may be similar to that of ReplyL() , allowing opportunities for code sharing.

KErrNotSupported The Client-side MTM does not support creation of forwarded messages
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


TMsvId aDestination The entry to which to assign the forwarded message
TMsvPartList aPartList Defines the parts that are to be copied from the original message into the forwarded message
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus The request status to be completed when the operation has finished


IMPORT_C TAny * GetExtensionData ( )


IMPORT_C TAny * GetInterface ( TUid aUid ) [protected, virtual]

Returns a pointer to the interface with the specified Uid.

This method is the first part of an extension pattern to allow for more functionality to be supported without adding virtual methods to this base class.

The default implementation returns a NULL pointer.


TUid aUid Uid of the extension interface

HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)

IMPORT_C void HandleEntryEventL ( TMsvEntryEvent aEvent,
TAny * aArg1,
TAny * aArg2,
TAny * aArg3
) [protected]

Indicates that an event has occurred.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.

The Client-side MTM object is automatically set as an observer, through CMsvEntry::AddObserverL() , for the context whenever the context changes (by SetCurrentEntryL() or SwitchCurrentEntryL() ).

The default implementation is defined to do nothing.


Implementations can override this function to handle events concerning the current context.


TMsvEntryEvent aEvent Indicates the event type
TAny * aArg1 Event specific argument value
TAny * aArg2 Event specific argument value
TAny * aArg3 Event specific argument value


IMPORT_C TBool HasContext ( ) const

Tests if an MTM context has been set.

A Client-side MTM has no context until one is set through SwitchCurrentEntryL() or SetCurrentEntryL() .

InvokeAsyncFunctionL(TInt, const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)

CMsvOperation * InvokeAsyncFunctionL ( TInt aFunctionId,
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TDes8 & aParameter,
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus
) [pure virtual]

Invokes asynchronous protocol-specific operations. For synchronous operations, a similar function, InvokeSyncFunctionL() , is available.

aSelection and aParameter allow data to be passed to the operation. The TRequestStatus and CMsvOperation objects are used as normal to control and monitor the operation.


For functionality that requires message transport access, such as making a connection, the implementation should pass the request onto the corresponding Server-side MTM. This is done through calling CMsvSession::TransferCommandL() . Implementations may also provide protocol-specific functions themselves if this is useful.

InvokeAsyncFunctionL() should return a CMsvOperation-derived object to provide asynchronous control and monitoring of the operation. If CMsvSession::TransferCommandL() is called, this should be the CMsvOperation object returned by that function.

KErrNotSupported aFunctionId is not a recognised operation ID
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


TInt aFunctionId ID of the requested operation
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection Selection of message entries. This is used if the operation requires message entries to work on.
TDes8 & aParameter Buffer containing input and output parameters. The format of this is specific to the operation.
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus The request status to be completed when the operation has finished

InvokeSyncFunctionL(TInt, const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &)

void InvokeSyncFunctionL ( TInt aFunctionId,
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TDes8 & aParameter
) [pure virtual]

Invokes synchronous protocol-specific operations. For asynchronous operations, a similar function, InvokeAsyncFunctionL() , is available.

aSelection and aParameter allow data to be passed to the operation.


For functionality that requires message transport access, such as making a connection, the implementation should pass the request onto the corresponding Server-side MTM. This is done through calling CMsvSession::TransferCommandL() . Implementations may also provide protocol-specific functions themselves if this is useful.

KErrNotSupported aFunctionId is not a recognised operation ID
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


TInt aFunctionId ID of the requested operation
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection Selection of message entries. This is used if the operation requires message entries to work on.
TDes8 & aParameter Buffer containing input and output parameters. The format of this is specific to the operation.


void LoadMessageL ( ) [pure virtual]

Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.

It can only be called on message contexts.

It is typically used after the context has been set with SetCurrentEntryL() or SwitchCurrentEntryL() . CBaseMtm functions to manipulate the entry can only be called after this function has been called.


An implementation must restore the store and index entry relating to the message context. Typically, the message store should be opened for reading with CMsvEntry::ReadStoreL() . It should be then be read to set the following:

1. body text: call RestoreBodyL() to update the cached body text

2. address list: read the appropriate MTM-specific area of the store to update iAddresseeList

3. subject: if supported, read the appropriate MTM-specific area of the store and update the cache with SetSubjectL()

The function should panic for non-message contexts.

QueryCapability(TUid, TInt &)

IMPORT_C TInt QueryCapability ( TUid aCapability,
TInt & aResponse
) [virtual]

Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.

For MTM-specific UIDs, see the documentation for the relevant MTM.


Implementations should check aCapability for the standard capability values, plus any MTM-specific capabilities, and if recognised, return a suitable response in aResponse. If aCapability is unknown, return KErrNotSupported.

The default implementation returns KErrNotSupported.


TUid aCapability UID of capability to be queried
TInt & aResponse Response value. The format of the response varies according to the capability.


void RemoveAddressee ( TInt aIndex ) [pure virtual]

Removes an address from the current address list. The address is specified by a zero-based index into the address list. If the index is not known, applications can use AddresseeList() to retrieve the entire list to find the item.


Implementations should call iAddresseeList->Delete(aIndex) to remove the address from in the address list protected data member.


TInt aIndex Index of address to be removed


IMPORT_C void RemoveDefaultServiceL ( ) [virtual]

Removes the default service setting. The default implementation of this function assumes that the MTM only supports one service and therefore this does nothing.

ReplyL(TMsvId, TMsvPartList, TRequestStatus &)

CMsvOperation * ReplyL ( TMsvId aDestination,
TMsvPartList aPartlist,
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus
) [pure virtual]

Creates a reply message to the current message context.

Some MTMs may support inclusion of elements, specified by aPartlist, from the original message in the reply. The parent for the new entry is specified in aDestination.

The returned CMsvOperation object completes when creating the reply is complete. On completion, the context is set to the reply message.


A typical implementation for this function would include the following steps:

1. create a new message in the specified destination by calling CMsvEntry::CreateL()

2. set the entry index values as appropriate

3. set the properties of the message as required. The normal minimum is to set the address to the sender of the original message. An implementation may also follow the options specified in aPartlist to set other properties, for example, to include the original message text.

4. set the context to the reply

5. return a CMsvOperation-derived object to provide asynchronous control and monitoring of the operation

If message replies are not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

The implementation of this function may be similar to that of ForwardL() , allowing opportunities for code sharing.

KErrNotSupported The Client-side MTM does not support reply operations
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


TMsvId aDestination The entry to which to assign the reply
TMsvPartList aPartlist Defines the parts that are to be copied from the original message into the reply
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus The request status to be completed when the operation has finished

RestoreBodyL(CMsvStore &)

IMPORT_C void RestoreBodyL ( CMsvStore & aStore ) [protected]


CMsvStore & aStore


void SaveMessageL ( ) [pure virtual]

Commits cached changes to the storage controlled by the Message Server.

It can only be called on message contexts. It should be called in the following circumstances:

1. to preserve changes when the context is changed, or when the Client-side MTM object is deleted

2. to enable other parts of the Messaging to access the updated entry, as required, for example, before sending a message


An implementation must update the store and index entry relating to the message context. Typically, the message store should be opened for editing with CMsvEntry::EditStoreL() . It should be updated as follows:

1. body text: call StoreBodyL() to update the store's body text stream

2. address list: update the appropriate MTM-specific area of the store from the data in iAddresseeList

3. subject: if supported, update the appropriate MTM-specific area of the store from the private cache set by SetSubjectL()

Changes can then be committed to the store with CMsvStore::CommitL() .

The index entry should also be updated to reflect changes. Possible fields that may need updating include: Description (for subject changes); Details and Multiple Recipients (for recipient changes); and Size. Index entry changes are committed using CMsvEntry::ChangeL() .

The function should panic for non-message contexts.


IMPORT_C CMsvSession & Session ( )

Gets a reference to the session object passed by the creator of the Client-side MTM.

SetCurrentEntryL(CMsvEntry *)

IMPORT_C void SetCurrentEntryL ( CMsvEntry * aEntry )

Sets the entry on which later actions are performed to the specified CMsvEntry .

KErrNoMemory Insufficient memory


CMsvEntry * aEntry The entry on which all following actions will be performed

SetExtensionData(TAny *)

IMPORT_C void SetExtensionData ( TAny * aSortData )


TAny * aSortData


IMPORT_C TInt SetMessageCharacterSet ( TUint aCharSet )

Sets the character encoding value. The character encoding value options are 7-bit, 8-bit and 16-Bit Unicode. By default the character set encoding is 7 bit encoding.


TUint aCharSet Character encoding value may be 7-bit/8-bit/16-bit Unicode.

SetSubjectL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void SetSubjectL ( const TDesC & aSubject ) [virtual]

Sets the subject text of the context, which must be a message.

Some Client-side MTMs may not support subject text, in which case the function leaves with KErrNotSupported.


If the message protocol supports subject text, implementations should maintain a private buffer to store this information, settable through this function.

Implementations should save the subject text to the appropriate place in the message store when the message is stored.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.

KErrNotSupported The Client-side MTMs does not support subject text
StoreBodyL() RestoreBodyL()


const TDesC & aSubject Message subject text

StoreBodyL(CMsvStore &)

IMPORT_C void StoreBodyL ( CMsvStore & aStore ) [protected]

Stores and commits the current cached CRichText body text to the appropriate stream in the specified message store. Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.

The function overwrites any existing data in that stream. The implementation must have write access to aStore.

A typical use of this function is from SaveMessageL() .

KErrAccessDenied The store was opened for read only
Other Standard stream-related leave codes


CMsvStore & aStore Message store in which to store the body text


IMPORT_C const TPtrC SubjectL ( ) const [virtual]

Gets the subject text of the context, which must be a message.

Some Client-side MTMs may not support subject text, in which case the function leaves with KErrNotSupported.


If the message protocol supports subject text, implementations should maintain a private buffer to store this information, gettable through this function.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.

KErrNotSupported The Client-side MTMs does not support subject text


IMPORT_C void SwitchCurrentEntryL ( TMsvId aId )

Changes the entry on which later actions are performed to the entry with the specified TMsvId.

KErrNoMemory Insufficient memory
KErrNotFound The requested entry does not exist


TMsvId aId The ID of the entry upon which all following actions will be performed


IMPORT_C TUid Type ( ) const


TMsvPartList ValidateMessage ( TMsvPartList aPartList ) [pure virtual]

Validates the current message context.

The precise validation performed is specific to the MTM, but, typically, checks that the specified message parts are well-formed.


Implementation of this function is highly protocol-specific. A minimum step is to check that the current context is a message.


TMsvPartList aPartList Indicates the message parts for which validation is requested

Member Data Documentation

CMsvRecipientList * iAddresseeList

CMsvRecipientList * iAddresseeList [protected]

The address list for the current context.

CMsvAttachmentWaiter * iAttachmentWaiter

CMsvAttachmentWaiter * iAttachmentWaiter [private]

CCharFormatLayer * iCharFormatLayer

CCharFormatLayer * iCharFormatLayer [protected]

Character formatting applied to the CRichText object for the body text, as returned by Body() .

Implementations can modify this if they wish to apply particular formatting to body text.

TMsvId iEntryId

TMsvId iEntryId [private]

TAny * iExtensionData

TAny * iExtensionData [private]

CMsvEntry * iMsvEntry

CMsvEntry * iMsvEntry [protected]

The current context.

CParaFormatLayer * iParaFormatLayer

CParaFormatLayer * iParaFormatLayer [protected]

Paragraph formatting applied to the CRichText object for the body text, as returned by Body() . This is set to an empty CParaFormatLayer instance whenever the context is set.

Implementations can modify this if they wish to apply particular formatting to body text.

CRegisteredMtmDll & iRegisteredMtmDll

CRegisteredMtmDll & iRegisteredMtmDll [private]

CRichText * iRichTextBody

CRichText * iRichTextBody [private]

CMsvSession & iSession

CMsvSession & iSession [private]