MPresenceCacheWriter Class Reference

class MPresenceCacheWriter

Interface for presence cache writer API. This interface is implemented by the XIMP Framework Presence Cache client. Clients must call REComSession::FinalClose() from their destructors. Notice that an xsp id is in the form ovi:

S60 v3.2

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


MPresenceCacheWriter ( ) [protected, inline]

Default constructor to zero initialize the iEcomDtorID member.


~MPresenceCacheWriter ( ) [inline, virtual]

Public destructor. Objects can be deleted through this interface.

Member Functions Documentation


TInt CancelWrite ( ) [pure virtual]

Cancels any async. write operation going on. After calling this method no callback will be received from asycn write method.

DeletePresenceL(const MXIMPIdentity &)

TInt DeletePresenceL ( const MXIMPIdentity & aIdentity ) [pure virtual]

Deletes all presence related to given xsp identity. Leaves only in system errors.


const MXIMPIdentity & aIdentity

DeleteService(const TDesC &)

TInt DeleteService ( const TDesC & aServiceName ) [pure virtual]

Delete all buddies presence associated with given service.


const TDesC & aServiceName service name as in sp table


MPresenceBuddyInfo * NewBuddyPresenceInfoLC ( ) [pure virtual]

Instantiates new buddy presence info object.

KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.


MXIMPIdentity * NewIdentityLC ( ) [pure virtual]

Instantiates new identity object.

KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.


MPresenceCacheWriter * NewL ( ) [static, inline]

Factory method to instantiate MPresenceCacheWriter through the ECom.

NewPresenceBuddyInfoListLC(const TDesC &)

MPresenceBuddyInfoList * NewPresenceBuddyInfoListLC ( const TDesC & aServiceName ) [pure virtual]

Instantiates new buddy presence info list object.

KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.


const TDesC & aServiceName service name for this list, if set to KNullDesC the list can be appended with identities from different services


MPresenceInfo * NewPresenceInfoLC ( ) [pure virtual]

Instantiates new presence info object.

KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.


MPresenceObjectFactory & PresenceObjectFactory ( ) const [pure virtual]

Instantiates new Presence object Factory object. With this factory presence related ximp structures can be created.

WritePresenceL(const MPresenceBuddyInfo *)

TInt WritePresenceL ( const MPresenceBuddyInfo * aPresenceBuddyInfo ) [pure virtual]

Writes presence info to cache for a given buddy. Leaves only in system errors.


const MPresenceBuddyInfo * aPresenceBuddyInfo contains xsp identity and presence

WritePresenceL(const MPresenceBuddyInfoList *, MPresCacheWriteHandler *)

TInt WritePresenceL ( const MPresenceBuddyInfoList * aBuddyPresenceInfos,
MPresCacheWriteHandler * aHandler
) [pure virtual]

Writes buddy presence info objects to cache. Returns in MPresCacheWriteHandler's HandlePresenceWriteL. Provide a null pointer to receive no call back. Leaves only in system errors.


const MPresenceBuddyInfoList * aBuddyPresenceInfos presence infos for all buddies. Ownership remains to caller.
MPresCacheWriteHandler * aHandler

Member Data Documentation

TUid iEcomDtorID

TUid iEcomDtorID [private]