CImppServerMtm Class Reference

class CImppServerMtm : public CBaseServerMtm

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CImppServerMtm ()
void ChangeL ( TMsvEntry , TRequestStatus &)
TBool CommandExpected ()
void CopyFromLocalL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId , TRequestStatus &)
void CopyToLocalL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId , TRequestStatus &)
void CopyWithinServiceL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId , TRequestStatus &)
void CreateL ( TMsvEntry , TRequestStatus &)
void DeleteAllL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TRequestStatus &)
const TDesC8 & MobilityProgress ()
void MoveToLocalL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId , TRequestStatus &)
void MoveWithinServiceL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId , TRequestStatus &)
void NewCarrierActive ( TAccessPointInfo , TBool )
IMPORT_C CImppServerMtm * NewL ( CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvServerEntry *)
void PrepareForNewCarrier ( TImMobilityAction , TBool )
const TDesC8 & Progress ()
void StartCommandL ( CMsvEntrySelection &, TInt , const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)
Protected Member Functions
TInt Extension_ ( TUint , TAny *&, TAny *)
Private Member Functions
CImppServerMtm ( CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvServerEntry *)
void AddOfflineOperationL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId , CImOffLineOperation::TOffLineOpType , TRequestStatus &)
void CancelOfflineOperationsL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TRequestStatus &)
void CheckMailboxStateL ()
void CompleteCurrentOpForMigration ()
void ConstructL ()
void DoCancel ()
void DoCancelCurrentOp ()
void DoComplete ( TInt )
void DoConnectL ( TRequestStatus &, CMsvEntrySelection &)
TBool DoMigrationRunL ()
void DoQuitL ( TRequestStatus &)
void DoRefreshL ()
void DoRunL ()
void DoShowMessagesL ( TBool )
void DoTopPopulateL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TInt , TRequestStatus &)
TInt GetNonOperationMtmData ( TNonOperationMtmDataType , TPtrC8 &)
void GetPopDetailsL (const CMsvEntrySelection &)
void GetProgress ()
void GetSystemProgress ( TMsvSystemProgress &)
TBool PruneMessages (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TRequestStatus &)
void QueueRemoteCleanup ()
void ResetProgress ()
void RestartAfterMigrateL ()
void RunOfflineOperationL ()
TBool StartBearerMobilityL ( TInt )
void StopCurrentOpForMigration ()
void StoreConfigurationToMigrateL ()
CMsvEntrySelection * StripInvalidEntriesLC (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TBool )
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CBaseServerMtm::CBaseServerMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll &,CMsvServerEntry *)
CBaseServerMtm::GetNonOperationMtmData(TNonOperationMtmDataType &,TPtrC8 &)
CBaseServerMtm::SystemProgress(TMsvSystemProgress &)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TPopOpStopType { EPopStopOpBearerLost , EPopStopOpImmediate , EPopStopOpNormal }
Private Member Enumerations
enum TImppCopyMethod { EImppCopy , EImppMove , EImppPopulate }
enum TPopMigrateState {
ENotMigrating , EWaitingForOpToStop , EWaitingForOpToComplete , EDisconnectingForMigrate , EWaitingForNewCarrier , EWaitingCarrierRejected , EConnectingAfterMigrate
enum TPopsMtmState {
EPopConnecting , EPopRefreshing , EPopCopying , EPopMoving , EPopDeleting , EPopQuitting , EPopTidying , EPopConnectedAndIdle , EPopDisconnected , EPopPopulating , EPopAddingOfflineOp , EPopFindingFirstOfflineOp , EPopCancellingOfflineOps , EPopTopPopulating , EPopAuthoriseAndConnect
Inherited Enumerations
Private Attributes
TInt iArrayCtr
TBool iCancelForBMMigration
TBool iConnectedToPopMbox
TInt iCurrentOfflineOp
TInt iDoCallShowMessages
CImIAPPreferences * iIAPPreferences
CImLogMessage * iLogMessage
CMsvEntrySelection * iMessagesToKeep
TPopMigrateState iMigrationState
CImMobilityManager * iMobilityManager
CArrayFixFlat < TMsvId > * iMsvIdArray
TNonOperationMtmDataAccessPointIdBuffer iMtmDataAccessPointIdBuffer
TBool iNotConnectToPopMailBox
CImPop3OfflineOperationFinder * iOfflineOpFinder
CImPop3SetOfflineOps * iOfflineOpSetter
TBool iOperationActive
CImPop3CopyMove * iPopCopyMove
CImPop3Delete * iPopDelete
TPop3Progress iPopProgress
TPop3ProgressBuf iPopProgressBuf
CImPop3RefreshMailBox * iPopRefreshMailbox
CImPop3Session * iPopSession
CImPop3Settings * iPopSettings
CImPop3TopPopulate * iPopTopPop
TUint iPort
TRequestStatus * iReportStatus
TPopSavedValuesForMigration iSavedValuesForMigration
TMsvId iServiceId
CPopSessionManager * iSessionManager
TImPop3Status iState
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CImppServerMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvServerEntry *)

CImppServerMtm ( CRegisteredMtmDll & aPopServerMtmDll,
CMsvServerEntry * aEntry
) [private]


CRegisteredMtmDll & aPopServerMtmDll
CMsvServerEntry * aEntry


~CImppServerMtm ( )

Member Functions Documentation

AddOfflineOperationL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId, CImOffLineOperation::TOffLineOpType, TRequestStatus &)

void AddOfflineOperationL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TMsvId aDestination,
CImOffLineOperation::TOffLineOpType aOperationType,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [private]


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection
TMsvId aDestination
CImOffLineOperation::TOffLineOpType aOperationType
TRequestStatus & aStatus

CancelOfflineOperationsL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TRequestStatus &)

void CancelOfflineOperationsL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [private]


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection
TRequestStatus & aStatus

ChangeL(TMsvEntry, TRequestStatus &)

void ChangeL ( TMsvEntry aNewEntry,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Updates a remote entry with relevant data when called by the Message Server.

Implementations should provide this function if the messaging protocol supports updating of remote entries. If this is not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

The Server-side MTM implementation must decide what information in the TMsvEntry is relevant to the remote entry, and translate it appropriately for the specific protocol. Most of the data contained in the TMsvEntry is specific to the Symbian OS Message Server, and would probably have no direct correlation with the protocol's own storage format. Some entry data may however be useful. For example, if the protocol supports remote renaming of folders, the implementation could:

1. check for a folder type entry

2. extract the folder name from aNewEntry.iDetails

3. check if the folder name has changed by comparing the new name with iDetails in the index entry currently; if not, complete with KErrNone

4. initiate a protocol-specific action to rename the remote folder

The implementation should also always update the local Message Server index through CMsvServerEntry::ChangeL().

KErrNotSupported The Server-side MTM does not support this operation
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


TMsvEntry aNewEntry Data by which to update entry
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion word for the operation.


void CheckMailboxStateL ( ) [private]


TBool CommandExpected ( ) [virtual]

Tests if the Server-side MTM object should be deleted when called by the Message Server

It is useful to stop the MTM being deleted when more commands are expected shortly. This would be the case, for example, after receiving a command to go online.

If there are no more commands expected by the Server-side MTM object, then the function should return EFalse, and the Message Server will delete it.


void CompleteCurrentOpForMigration ( ) [private]

Handles the completion of operations in order to migrate. This is called by the PrepareForNewCarrier() function, when it is called by the mobility manager with the mobility action CompleteCurrentOpForMigration.


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

CopyFromLocalL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId, TRequestStatus &)

void CopyFromLocalL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TMsvId aDestination,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Copies a selection of entries from a local location to a remote location.


Implementations should provide this function if the messaging protocol supports retrieval of remote entries. If this is not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

Implementations of this function have three fundamental steps:

1. reading entry data

2. converting entry data from the Message Server format into that required by the protocol

3. doing the transfer operation using the appropriate communications protocols

KErrNotSupported The Server-side MTM does not support this operation
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection The collection of message index entries for which the copy is required
TMsvId aDestination The entry ID of the service by which the entries should be transferred
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion word for the operation

CopyToLocalL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId, TRequestStatus &)

void CopyToLocalL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TMsvId aDestination,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Copies a selection of entries from a remote location to a local location. This will only be meaningful for some protocols.


Implementations should provide this function if the messaging protocol supports retrieval of remote entries. If this is not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

Implementations of this function have three fundamental steps:

1. doing the transfer operation using the appropriate communications protocols

2. converting protocol-specific data into the three-part storage format (index entry, message store, binary files) required by the Message Server

3. updating entries in the Message Server

KErrNotSupported The Server-side MTM does not support this operation
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection The collection of message index entries for which the copy/moving is required.
TMsvId aDestination The entry ID to which the selection is to be copied
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion word for the operation

CopyWithinServiceL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId, TRequestStatus &)

void CopyWithinServiceL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TMsvId aDestination,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Copies a selection of entries within a remote location.


Implementations should provide this function if the messaging protocol supports the ability to copy entries within a remote service. If this is not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

KErrNotSupported The Server-side MTM does not support this operation
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection The collection of message index entries for which the copy is required
TMsvId aDestination The server entry ID to which the selection is to be copied
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion word for the operation

CreateL(TMsvEntry, TRequestStatus &)

void CreateL ( TMsvEntry aNewEntry,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Creates a new remote entry with relevant data when called by the Message Server.

Implementations should provide this function if the messaging protocol supports creation of remote entries. If this is not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

As with ChangeL() , the Server-side MTM implementation must decide what information in the TMsvEntry is relevant to the remote entry, and translate it appropriately for the specific protocol. Most of the data contained in the TMsvEntry is specific to the Message Server, and would probably have no direct correlation with the protocol's own storage format. For example, for a folder, probably only the name and parent are needed, so if the protocol supports creation of remote folders, the implementation could:

1. check for a folder type entry

2. get the folder name and parent details from aNewEntry

3. initiate a protocol-specific action to create the remote folder

KErrNotSupported The Server-side MTM does not support this operation
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


TMsvEntry aNewEntry Data by which to create entry
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion word for the operation.

DeleteAllL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TRequestStatus &)

void DeleteAllL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Deletes each entry in the supplied selection when called by the message Server. If any of the entries in the selection is a parent entry, then all its children should also be deleted, recursively to the bottom of the ownership tree.

Implementations should provide this function if the messaging protocol supports deletion of remote entries. If this is not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

KErrNotSupported The Server-side MTM does not support this operation
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection The collection of entries that are to be deleted.
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion object.


void DoCancel ( ) [private, virtual]

Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.

This function is called as part of the active object's Cancel() .

It must call the appropriate cancel function offered by the active object's asynchronous service provider. The asynchronous service provider's cancel is expected to act immediately.

DoCancel() must not wait for event completion; this is handled by Cancel() .



void DoCancelCurrentOp ( ) [private]

Cancel according to iState.iCurrentOperation

If the cancel is to allow a migration, the operation object in use is cancelled, but not deleted. This means it is possible to restart it later.


void DoComplete ( TInt aError ) [private, virtual]

Called by the base class RunL() if DoRunL() leaves.

It should be implemented to handle this error. For example, progress information could be updated to reflect the problem.


TInt aError The leave code given by DoRunL().

DoConnectL(TRequestStatus &, CMsvEntrySelection &)

void DoConnectL ( TRequestStatus & aStatus,
CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection
) [private]


TRequestStatus & aStatus
CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection


TBool DoMigrationRunL ( ) [private]

DoQuitL(TRequestStatus &)

void DoQuitL ( TRequestStatus & aStatus ) [private]


TRequestStatus & aStatus


void DoRefreshL ( ) [private]


void DoRunL ( ) [private, virtual]

Handles the completion of any asynchronous requests that it makes. It is called from the base class RunL() .

Note that any leaves made by this function result in DoComplete() being called with the leave code.


void DoShowMessagesL ( TBool aHide ) [private]


TBool aHide

DoTopPopulateL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TInt, TRequestStatus &)

void DoTopPopulateL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TInt aLimit,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [private]


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection
TInt aLimit
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Extension_(TUint, TAny *&, TAny *)

TInt Extension_ ( TUint aExtensionId,
TAny *& a0,
TAny * a1
) [protected, virtual]

The extension method provides a polymorphic behaviour to call the correct MTM.


TUint aExtensionId The Uid passed in as KUIDMsgMsvSystemProgress to obtain the System Progress.
TAny *& a0
TAny * a1

GetNonOperationMtmData(TNonOperationMtmDataType, TPtrC8 &)

TInt GetNonOperationMtmData ( TNonOperationMtmDataType aMtmDataType,
TPtrC8 & aMtmDataBuffer
) [private]


TNonOperationMtmDataType aMtmDataType
TPtrC8 & aMtmDataBuffer

GetPopDetailsL(const CMsvEntrySelection &)

void GetPopDetailsL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSel ) [private]


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSel


void GetProgress ( ) [private]

GetSystemProgress(TMsvSystemProgress &)

void GetSystemProgress ( TMsvSystemProgress & aSysProg ) [private]


TMsvSystemProgress & aSysProg


const TDesC8 & MobilityProgress ( ) [virtual]

Returns Progress info for Migration purposes

MoveToLocalL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId, TRequestStatus &)

void MoveToLocalL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TMsvId aDestination,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Moves a selection of entries from a remote location to a local location.


Implementations should provide this function if the messaging protocol supports retrieval of remote entries. If this is not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

Implementations of this function have three fundamental steps:

1. doing the transfer operation using the appropriate communications protocols

2. converting protocol-specific data into the three-part storage format (index entry, message store, binary files) required by the Message Server

3. updating entries in the Message Server

MoveToLocalL() should differ from CopyToLocalL() in additionally deleting the original remote data.

KErrNotSupported The Server-side MTM does not support this operation
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection The collection of message index entries for which the moving is required.
TMsvId aDestination The entry ID to which the selection is to be copied/moved
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion word for the operation

MoveWithinServiceL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TMsvId, TRequestStatus &)

void MoveWithinServiceL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TMsvId aDestination,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Moves a selection of entries within a remote location.


Implementations should provide this function if the messaging protocol supports the ability to move entries within a remote service. If this is not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

The implementation of MoveWithinServiceL() should differ from CopyWithinServiceL() in additionally deleting the original data.

KErrNotSupported The Server-side MTM does not support this operation
Other leave codes Dependent on implementation


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection The collection of message index entries for which the move is required
TMsvId aDestination The server entry ID to which the selection is to be moved
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion word for the operation

NewCarrierActive(TAccessPointInfo, TBool)

void NewCarrierActive ( TAccessPointInfo aNewAp,
TBool aIsSeamless

Notice that the New Carrier is now active and the server MTM can make connections on it. Once this notice is received from the Mobility Manager, the Server MTM can create a new session on it and restart any awaiting operations on the New Carrier. These could be operations that were stopped mid-way and need resuming from there or operations(requests) that were cancelled and need starting from beginning.


TAccessPointInfo aNewAp
TBool aIsSeamless - Flag to indicate whether the migration is seamless.

NewL(CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvServerEntry *)

IMPORT_C CImppServerMtm * NewL ( CRegisteredMtmDll & aPopServerMtmDll,
CMsvServerEntry * aEntry
) [static]


CRegisteredMtmDll & aPopServerMtmDll
CMsvServerEntry * aEntry

PrepareForNewCarrier(TImMobilityAction, TBool)

void PrepareForNewCarrier ( TImMobilityAction aAction,
TBool aIsSeamless

Notice that a preferred carrier has become available, and migration to that bearer has been accepted. The Pop Server MTM shall either pause or allow any current operation to complete according to the action specified in parameter aAction. Once the current operation is paused or complete, the Pop Server MTM shall close any existing sockets and finally notify the mobility framework that it is ready to migrate to the new carrier.


TImMobilityAction aAction - indicates the action that should be taken re: current operations
TBool aIsSeamless - indicates if the Bearer is seamless.


const TDesC8 & Progress ( ) [virtual]

This function is called by the Message Server to get progress information for the current asynchronous operation.

The call is made as a response to a client program requesting progress information through CMsvOperation::ProgressL() . The packing format used in the TDesC8 is MTM-specific. Only the implementation of the User Interface MTM progress information functions need to understand the format.

The progress buffer should have a maximum size of 256 bytes.

CBaseMtmUi::DisplayProgressSummary() CBaseMtmUi::GetProgress()

PruneMessages(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TRequestStatus &)

TBool PruneMessages ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [private]


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection
TRequestStatus & aStatus


void QueueRemoteCleanup ( ) [private]


void ResetProgress ( ) [private]


void RestartAfterMigrateL ( ) [private]

Restarts any pre-migration outstanding operations, or set the state machine into the same state it was pre-migration along with any necessary connections and set ups.

Note that iCurrentOperation will have returned to EPopConnectedAndIdle if the migration type was "allow complete" or "stop for migrate" and the operation came to a natural finish.

If iCurrentOperation is not EPopConnectedAndIdle, it indicates that the operation had not completed prior to the migration. This is caused with by an "accept immediately" migration, a CarrierLost() migration, or a "stop operation" migration for which the operation did not come to a natural completion. In these cases, the operation in progress needs to be resumed.


void RunOfflineOperationL ( ) [private, inline]


TBool StartBearerMobilityL ( TInt aError ) [private]

Creates the mobility manager and registers the RConnection for notification of bearer migration events, if the necessary conditions are met.

Returns ETrue if mobility enabled and the initial carrier has been rejected.


TInt aError completion code of the session connect async operation

StartCommandL(CMsvEntrySelection &, TInt, const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)

void StartCommandL ( CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TInt aCommand,
const TDesC8 & aParameter,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Executes an MTM-specific operation on a selection of entries when called by the Message Server.

The call is made as a response to a client program invoking an MTM-specific operation through CBaseMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL()/InvokeAsyncFunctionL(). The aSelection, aCommand, and aParameter arguments pass the values of the original aSelection, aFunctionId, and aParameter respectively arguments from such a call. The use (if any) of the aSelection and aParameter arguments by the function depends on the command.


CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection A selection of message entries on which the command is to be executed
TInt aCommand The MTM-specific command to be carried out
const TDesC8 & aParameter Command-specific parameters
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous completion word for the operation


void StopCurrentOpForMigration ( ) [private]

Handles the halting of operations in order to migrate. This is called by the PrepareForNewCarrier() function, when it is called by the mobility manager with the mobility action StopCurrentOpForMigration.


void StoreConfigurationToMigrateL ( ) [private]

Stores configuration to be re-used post Migration.

StripInvalidEntriesLC(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TBool)

CMsvEntrySelection * StripInvalidEntriesLC ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TBool aExcludePartial = EFalse
) const [private]


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection
TBool aExcludePartial = EFalse

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TImppCopyMethod



Enum TPopMigrateState



Enum TPopOpStopType



Enum TPopsMtmState



Member Data Documentation

TInt iArrayCtr

TInt iArrayCtr [private]

TBool iCancelForBMMigration

TBool iCancelForBMMigration [private]

TBool iConnectedToPopMbox

TBool iConnectedToPopMbox [private]

TInt iCurrentOfflineOp

TInt iCurrentOfflineOp [private]

TInt iDoCallShowMessages

TInt iDoCallShowMessages [private]

CImIAPPreferences * iIAPPreferences

CImIAPPreferences * iIAPPreferences [private]

CImLogMessage * iLogMessage

CImLogMessage * iLogMessage [private]

CMsvEntrySelection * iMessagesToKeep

CMsvEntrySelection * iMessagesToKeep [private]

TPopMigrateState iMigrationState

TPopMigrateState iMigrationState [private]

CImMobilityManager * iMobilityManager

CImMobilityManager * iMobilityManager [private]

CArrayFixFlat< TMsvId > * iMsvIdArray

CArrayFixFlat < TMsvId > * iMsvIdArray [private]

TNonOperationMtmDataAccessPointIdBuffer iMtmDataAccessPointIdBuffer

TNonOperationMtmDataAccessPointIdBuffer iMtmDataAccessPointIdBuffer [private]

TBool iNotConnectToPopMailBox

TBool iNotConnectToPopMailBox [private]

CImPop3OfflineOperationFinder * iOfflineOpFinder

CImPop3OfflineOperationFinder * iOfflineOpFinder [private]

CImPop3SetOfflineOps * iOfflineOpSetter

CImPop3SetOfflineOps * iOfflineOpSetter [private]

TBool iOperationActive

TBool iOperationActive [private]

CImPop3CopyMove * iPopCopyMove

CImPop3CopyMove * iPopCopyMove [private]

CImPop3Delete * iPopDelete

CImPop3Delete * iPopDelete [private]

TPop3Progress iPopProgress

TPop3Progress iPopProgress [private]

TPop3ProgressBuf iPopProgressBuf

TPop3ProgressBuf iPopProgressBuf [private]

CImPop3RefreshMailBox * iPopRefreshMailbox

CImPop3RefreshMailBox * iPopRefreshMailbox [private]

CImPop3Session * iPopSession

CImPop3Session * iPopSession [private]

CImPop3Settings * iPopSettings

CImPop3Settings * iPopSettings [private]

CImPop3TopPopulate * iPopTopPop

CImPop3TopPopulate * iPopTopPop [private]

TUint iPort

TUint iPort [private]

TRequestStatus * iReportStatus

TRequestStatus * iReportStatus [private]

TPopSavedValuesForMigration iSavedValuesForMigration

TPopSavedValuesForMigration iSavedValuesForMigration [private]

TMsvId iServiceId

TMsvId iServiceId [private]

CPopSessionManager * iSessionManager

CPopSessionManager * iSessionManager [private]

TImPop3Status iState

TImPop3Status iState [private]