CrashFlash Class Reference

class CrashFlash

Abstract class defining interface to all CrashFlash classes. This is used by the CrashLogger to log to a specific type of flash.

Member Functions Documentation


TUint BytesWritten ( ) [pure virtual]

Returns the number of bytes written to the flash. This is used by reading programs to figure out how much to read back.


void EndTransaction ( ) [pure virtual]

Called last. Commits any buffered data and sets the flag for the underlying crash flash device indicating that the transaction finished succesfully.

EraseFlashBlock(const TUint)

void EraseFlashBlock ( const TUint aBlock ) [pure virtual]

Erases the data in a given flash block


const TUint aBlock The block to be erased


void EraseLogArea ( ) [pure virtual]

Called third. Performs the operations necessary to erase a block of flash large enough to store a log of KMaxCrashLogSize.


TInt Initialise ( ) [pure virtual]

Called first. Should initialise underlying crash flash device to the state that it can read, write, and erase.

Read(TDes8 &)

void Read ( TDes8 & aDes ) [pure virtual]

Reads the next aDes.Length() characters and places them in aDes starting from aDes[0]. The read position is modifiable using SetReadPos() . The underlying implementation may buffer as required.


TDes8 & aDes


void SetReadPos ( TUint aPos ) [pure virtual]

Sets the internal state such that the next read will take place at aPos bytes from the base address.


TUint aPos

SetWritePos(const TUint)

void SetWritePos ( const TUint aPos ) [pure virtual]

Sets the internal state of the write position aPos bytes from the base address.


const TUint aPos


void StartTransaction ( ) [pure virtual]

Called second. Allows underlying implementation to set any flags required to indicate that a transaction has started.

Write(const TDesC8 &)

void Write ( const TDesC8 & aDes ) [pure virtual]

Writes aDes to the underlying crash flash device. The underlying implementation may buffer as required.


const TDesC8 & aDes

WriteSignature(const TDesC8 &)

void WriteSignature ( const TDesC8 & aDes ) [pure virtual]

Writes aDes to the signature section of the underlying cras flash device. The descriptor should include both the signature and the length written.


const TDesC8 & aDes