CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl Class Reference

class CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl : public CBase

This class implements the interface for a SVGT Engine, providing methods to load svg contents and manipulate the output, such as zooming, panning and rotating the display.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl ()
~CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl ()
IMPORT_C void ADDCloseTo ( CGfxGeneralPath *)
IMPORT_C void ADDCurveTo ( CGfxGeneralPath *, TReal32 , TReal32 , TReal32 , TReal32 , TReal32 , TReal32 )
IMPORT_C void ADDLineTo ( CGfxGeneralPath *, TReal32 , TReal32 )
IMPORT_C void ADDMoveTo ( CGfxGeneralPath *, TReal32 , TReal32 )
IMPORT_C void ADDQuadTo ( CGfxGeneralPath *, TReal32 , TReal32 , TReal32 , TReal32 )
IMPORT_C void ActivateObjectInFocus ()
IMPORT_C void AddAnimationListener (MSvgAnimationListener *, TInt )
IMPORT_C CSvgElementImpl * AddExternalData ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TBool , TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void AddHyperlinkListener (MSvgHyperlinkListener *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void AddListener (const MSvgListener *, TSvgListenerType , TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool AddTextAreaListener ( MSvgTextAreaListener *, TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool AddTextListener ( MSvgTextListener *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void AddToEventReceiverList ( CXmlElementImpl *, const TUint8 )
IMPORT_C void AppendChild ( CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *, TBool )
IMPORT_C void AssignImageData (const TDesC &, HBufC8 *)
IMPORT_C void CancelLoad ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void ChooseViewBoxIfNotSet ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void ClearFrameBuffer ( CFbsBitmap *, TUint32 , TInt )
IMPORT_C TSize ContentDimensions ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void ContentDimensions ( TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TSize ContentDimensionsInPercentage ( TInt )
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * CreateElementL ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt CurrentState ( TInt )
EXPORT_C void CustomOption ( TBool , TInt )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * DeleteDom ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void Destroy ()
IMPORT_C void DestroyDocument ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void DestroyElement ( CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void DestroyEngine ( CSvgEngineImpl *)
IMPORT_C void DispatchFocusInEvent ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, CSvgElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void DispatchFocusOutEvent ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, CSvgElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C TInt DispatchMouseEventsAt ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt , TInt , MSvgMouseListener *)
IMPORT_C CSvgElementImpl * DrawBox ( TRect , TInt )
IMPORT_C TUint32 Duration ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void FillDocumentL ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, const TDesC16 &)
IMPORT_C void FindAllElements ( CSvgElementImpl *, TInt , RPointerArray < CSvgElementImpl > &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TRect FocusNext ()
IMPORT_C TRect FocusPrevious ()
IMPORT_C TReal FramesPerSecond ( TBool , TInt )
IMPORT_C void GenerateMask ( CFbsBitmap *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void GetElementBoundingbox ( CSvgElementImpl *, TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TReal32 &)
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetElementById ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt32 GetElementColorAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt GetElementDesAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt , TPtrC16 &)
IMPORT_C TReal32 GetElementFloatAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt GetElementType ( CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void GetElementUnScaledBoundingBox ( CSvgElementImpl *, TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TReal32 &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetEnumAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt , TInt32 &)
IMPORT_C void GetExternalListItemL ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt , TPtrC16 &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetExternalListSize ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetFirstChild ( CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetFocusedElement ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void GetFourPointElementBoundingBox ( CSvgTextElementImpl *, TPoint &, TPoint &, TPoint &, TPoint &)
IMPORT_C TDesC * GetId ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void GetMatrixAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *)
IMPORT_C void GetMatrixAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl *, TInt , float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *)
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetNextSibling ( CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C TInt GetNumberOfIds ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl * GetOwnerDocument ( CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetParentElement ( CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C CGfxGeneralPath * GetPathAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl *, TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool GetRectAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl *, float *, float *, float *, float *)
IMPORT_C TRenderingQuality GetRenderQuality ()
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetRootElement ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C TInt GetSegmentCount ( CGfxGeneralPath *)
IMPORT_C TReal32 GetSegmentParameter ( CGfxGeneralPath *, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt GetSegmentType ( CGfxGeneralPath *, TInt )
IMPORT_C TRect GetSvgBoundingBox ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool GetTextForTextAreaElement ( TInt , TBool &, TDes &)
IMPORT_C TBool GetTextForTextElement ( TInt , TBool &, TDes &)
IMPORT_C TSize GetUnscaledContentSize ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportHeight ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportUnits ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportWidth ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void InitRootElement ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void InitSvgStylePropertiesWithNullL ( CSvgElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void InitializeEngine ( CSvgEngineImpl *, TBool )
IMPORT_C TBool IsContentInteractive ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool IsElementActive ( CSvgElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C TBool IsElementVisible ( TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool IsLoading ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool IsPanPossible ( TInt , TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void IsPanPossibleFourWay ( TBool &, TBool &, TBool &, TBool &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool IsRemoveable ( CSvgElementImpl *, TBool )
IMPORT_C void KeyPress (const TKeyEvent &, TInt )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * Load (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C MSvgError * Load (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C MSvgError * Load ( RFile &)
IMPORT_C TInt32 MediaTime ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt MouseDown ( TInt , TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void MouseMove ( TInt , TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void MouseUp ( TInt , TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void MuteAudioVolume ( TInt )
IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl * NewL ( CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &)
IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl * NewL ( CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &, SVGRendererId )
IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl * NewLC ( CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &)
IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl * NewLC ( CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &, SVGRendererId )
IMPORT_C void OriginalView ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void Pan ( TInt , TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TPoint PanPosition ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void Pause ( CSvgEngineImpl *)
IMPORT_C TPoint Position ( TInt )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * PrepareDom (const TDesC &, TInt &, TInt )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * PrepareDom (const TDesC8 &, TInt &, TInt )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * PrepareDom ( RFile &, TInt &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void PrintAllElements ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void PrintElementsStyles ( CSvgElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void Redraw ( TBool , TInt )
IMPORT_C void RemoveAnimationListener (MSvgAnimationListener *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void RemoveChild ( CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void RemoveFromEventReceiverList ( CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void RemoveHyperlinkListener (MSvgHyperlinkListener *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void RemoveListener (const MSvgListener *, TSvgListenerType , TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool RemoveTextAreaListener ( MSvgTextAreaListener *, TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool RemoveTextListener ( MSvgTextListener *, TInt )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * RenderDom ( TInt , CFbsBitmap *, CFbsBitmap *)
IMPORT_C void RenderFrame ( CSvgEngineImpl *, TUint )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * RenderFrames ( TInt , const TSize &, TUint , TUint , TUint , TDisplayMode , TDisplayMode , RPointerArray < CFbsBitmap > &, RPointerArray < CFbsBitmap > &, RArray < TUint > &, TBool )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * Replay ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void ResetContext ( TInt )
void ResetFocusIndex ( TInt32 )
IMPORT_C void Resume ( CSvgEngineImpl *)
IMPORT_C void Rotate ( TReal32 , TInt , TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * SVGElementGetUsedElement ( CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C TBool SVGElementInDom ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SaveSvg ( TBool , const TDesC &, TInt )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * SaveSvgDom ( TInt , const TDesC &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool SearchForText (const TDesC &, RPointerArray < MRect > &, RArray < TPtrC > &, RArray < TInt > &, TBool , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetAnimFrameDuration ( TUint , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetAudioVolume ( TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColor ( TUint32 , CSvgEngineImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SetClientWindow ( RWindow *)
IMPORT_C void SetDRMMode ( TBool , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetDRMRights ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetDataRetrievalTimeOut ( TUint , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetDocument ( CSvgEngineImpl *, CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SetElementColorAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt , TInt32 )
IMPORT_C void SetElementDesAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt , const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void SetElementFloatAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt , TReal32 )
IMPORT_C void SetEnumAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt , TInt32 )
IMPORT_C void SetFirstChildElement ( CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SetFocusElement ( CXmlElementImpl *, CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SetFrameBuffer ( CFbsBitmap *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetGdiContextL ( CSvgEngineImpl *, CFbsBitmap *)
IMPORT_C void SetMatrixAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl *, float, float, float, float, float, float)
IMPORT_C void SetMediaTime ( TInt32 , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetNextSibling ( CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SetParentElement ( CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SetPathAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl *, TInt , CGfxGeneralPath *)
IMPORT_C void SetPreserveAspectRatio ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TSvgPreserveAspectAlignType , TSvgMeetOrSliceType , TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetRectAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl *, float, float, float, float)
IMPORT_C void SetRenderQuality ( TRenderingQuality , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetRequestObserver ( CSvgEngineImpl *, MSvgRequestObserver *)
IMPORT_C void SetSvgDimensionToFrameBuffer ( TUint , TUint , TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool SetTextForTextAreaElement ( TInt , TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TBool SetTextForTextElement ( TInt , TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void SetThumbNailMode ( TBool , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetViewportHeight ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetViewportWidth ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt )
IMPORT_C TSize Size ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void Start ( CSvgEngineImpl *, TBool )
IMPORT_C void Start ( MSvgError *&, CSvgEngineImpl *)
IMPORT_C void Start ( MSvgError *&, const TDesC8 *, CSvgEngineImpl *)
IMPORT_C void Start (const TDesC8 *, CSvgEngineImpl *, TBool )
IMPORT_C void StartEngine ( CSvgEngineImpl *)
IMPORT_C void Stop ( CSvgEngineImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SvgActivateAnimation ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SvgBeginElementAt ( CXmlElementImpl *, TUint32 , CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C CGfxGeneralPath * SvgCreatePath ()
IMPORT_C void SvgDestroyPath ( CGfxGeneralPath *)
IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl * SvgDocument ()
IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl * SvgDocumentNewL ()
void SvgElementAssignDocument ( CSvgElementImpl *, CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SvgEndElementAt ( CXmlElementImpl *, TUint32 , CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C CSvgEngineImpl * SvgEngineNewL ()
IMPORT_C TReal32 SvgGetMediaTime ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C TBool SvgHasAnimation ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void SvgSetMediaTime ( CSvgDocumentImpl *, TUint32 )
IMPORT_C void SwitchDebugInfo ( TInt )
IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 TLVEncodedData ()
IMPORT_C void UpdatePath ( TInt , CSvgElementImpl *)
IMPORT_C MSvgError * UseDom ( TInt , CFbsBitmap *, CFbsBitmap *, TInt )
IMPORT_C MSvgError * UseDom ( TInt , CFbsBitmap *, CFbsBitmap *, TSize , TDisplayMode , TDisplayMode , TInt )
IMPORT_C void ViewportInit ( CSvgDocumentImpl *)
IMPORT_C void WaitForImages ( TBool , TInt )
IMPORT_C void Zoom ( TReal32 , TInt )
Protected Member Functions
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &)
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &, SVGRendererId )
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ()
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( TFontSpec &)
Private Member Functions
TBool AreBitmapsTheSame ( CFbsBitmap &, CFbsBitmap &)
CSvgEngineImpl * ChooseEngine ( TInt )
void ConvertBitmapToFileL ( CFbsBitmap *, const TDesC &)
CFbsBitmap * CreateBitmapL ( TSize , TDisplayMode , CSvgErrorImpl &)
CSvgElementImpl * FirstElementChild ( CSvgElementImpl *)
TReal FramesPerSecondL ( TInt )
TRect GetFocusBbox ( TBool , TInt )
void ImageLoadingCompleted ( TInt )
TBool IsDomCached ( TInt )
CSvgElementImpl * LastElementChild ( CSvgElementImpl *)
CSvgElementImpl * NextElementSibling ( CSvgElementImpl *)
void PostLoadProcessing ( TInt )
CSvgElementImpl * PreviousElementSibling ( CSvgElementImpl *)
void RestoreAnimStyleProperties ( TInt )
void Resume ( TInt32 , TInt )
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Protected Attributes
TBool iFileIsLoaded
RPointerArray < CSvgDocumentImpl > iSvgDocumentPointers
CSvgEngineImpl * iSvgEngine
RPointerArray < CSvgEngineImpl > iSvgEnginePointers
CSvgErrorImpl * iSvgError
CSvgDocumentImpl * iSvgLoadedDocument
TReal32 iTotalRotation
Private Attributes
TBool iDrmEnabled
TBool iDrmRightsConsumptionEnabled
TBool iIsLoadingRequest
TBool iIsThumbNailMode
TBool iMouseDownFlag
CSvgBitmapFontProvider * iSvgBitmapFontProvider
RPointerArray < MSvgLoadingListener > iSvgLoadingListeners
RPointerArray < CSvgElementImpl > iSvgMouseEnteredElements

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl ( )

This method is a special case Constructor method used for polymorphic DLL loading, which enforces this method to be public.



IMPORT_C ~CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl ( )

Svg Engine interface Destructor.


Member Functions Documentation

ADDCloseTo(CGfxGeneralPath *)

IMPORT_C void ADDCloseTo ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle )

ADDCloseTo Closes a given path element.


CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle

ADDCurveTo(CGfxGeneralPath *, TReal32, TReal32, TReal32, TReal32, TReal32, TReal32)

IMPORT_C void ADDCurveTo ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle,
TReal32 aX1,
TReal32 aY1,
TReal32 aX2,
TReal32 aY2,
TReal32 aX3,
TReal32 aY3

ADDCurveTo Adds a curveTo segment to a path element.

ADDLineTo(CGfxGeneralPath *, TReal32, TReal32)

IMPORT_C void ADDLineTo ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle,
TReal32 aX,
TReal32 aY

ADDLineTo Adds a LineTo segment to a path element.


CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle
TReal32 aX
TReal32 aY

ADDMoveTo(CGfxGeneralPath *, TReal32, TReal32)

IMPORT_C void ADDMoveTo ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle,
TReal32 aX,
TReal32 aY

ADDMoveTo Adds a moveTo segment to a path element.


CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle
TReal32 aX
TReal32 aY

ADDQuadTo(CGfxGeneralPath *, TReal32, TReal32, TReal32, TReal32)

IMPORT_C void ADDQuadTo ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle,
TReal32 aX1,
TReal32 aY1,
TReal32 aX2,
TReal32 aY2

ADDQuadTo Adds a QuadTo segment to a path element.


CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle
TReal32 aX1
TReal32 aY1
TReal32 aX2
TReal32 aY2


IMPORT_C void ActivateObjectInFocus ( )

Activate currently focussed object.


AddAnimationListener(MSvgAnimationListener *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void AddAnimationListener ( MSvgAnimationListener * aListener,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Add a HyperlinkListener to the SVG Engine..


MSvgAnimationListener * aListener
TInt aEngine = NULL

AddExternalData(CSvgDocumentImpl *, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TBool, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C CSvgElementImpl * AddExternalData ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
const TDesC & aUri,
const TDesC8 & aData,
TBool aMakeCopy = EFalse,
TInt aSize = 0,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Given a document handle and a url this call attaches the given data (ldata) to every element that references that url


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument - Document Pointer
const TDesC & aUri
const TDesC8 & aData
TBool aMakeCopy = EFalse
TInt aSize = 0
TInt aEngine = NULL

AddHyperlinkListener(MSvgHyperlinkListener *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void AddHyperlinkListener ( MSvgHyperlinkListener * aListener,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Add a HyperlinkListener to the SVG Engine..


MSvgHyperlinkListener * aListener
TInt aEngine = NULL

AddListener(const MSvgListener *, TSvgListenerType, TInt)

IMPORT_C void AddListener ( const MSvgListener * aListener,
TSvgListenerType aType,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Add a specific event listener to the engine


const MSvgListener * aListener
TSvgListenerType aType
TInt aEngine = NULL

AddTextAreaListener(MSvgTextAreaListener *, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool AddTextAreaListener ( MSvgTextAreaListener * aListener,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Add a TextAreaListener to the SVG Engine..


MSvgTextAreaListener * aListener
TInt aEngine = NULL

AddTextListener(MSvgTextListener *, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool AddTextListener ( MSvgTextListener * aListener,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Add a TextListener to the SVG Engine..


MSvgTextListener * aListener
TInt aEngine = NULL

AddToEventReceiverList(CXmlElementImpl *, const TUint8)

IMPORT_C void AddToEventReceiverList ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement,
const TUint8 aEventMask

This API will add the given element to the event receiver list.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement
const TUint8 aEventMask

AppendChild(CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *, TBool)

IMPORT_C void AppendChild ( CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement,
CXmlElementImpl * aChildElement,
TBool aIsJSR226Element = EFalse

Append the given child element to the given parent element.


CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement
CXmlElementImpl * aChildElement
TBool aIsJSR226Element = EFalse

AreBitmapsTheSame(CFbsBitmap &, CFbsBitmap &)

TBool AreBitmapsTheSame ( CFbsBitmap & aBitmapA,
CFbsBitmap & aBitmapB
) [private]

Return whether the two given bitmaps are the same.



CFbsBitmap & aBitmapA
CFbsBitmap & aBitmapB

AssignImageData(const TDesC &, HBufC8 *)

IMPORT_C void AssignImageData ( const TDesC & aUri,
HBufC8 * aData

This API provides a delayed (asynchronous) assignment of image data to <image> elements. This is used when the clients returns a non-KErrNone value for FetchImage callback, so that FetchImage does not block the parsing thread.


const TDesC & aUri
HBufC8 * aData - byte array containing the image data to be decoded. This object will be managed (deleted) by svg-engine.


IMPORT_C void CancelLoad ( TInt aEngine = NULL )
Request canceling of parsing of the current document being parsed (through Load API). This API allows a different thread other than the loading thread to cancel a Load call.


TInt aEngine = NULL


CSvgEngineImpl * ChooseEngine ( TInt aEngine ) [private]


TInt aEngine


IMPORT_C void ChooseViewBoxIfNotSet ( TInt aDomHandle )

Defines view box for SVG content associated with handle if not set.


TInt aDomHandle

ClearFrameBuffer(CFbsBitmap *, TUint32, TInt)

IMPORT_C void ClearFrameBuffer ( CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer,
TUint32 aClearingColor,
TInt aEngine = NULL


CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer
TUint32 aClearingColor
TInt aEngine = NULL

ConstructL(CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &)

IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver,
TFontSpec & aFontSpec
) [protected]

This method is a special case "ConstructL" method used for polymorphic DLL loading, which enforces this method to be public.



CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver
TFontSpec & aFontSpec

ConstructL(CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &, SVGRendererId)

IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver,
TFontSpec & aFontSpec,
SVGRendererId aRendererType
) [protected]


CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver
TFontSpec & aFontSpec
SVGRendererId aRendererType


IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( ) [protected]

This method is a special case "ConstructL" method used for polymorphic DLL loading, which enforces this method to be public.


ConstructL(TFontSpec &)

IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( TFontSpec & aFontSpec ) [protected]


TFontSpec & aFontSpec


IMPORT_C TSize ContentDimensions ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

This is the integer version of ContentDimensions. 1) Return the size of the <svg> width/height if given in non-percentage.

2) If <svg> width/height are given as percentages: A) If viewbox attribute is specified, return the viewbox width/height times the <svg> width/height percentages. B) Else return the content bounding-box size times times the <svg> width/height percentages.



TInt aEngine = NULL

ContentDimensions(TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void ContentDimensions ( TReal32 & aWidth,
TReal32 & aHeight,
TInt aEngine = NULL

This is the floating-point version of ContentDimensions. 1) Return the size of the <svg> width/height if given in non-percentage.

2) If <svg> width/height are given as percentages: A) If viewbox attribute is specified, return the viewbox width/height times the <svg> width/height percentages. B) Else return the content bounding-box size times times the <svg> width/height percentages.



TReal32 & aWidth
TReal32 & aHeight
TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C TSize ContentDimensionsInPercentage ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Retrieve the content size in user-coordinates if specified as percentage.



TInt aEngine = NULL

ConvertBitmapToFileL(CFbsBitmap *, const TDesC &)

void ConvertBitmapToFileL ( CFbsBitmap * aBitmap,
const TDesC & aText
) [private]


CFbsBitmap * aBitmap
const TDesC & aText

CreateBitmapL(TSize, TDisplayMode, CSvgErrorImpl &)

CFbsBitmap * CreateBitmapL ( TSize aSize,
TDisplayMode aColorMode,
CSvgErrorImpl & aError
) [private]

Create a new CFbsBitmap object with the specific size and color mode.



TSize aSize
TDisplayMode aColorMode
CSvgErrorImpl & aError

CreateElementL(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt)

IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * CreateElementL ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
TInt aElementType

Create an element of the given type.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument
TInt aElementType


IMPORT_C TInt CurrentState ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Returns SVG Engine State



TInt aEngine = NULL

CustomOption(TBool, TInt)

EXPORT_C void CustomOption ( TBool aCustomOption = EFalse,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Used for testing purpose.


TBool aCustomOption = EFalse
TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C MSvgError * DeleteDom ( TInt aHandle )

Deletes the DOM tree associated with the Handle.


TInt aHandle


IMPORT_C void Destroy ( )

Destroy the currently "loaded" svg document. Prepared documents, must be destroy through DeleteDom, or the engine will destroy them in its destructor function.


DestroyDocument(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void DestroyDocument ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument )

Destroy the given SVG document


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

DestroyElement(CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void DestroyElement ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement )

Create an element of the given type.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement

DestroyEngine(CSvgEngineImpl *)

IMPORT_C void DestroyEngine ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine )

Destroy the given SVG engine


CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine

DispatchFocusInEvent(CSvgDocumentImpl *, CSvgElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void DispatchFocusInEvent ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle,
CSvgElementImpl * aElement

This API provides client the functionality to trigger focus-in event for a particular element


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle
CSvgElementImpl * aElement

DispatchFocusOutEvent(CSvgDocumentImpl *, CSvgElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void DispatchFocusOutEvent ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle,
CSvgElementImpl * aElement

This API provides client the functionality to trigger focus-in event for a particular element


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle
CSvgElementImpl * aElement

DispatchMouseEventsAt(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt, TInt, MSvgMouseListener *)

IMPORT_C TInt DispatchMouseEventsAt ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle,
TInt aMouseX,
TInt aMouseY,
MSvgMouseListener * aListener

DispatchMouseEventsAt This will send mouse events to the Engine at this points.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle
TInt aMouseX
TInt aMouseY
MSvgMouseListener * aListener

DrawBox(TRect, TInt)

IMPORT_C CSvgElementImpl * DrawBox ( TRect aRect,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Create an svg element that can be added to the a document to draw the given rectangle.


TRect aRect
TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C TUint32 Duration ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Get the animation duration of a svg content, in milliseconds, for non-indefinite animations.



TInt aEngine = NULL

FillDocumentL(CSvgDocumentImpl *, const TDesC16 &)

IMPORT_C void FillDocumentL ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
const TDesC16 & aByteData

Fill a SVG document by parsing the given byte array.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument
const TDesC16 & aByteData

FindAllElements(CSvgElementImpl *, TInt, RPointerArray< CSvgElementImpl > &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void FindAllElements ( CSvgElementImpl * aStartElement,
TInt aElementId,
RPointerArray < CSvgElementImpl > & aList,
TInt aEngine = NULL


CSvgElementImpl * aStartElement
TInt aElementId
RPointerArray < CSvgElementImpl > & aList
TInt aEngine = NULL

FirstElementChild(CSvgElementImpl *)

CSvgElementImpl * FirstElementChild ( CSvgElementImpl * aParentElement ) [private]

Returns the first child element node of this element. null if this element has no child elements



CSvgElementImpl * aParentElement - a handle to a parent element


IMPORT_C TRect FocusNext ( )

Set focus coordinates to the next focusable object.



IMPORT_C TRect FocusPrevious ( )

Set focus coordinates to the previous focusable object.


FramesPerSecond(TBool, TInt)

IMPORT_C TReal FramesPerSecond ( TBool isShowOn = EFalse,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Adds a text element to display the frames per second if isShowOn = true


TBool isShowOn = EFalse
TInt aEngine = NULL


TReal FramesPerSecondL ( TInt aEngine = NULL ) [private]

Adds a text element to display the frames per second if isShowOn = true


TInt aEngine = NULL

GenerateMask(CFbsBitmap *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void GenerateMask ( CFbsBitmap * aMask,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Generate mask bitmap from the current frame



CFbsBitmap * aMask - bitmap to hold masking info.
TInt aEngine = NULL

GetElementBoundingbox(CSvgElementImpl *, TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TReal32 &)

IMPORT_C void GetElementBoundingbox ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
TReal32 & aX,
TReal32 & aY,
TReal32 & aWidth,
TReal32 & aHeight

Get the Bounding Box for an element.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
TReal32 & aX
TReal32 & aY
TReal32 & aWidth
TReal32 & aHeight

GetElementById(CSvgDocumentImpl *, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetElementById ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
const TDesC & aId

Return the root element of the given document.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument
const TDesC & aId

GetElementColorAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt32 GetElementColorAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
const TInt aAttributeId

Get the CoLor attribute for the element. // this basically means the fill and stroke.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
const TInt aAttributeId

GetElementDesAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt, TPtrC16 &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetElementDesAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
const TInt aAttributeId,
TPtrC16 & aValue

Get the Desc attribute for the element.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
const TInt aAttributeId
TPtrC16 & aValue

GetElementFloatAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt)

IMPORT_C TReal32 GetElementFloatAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
const TInt aAttributeId

Get the Float attribute for the element.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
const TInt aAttributeId

GetElementType(CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C TInt GetElementType ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement )

Get the element type, such as rect, circle, etc. for the given element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement

GetElementUnScaledBoundingBox(CSvgElementImpl *, TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TReal32 &, TReal32 &)

IMPORT_C void GetElementUnScaledBoundingBox ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
TReal32 & aX,
TReal32 & aY,
TReal32 & aWidth,
TReal32 & aHeight

Get the unscaled Bounding Box for an element.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
TReal32 & aX
TReal32 & aY
TReal32 & aWidth
TReal32 & aHeight

GetEnumAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt, TInt32 &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetEnumAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
const TInt aAttributeId,
TInt32 & lValue

Set the Enum attribute for the element. // this basically means the fill and stroke.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
const TInt aAttributeId
TInt32 & lValue

GetExternalListItemL(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt, TPtrC16 &)

IMPORT_C void GetExternalListItemL ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
TInt aIndex,
TPtrC16 & aUri

Given an index number and a document handle returns an external resource uri associated with an element


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument - Document Pointer index - index in external list
TInt aIndex
TPtrC16 & aUri

GetExternalListSize(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C TInt GetExternalListSize ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument )

Returns the size (number of external elements) in the given document


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument - Document Pointer

GetFirstChild(CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetFirstChild ( CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement )

Get the first child element in the given parent.


CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement

GetFocusBbox(TBool, TInt)

TRect GetFocusBbox ( TBool aNextObject,
TInt aEngine = NULL
) [private]

Get the current focus object's bounding box.



TBool aNextObject
TInt aEngine = NULL

GetFocusedElement(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetFocusedElement ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument )

returns the pointer to the focussed element.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

GetFourPointElementBoundingBox(CSvgTextElementImpl *, TPoint &, TPoint &, TPoint &, TPoint &)

IMPORT_C void GetFourPointElementBoundingBox ( CSvgTextElementImpl * aElementHandle,
TPoint & aPoint1,
TPoint & aPoint2,
TPoint & aPoint3,
TPoint & aPoint4

Get the Bounding Box for an element.


CSvgTextElementImpl * aElementHandle
TPoint & aPoint1
TPoint & aPoint2
TPoint & aPoint3
TPoint & aPoint4

GetId(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt)

IMPORT_C TDesC * GetId ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
TInt index

Return the id at from the document at index


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument
TInt index

GetMatrixAttribute(CXmlElementImpl *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *)

IMPORT_C void GetMatrixAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle,
float * aAVal,
float * aBVal,
float * aCVal,
float * aDVal,
float * aEVal,
float * aFVal

Get the matrix values.


CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle
float * aAVal
float * aBVal
float * aCVal
float * aDVal
float * aEVal
float * aFVal

GetMatrixAttribute(CXmlElementImpl *, TInt, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *)

IMPORT_C void GetMatrixAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle,
TInt aAttributeType,
float * aAVal,
float * aBVal,
float * aCVal,
float * aDVal,
float * aEVal,
float * aFVal

Get the matrix values for a given matrix type.


CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle
TInt aAttributeType
float * aAVal
float * aBVal
float * aCVal
float * aDVal
float * aEVal
float * aFVal

GetNextSibling(CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetNextSibling ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement )

Get the next sibling element of the given element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement

GetNumberOfIds(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C TInt GetNumberOfIds ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument )

Return the number of ids in a given document


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

GetOwnerDocument(CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl * GetOwnerDocument ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement )

Get the document that is associated with the given element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement

GetParentElement(CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetParentElement ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement )

Return parent element of the given element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement

GetPathAttribute(CXmlElementImpl *, TInt)

IMPORT_C CGfxGeneralPath * GetPathAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle,
TInt aAttributeId

GetPathAttribute gets a pointer to the path attribuite for a given element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle
TInt aAttributeId

GetRectAttribute(CXmlElementImpl *, float *, float *, float *, float *)

IMPORT_C TBool GetRectAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle,
float * aX,
float * aY,
float * aWidth,
float * aHeight

Get the rect values.


CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle
float * aX
float * aY
float * aWidth
float * aHeight


IMPORT_C TRenderingQuality GetRenderQuality ( )

Retrieve the rendering quality setting. See TRenderingQuality for possible values.


GetRootElement(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * GetRootElement ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument )

Return the root element of the given document.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

GetSegmentCount(CGfxGeneralPath *)

IMPORT_C TInt GetSegmentCount ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle )

GetSegmentCount Returns the number of segments in a PATH.


CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle

GetSegmentParameter(CGfxGeneralPath *, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TReal32 GetSegmentParameter ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle,
TInt aSegmentIndex,
TInt aSegmentParameterIndex

GetSegmentParameter Returns the segment parameter for a specific segment in a path element.


CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle
TInt aSegmentIndex
TInt aSegmentParameterIndex

GetSegmentType(CGfxGeneralPath *, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt GetSegmentType ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle,
TInt aSegmentIndex

GetSegmentType Returns the segment type for a specific segment in a path element.


CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle
TInt aSegmentIndex


IMPORT_C TRect GetSvgBoundingBox ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Return the scaled bounding box for the whole svg document.


TInt aEngine = NULL

GetTextForTextAreaElement(TInt, TBool &, TDes &)

IMPORT_C TBool GetTextForTextAreaElement ( TInt aTextAreaElementId,
TBool & editable,
TDes & aXmlString

Get the entire text string from the specified text area


TInt aTextAreaElementId
TBool & editable
TDes & aXmlString

GetTextForTextElement(TInt, TBool &, TDes &)

IMPORT_C TBool GetTextForTextElement ( TInt aTextElementId,
TBool & editable,
TDes & aXmlString

Get the entire text string from the specified text element


TInt aTextElementId
TBool & editable
TDes & aXmlString


IMPORT_C TSize GetUnscaledContentSize ( TInt aDomHandle )

Return the default size of the given document handle, defined by the union of the bounding boxes of the elements. This function is independent of frame-buffer or any other document.



TInt aDomHandle - Handle to svg document (thru PrepareDom)

GetViewportHeight(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportHeight ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle )

Get the Viewport Height.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle

GetViewportUnits(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportUnits ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle )

Get the Viewport Units. This means the units in which the width and height of <svg> element are specified.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle

GetViewportWidth(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportWidth ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle )

Get the Viewport Width .


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle


void ImageLoadingCompleted ( TInt aErrorStatus ) [private]

ImageLoadingObserver interface method. Called from Image loading class to notify image loading completion.



TInt aErrorStatus

InitRootElement(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void InitRootElement ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument )

Set a default SvgSvg root element of the given document.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

InitSvgStylePropertiesWithNullL(CSvgElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void InitSvgStylePropertiesWithNullL ( CSvgElementImpl * aElement )

Used when creating an element from the java interface initializes all of the style properties attribute array to null for a newly created element so that attributes can be added to that element


CSvgElementImpl * aElement

InitializeEngine(CSvgEngineImpl *, TBool)

IMPORT_C void InitializeEngine ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL,
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue

Request the given engine (or internal engine) to initialize from information in the svg-document attached to it (if any). This is used to setup the display information from the <svg> tag. Usually called from MSvgLoadingListener method when <svg> reached. If aEngine is NULL, then the internal engine is used.



CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue

IsContentInteractive(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool IsContentInteractive ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Check for interactive/non-interactive content.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument - Document Pointer
TInt aEngine = NULL


TBool IsDomCached ( TInt aHandle ) [private]

Checks whether the Handle is associated with a DOM


TInt aHandle

IsElementActive(CSvgElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C TBool IsElementActive ( CSvgElementImpl * hElement )

Return true if element is removeable (no id or children with ids)


CSvgElementImpl * hElement

IsElementVisible(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool IsElementVisible ( TInt aElementHandle,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Return whether an element is visible on the frame buffer.


TInt aElementHandle
TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C TBool IsLoading ( TInt aEngine = NULL )
Query wether a document is currently bieng parsed through the Load API. EFalse is returned when a document has completed parsing or CancelLoad has completed successfully.


TInt aEngine = NULL

IsPanPossible(TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool IsPanPossible ( TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Shift the center of the content in both x and y coordinates. The values are in user-coordinate values and may be negative.



TInt aX
TInt aY
TInt aEngine = NULL

IsPanPossibleFourWay(TBool &, TBool &, TBool &, TBool &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void IsPanPossibleFourWay ( TBool & left,
TBool & right,
TBool & up,
TBool & down,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Checks the panning possibility in four directions. A efficient API for clients which want to show 4 way panning indicators. It is efficient for these clients to get the all four direction information at one go. Saves rendering time significantly per frame.



TBool & left
TBool & right
TBool & up
TBool & down
TInt aEngine = NULL

IsRemoveable(CSvgElementImpl *, TBool)

IMPORT_C TBool IsRemoveable ( CSvgElementImpl * hElement,
TBool aCheckSibling = EFalse

Return true if element is removeable (no id or children with ids)


CSvgElementImpl * hElement
TBool aCheckSibling = EFalse

KeyPress(const TKeyEvent &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void KeyPress ( const TKeyEvent & aKeyEvent,
TInt aEngine = NULL
Notify the SVG Engine that a "key press" event. The engine will initiate key-related events if appropriate.


const TKeyEvent & aKeyEvent
TInt aEngine = NULL

LastElementChild(CSvgElementImpl *)

CSvgElementImpl * LastElementChild ( CSvgElementImpl * aParentElement ) [private]

last child element node of this element. null if this element has no child elements



CSvgElementImpl * aParentElement - a handle to a parent element

Load(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * Load ( const TDesC & aFileName )

Load a svg document from a file. An error is return if one is encountered. Some errors may be more like warnings, which may allow the svg content to display nevertheless.



const TDesC & aFileName -- Name of svg file

Load(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * Load ( const TDesC8 & aByteData )

Load a svg document from a byte array. An error is return if one is encountered. Some errors may be more like warnings, which may allow the svg content to display nevertheless.



const TDesC8 & aByteData -- Byte array of svg document.

Load(RFile &)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * Load ( RFile & aFileHandle )

Load a svg document from from the RFile Handle passed. An error is return if one is encountered. Some errors may be more like warnings, which may allow the svg content to display nevertheless.



RFile & aFileHandle -- RFile handle of svg document.


IMPORT_C TInt32 MediaTime ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Get the current animation frame time, in milliseconds.



TInt aEngine = NULL

MouseDown(TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt MouseDown ( TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Notify the SVG Engine that a "mouse down" event. The engine will initiate mouse-related events, such as links, if appropriate.



TInt aX
TInt aY
TInt aEngine = NULL

MouseMove(TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void MouseMove ( TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Notify the SVG Engine that a "mouse move" event. The engine will initiate mouse-related events, such as links, if appropriate.



TInt aX
TInt aY
TInt aEngine = NULL

MouseUp(TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void MouseUp ( TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Notify the SVG Engine that a "mouse up" event. The engine will initiate mouse-related events, such as links, if appropriate.



TInt aX
TInt aY
TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C void MuteAudioVolume ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

This method mutes the volume of the SVG content

S60 3.1


TInt aEngine = NULL

NewL(CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &)

IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl * NewL ( CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver,
TFontSpec & aFontSpec
) [static]

Two phase construction


CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver
TFontSpec & aFontSpec

NewL(CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &, SVGRendererId)

IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl * NewL ( CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver,
TFontSpec & aFontSpec,
SVGRendererId aRendererType
) [static]


CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver
TFontSpec & aFontSpec
SVGRendererId aRendererType

NewLC(CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &)

IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl * NewLC ( CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver,
TFontSpec & aFontSpec
) [static]

Create a new Svg Engine interface.



CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver
TFontSpec & aFontSpec

NewLC(CFbsBitmap *, MSvgRequestObserver *, TFontSpec &, SVGRendererId)

IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl * NewLC ( CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver,
TFontSpec & aFontSpec,
SVGRendererId aRendererType
) [static]


CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer
MSvgRequestObserver * aReqObserver
TFontSpec & aFontSpec
SVGRendererId aRendererType

NextElementSibling(CSvgElementImpl *)

CSvgElementImpl * NextElementSibling ( CSvgElementImpl * aSiblingElement ) [private]

previous sibling element node of this element. null if this element has no element sibling nodes that come before this one in the document tree.



CSvgElementImpl * aSiblingElement


IMPORT_C void OriginalView ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Reset the view to the default values. Redraw() must be called to update the output image.



TInt aEngine = NULL

Pan(TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void Pan ( TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Shift the center of the content in both x and y coordinates. The values are in user-coordinate values and may be negative. Redraw() must be called to update the output image.



TInt aX
TInt aY
TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C TPoint PanPosition ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Returns SVG Engine Pan Position



TInt aEngine = NULL

Pause(CSvgEngineImpl *)

IMPORT_C void Pause ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL )

Request the SVG Engine to pause an animation.

Series 60 3.0


CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C TPoint Position ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Returns the Position of Viewport



TInt aEngine = NULL


void PostLoadProcessing ( TInt aDocumentHandle ) [private]

Utility function to clean-up after loading a file -- mainly, removing the prepared dom from Dom-list, since it's loaded and more prepared.



TInt aDocumentHandle

PrepareDom(const TDesC &, TInt &, TInt)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * PrepareDom ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt & aHandle,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Added for DOM Caching API changes Parses and Prepares DOM for given SVG or SVGB file. Provides a Handle to the created DOM. A prepared DOM may be delete with DeleteDom or when the engine is deleted.


const TDesC & aFileName
TInt & aHandle
TInt aEngine = NULL

PrepareDom(const TDesC8 &, TInt &, TInt)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * PrepareDom ( const TDesC8 & aByteData,
TInt & aHandle,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Parses and Prepares DOM for both svg and svg binary data. Provides a Handle to the created DOM. A prepared DOM may be delete with DeleteDom or when the engine is deleted.


const TDesC8 & aByteData
TInt & aHandle
TInt aEngine = NULL

PrepareDom(RFile &, TInt &, TInt)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * PrepareDom ( RFile & aFileHandle,
TInt & aHandle,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Parses and Prepares DOM for given SVG or SVGB file. Provides a Handle to the created DOM. A prepared DOM may be delete with DeleteDom or when the engine is deleted.


RFile & aFileHandle
TInt & aHandle
TInt aEngine = NULL

PreviousElementSibling(CSvgElementImpl *)

CSvgElementImpl * PreviousElementSibling ( CSvgElementImpl * aSiblingElement ) [private]

Returns the next sibling element node of this element. null if this element has no element sibling nodes that come after this one in the document tree



CSvgElementImpl * aSiblingElement - a handle to a sibling element

PrintAllElements(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void PrintAllElements ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument )

In _DEBUG mode all elements in the documents DOM will be printed out this method may be used in the future to regenerate the DOM tree could also be used as an encoder


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

PrintElementsStyles(CSvgElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void PrintElementsStyles ( CSvgElementImpl * aElement )

In _DEBUG mode print all of the values that are in the styles for the element


CSvgElementImpl * aElement

Redraw(TBool, TInt)

IMPORT_C void Redraw ( TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Request for updating the off-screen image buffer with the svg content.



TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue -- indicate whether this redraw request is called in the main thread (executed immediately). Otherwise, this request is to be executed asynchronously. 'Main thread' used here means the thread which instantiated this CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl object.
TInt aEngine = NULL

RemoveAnimationListener(MSvgAnimationListener *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void RemoveAnimationListener ( MSvgAnimationListener * aListener,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Remove a HyperlinkListener from the SVG Engine..


MSvgAnimationListener * aListener
TInt aEngine = NULL

RemoveChild(CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void RemoveChild ( CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement,
CXmlElementImpl * aChildElement

Remove the given child element from the given parent element.


CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement
CXmlElementImpl * aChildElement

RemoveFromEventReceiverList(CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void RemoveFromEventReceiverList ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement )

This API will remove the given element to the event receiver list.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement

RemoveHyperlinkListener(MSvgHyperlinkListener *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void RemoveHyperlinkListener ( MSvgHyperlinkListener * aListener,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Remove a HyperlinkListener from the SVG Engine..


MSvgHyperlinkListener * aListener
TInt aEngine = NULL

RemoveListener(const MSvgListener *, TSvgListenerType, TInt)

IMPORT_C void RemoveListener ( const MSvgListener * aListener,
TSvgListenerType aType,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Remove a specific event listener from the engine


const MSvgListener * aListener
TSvgListenerType aType
TInt aEngine = NULL

RemoveTextAreaListener(MSvgTextAreaListener *, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool RemoveTextAreaListener ( MSvgTextAreaListener * aListener,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Remove a TextAreaListener from the SVG Engine..


MSvgTextAreaListener * aListener
TInt aEngine = NULL

RemoveTextListener(MSvgTextListener *, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool RemoveTextListener ( MSvgTextListener * aListener,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Remove a TextListener from the SVG Engine..


MSvgTextListener * aListener
TInt aEngine = NULL

RenderDom(TInt, CFbsBitmap *, CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * RenderDom ( TInt aHandle,
CFbsBitmap * aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap * aMaskBuffer = NULL

Renders the DOM tree associated with the Handle (UseDom).


TInt aHandle
CFbsBitmap * aBitmap
CFbsBitmap * aMaskBuffer = NULL

RenderFrame(CSvgEngineImpl *, TUint)

IMPORT_C void RenderFrame ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine,
TUint aCurrentTime


CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine
TUint aCurrentTime

RenderFrames(TInt, const TSize &, TUint, TUint, TUint, TDisplayMode, TDisplayMode, RPointerArray< CFbsBitmap > &, RPointerArray< CFbsBitmap > &, RArray< TUint > &, TBool)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * RenderFrames ( TInt aDomHandle,
const TSize & aDimensionOfBitmaps,
TUint aStartTime,
TUint aDuration,
TUint aMillisecondsPerFrame,
TDisplayMode aColorDepth,
TDisplayMode aMaskType,
RPointerArray < CFbsBitmap > & aBitmapFrames,
RPointerArray < CFbsBitmap > & aMaskFrames,
RArray < TUint > & aDelayIntervals,
TBool aRemoveRedundantFrames = EFalse

Generate frames, defined by the given duration, delay per seconds, etc. The calling client will be responsible for managing the bitmaps created by this method that are appended to the given bitmap arrays. The starting frame can be specified with the starting time parameter.

Note: Embedded images/svg files will not be rendered, due to asynchronous image decoder.

Redundant frames removal is implemented, defaulted to EFalse.

aDomHandle -- Handle to the svg dom. aDimensionOfBitmaps -- Size of bitmaps to generate (same for mask) aStartTime -- Start time of first frame (in milliseconds) aDuration -- Total time of animation (in milliseconds) aMillisecondsPerFrame -- Request delay time between each frame. aColorDepth -- Color display mode for main bitmaps aMaskType -- Color display mode for mask bitmaps aBitmapFrames -- Array to hold animation bitmaps aMaskFrames -- Array to hold mask bitmaps aDelayIntervals -- Delay interval between each frame (in milliseconds) aRemoveRedundantFrames -- If ETrue, remove consecutive frames that are the same and set the correct delay. Return Non-NULL Pointer to a svg error (MSvgError*)


TInt aDomHandle
const TSize & aDimensionOfBitmaps
TUint aStartTime
TUint aDuration
TUint aMillisecondsPerFrame
TDisplayMode aColorDepth
TDisplayMode aMaskType
RPointerArray < CFbsBitmap > & aBitmapFrames
RPointerArray < CFbsBitmap > & aMaskFrames
RArray < TUint > & aDelayIntervals
TBool aRemoveRedundantFrames = EFalse


IMPORT_C MSvgError * Replay ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Replay the Current Animation.



TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C void ResetContext ( TInt aEngine = NULL )


TInt aEngine = NULL


void ResetFocusIndex ( TInt32 aIndex )

Reset the focus list This happens in the event of new additions to EventReceiver list and/or sorting of this list



TInt32 aIndex - index of object to reset focus.


void RestoreAnimStyleProperties ( TInt aEngine = NULL ) [private]

This mathod restores some style properties back to the original value of the animatied elements' iSvgStyleProperties.

S60 3.0


TInt aEngine = NULL

Resume(CSvgEngineImpl *)

IMPORT_C void Resume ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL )

Request the SVG Engine to resume an animation.



CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL

Resume(TInt32, TInt)

void Resume ( TInt32 aTime,
TInt aEngine = NULL
) [private]

Request the SVG Engine to resume an animation after certain amount of time



TInt32 aTime
TInt aEngine = NULL

Rotate(TReal32, TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void Rotate ( TReal32 aAngle,
TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Rotate the content about the given point by the given angle. The point is in user-coordinates. Redraw() must be called to update the output image.



TReal32 aAngle
TInt aX
TInt aY
TInt aEngine = NULL

SVGElementGetUsedElement(CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl * SVGElementGetUsedElement ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement )

SVGElement_GetUsedElement :- This API will return a pointer to the original element which was cloned to use it. i.e.the cloned element is made a chld of the <use> element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement

SVGElementInDom(CSvgDocumentImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C TBool SVGElementInDom ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
CXmlElementImpl * aElement

checks whether a given element is present in DOM.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument
CXmlElementImpl * aElement

SaveSvg(TBool, const TDesC &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SaveSvg ( TBool aIsEncodeOn,
const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aEngine

Method to output the currently loaded SVG content in standard SVG XML form or output a binary encoded version to a file


TBool aIsEncodeOn tell whether or not to output binary or standard SVG file.
const TDesC & aFileName
TInt aEngine

SaveSvgDom(TInt, const TDesC &, TInt)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * SaveSvgDom ( TInt aHandle,
const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aEngine = NULL


TInt aHandle
const TDesC & aFileName
TInt aEngine = NULL

SearchForText(const TDesC &, RPointerArray< MRect > &, RArray< TPtrC > &, RArray< TInt > &, TBool, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool SearchForText ( const TDesC & aSearchString,
RPointerArray < MRect > & aBoundingBoxes,
RArray < TPtrC > & aTexts,
RArray < TInt > & aElementIds,
TBool aCaseSensitive = ETrue,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Search for all occurrences of a string in the current svg document, in the cdata of the <text> elements. The bounding-boxes are transformed, accounted for zooming/panning.


const TDesC & aSearchString
RPointerArray < MRect > & aBoundingBoxes
RArray < TPtrC > & aTexts
RArray < TInt > & aElementIds
TBool aCaseSensitive = ETrue
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetAnimFrameDuration(TUint, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetAnimFrameDuration ( TUint aAFDur,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Set the minimum delay between each frame, in milliseconds. Frames per Second = 1000 / aFrameDelay

The default/minimum value is 67 milliseconds (15 fps).



TUint aAFDur
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetAudioVolume(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetAudioVolume ( TInt aPercentage,
TInt aEngine = NULL

This method sets the volume with user input as a percentage value (unsigned between 0 and 100 )

S60 3.1


TInt aPercentage percentage value of volume
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetBackgroundColor(TUint32, CSvgEngineImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColor ( TUint32 aRGBA8888Color,
CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL

Set the color for clearing background.



TUint32 aRGBA8888Color - 32-bit color value
CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL

SetClientWindow(RWindow *)

IMPORT_C void SetClientWindow ( RWindow * aWindow )

This API provides API for client to set RWindow so that svgengine is aware of the window that client is using. This will benefit video rendering.


RWindow * aWindow

SetDRMMode(TBool, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetDRMMode ( TBool aEnable,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Enable/Disable DRM.


TBool aEnable
TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C void SetDRMRights ( TBool aEnable )

Set the engine to enable/disable consuming DRM rights


TBool aEnable

SetDataRetrievalTimeOut(TUint, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetDataRetrievalTimeOut ( TUint aTimeoutSeconds,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Set the timeout duration for fetching external data (Fetchimage calls). A value of zero, indicates no timeout (by default). This is designed mainly for SVGT Plugin.


TUint aTimeoutSeconds
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetDocument(CSvgEngineImpl *, CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SetDocument ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine,
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

Associate the given document with the given engine.


CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

SetElementColorAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt, TInt32)

IMPORT_C void SetElementColorAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
const TInt aAttributeId,
TInt32 aColorValue

Set the Color attribute for the element.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
const TInt aAttributeId
TInt32 aColorValue

SetElementDesAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void SetElementDesAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
const TInt aAttributeId,
const TDesC & aAttributeValue

Set the Descriptor attribute for the element.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
const TInt aAttributeId
const TDesC & aAttributeValue

SetElementFloatAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt, TReal32)

IMPORT_C void SetElementFloatAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
const TInt aAttributeId,
TReal32 aValue

Set the Float attribute for the element.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
const TInt aAttributeId
TReal32 aValue

SetEnumAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, const TInt, TInt32)

IMPORT_C void SetEnumAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
const TInt aAttributeId,
TInt32 lValue

Get the Enum attribute for the element. // this basically means the fill and stroke.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
const TInt aAttributeId
TInt32 lValue

SetFirstChildElement(CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SetFirstChildElement ( CXmlElementImpl * aFirstChildElement,
CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement

Set the first child for the given element.


CXmlElementImpl * aFirstChildElement
CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement

SetFocusElement(CXmlElementImpl *, CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SetFocusElement ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement,
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

Sets the focus on a specific element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

SetFrameBuffer(CFbsBitmap *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetFrameBuffer ( CFbsBitmap * aRenderBuffer,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Change the frame Buffer dynamically

:- Buffer for drawing the DOM Tree.


CFbsBitmap * aRenderBuffer
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetGdiContextL(CSvgEngineImpl *, CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C void SetGdiContextL ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine,
CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer

Set the GDI context for the given SVG Engine.


CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine
CFbsBitmap * aFrameBuffer

SetMatrixAttribute(CXmlElementImpl *, float, float, float, float, float, float)

IMPORT_C void SetMatrixAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle,
float aAVal,
float aBVal,
float aCVal,
float aDVal,
float aEVal,
float aFVal

Set the matrix values.


CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle
float aAVal
float aBVal
float aCVal
float aDVal
float aEVal
float aFVal

SetMediaTime(TInt32, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetMediaTime ( TInt32 aTime,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Set the current animation frame time, in millseconds.



TInt32 aTime -- time to forward/rewind to.
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetNextSibling(CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SetNextSibling ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement,
CXmlElementImpl * aSibling

Set the next sibling element for the given element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement
CXmlElementImpl * aSibling

SetParentElement(CXmlElementImpl *, CXmlElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SetParentElement ( CXmlElementImpl * aElement,
CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement

Set parent element for the given element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElement
CXmlElementImpl * aParentElement

SetPathAttribute(CSvgElementImpl *, TInt, CGfxGeneralPath *)

IMPORT_C void SetPathAttribute ( CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle,
TInt lSvgAttrId,
CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle

SetPathAttribute sets the path attribute for a given element.


CSvgElementImpl * aElementHandle
TInt lSvgAttrId
CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle

SetPreserveAspectRatio(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TSvgPreserveAspectAlignType, TSvgMeetOrSliceType, TBool)

IMPORT_C void SetPreserveAspectRatio ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument,
TSvgPreserveAspectAlignType aPreserveAspectSetting,
TSvgMeetOrSliceType aSmilFitSetting,
TBool aFrameBufferOverridesViewport = EFalse

Set the preserve aspect ratio setting for the current document


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument
TSvgPreserveAspectAlignType aPreserveAspectSetting
TSvgMeetOrSliceType aSmilFitSetting
TBool aFrameBufferOverridesViewport = EFalse

SetRectAttribute(CXmlElementImpl *, float, float, float, float)

IMPORT_C void SetRectAttribute ( CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle,
float aX,
float aY,
float aWidth,
float aHeight

Set the rect values.


CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle
float aX
float aY
float aWidth
float aHeight

SetRenderQuality(TRenderingQuality, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetRenderQuality ( TRenderingQuality aQualityLevel,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Set the rendering quality. Low-level graphics is always set to high -- no effect from this call. Redraw() must be called to update the output image.



TRenderingQuality aQualityLevel
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetRequestObserver(CSvgEngineImpl *, MSvgRequestObserver *)

IMPORT_C void SetRequestObserver ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine,
MSvgRequestObserver * aObserver

Set the given request-observer for the given svg engine.


CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine
MSvgRequestObserver * aObserver

SetSvgDimensionToFrameBuffer(TUint, TUint, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetSvgDimensionToFrameBuffer ( TUint aWidth,
TUint aHeight,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Set the SVG dimensions to the root buffer size.


TUint aWidth - width to set root size.
TUint aHeight - height to set root size.
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetTextForTextAreaElement(TInt, TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TBool SetTextForTextAreaElement ( TInt aTextAreaElementId,
TDesC & aXmlString

Add a text string to a text area


TInt aTextAreaElementId
TDesC & aXmlString

SetTextForTextElement(TInt, TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TBool SetTextForTextElement ( TInt aTextElementId,
TDesC & aXmlString

Add a text string to a text element


TInt aTextElementId
TDesC & aXmlString

SetThumbNailMode(TBool, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetThumbNailMode ( TBool aThumbNailMode,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Set the engine to load SVG contents as thumbnails: a) Only DRM protected contents are affected by this API. b) In thumbnail mode, DRM rights in not consumed. c) In thumbnail mode, the svg contents are drawn only to frame-buffers of 64x64 or smaller.


TBool aThumbNailMode
TInt aEngine = NULL

SetViewportHeight(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetViewportHeight ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle,
TInt aHeight

Set the Viewport Height.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle
TInt aHeight

SetViewportWidth(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetViewportWidth ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle,
TInt aWidth

Set the Viewport Width.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle
TInt aWidth


IMPORT_C TSize Size ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Returns the Size of Viewport



TInt aEngine = NULL

Start(CSvgEngineImpl *, TBool)

IMPORT_C void Start ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL,
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue

Request the SVG Engine to begin an animation.



CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue

Start(MSvgError *&, CSvgEngineImpl *)

IMPORT_C void Start ( MSvgError *& aError,
CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL
Request the SVG Engine to begin an animation. This method returns an error code.


MSvgError *& aError
CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL

Start(MSvgError *&, const TDesC8 *, CSvgEngineImpl *)

IMPORT_C void Start ( MSvgError *& aError,
const TDesC8 * aHeaderData,
CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL


MSvgError *& aError
const TDesC8 * aHeaderData
CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL

Start(const TDesC8 *, CSvgEngineImpl *, TBool)

IMPORT_C void Start ( const TDesC8 * aHeaderData,
CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL,
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue


const TDesC8 * aHeaderData
CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue

StartEngine(CSvgEngineImpl *)

IMPORT_C void StartEngine ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine )

Intialize the given SVG Engine.


CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine

Stop(CSvgEngineImpl *)

IMPORT_C void Stop ( CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL )

Request the SVG Engine to stop an animation.



CSvgEngineImpl * aEngine = NULL

SvgActivateAnimation(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SvgActivateAnimation ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument )

This API will start the animation if the focussed object is an animation element.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocument

SvgBeginElementAt(CXmlElementImpl *, TUint32, CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SvgBeginElementAt ( CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle,
TUint32 aOffsetTime,
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle = NULL

Set the Begin time for an animation element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle
TUint32 aOffsetTime
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle = NULL


IMPORT_C CGfxGeneralPath * SvgCreatePath ( )

SvgCreatePath his will create a new empty path.

SvgDestroyPath(CGfxGeneralPath *)

IMPORT_C void SvgDestroyPath ( CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle )

SvgDestroyPath this will delete a path given a pointer to it.


CGfxGeneralPath * aPathHandle


IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl * SvgDocument ( )

Retrieve the reference to the svg document object.



IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl * SvgDocumentNewL ( )

Create an empty instance of a SVG document.

SvgElementAssignDocument(CSvgElementImpl *, CSvgDocumentImpl *)

void SvgElementAssignDocument ( CSvgElementImpl * aElement,
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDoc


CSvgElementImpl * aElement
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDoc

SvgEndElementAt(CXmlElementImpl *, TUint32, CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void SvgEndElementAt ( CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle,
TUint32 aOffsetTime,
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle = NULL

Set the end time for an animation element.


CXmlElementImpl * aElementHandle
TUint32 aOffsetTime
CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle = NULL


IMPORT_C CSvgEngineImpl * SvgEngineNewL ( )

Create an instance of a CSvgEngineImpl .

SvgGetMediaTime(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C TReal32 SvgGetMediaTime ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle )

Gets the Media time for a Document.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle

SvgHasAnimation(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C TBool SvgHasAnimation ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle )

checks whether the document has any animation elements present.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle

SvgSetMediaTime(CSvgDocumentImpl *, TUint32)

IMPORT_C void SvgSetMediaTime ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle,
TUint32 aTimeInMilliSeconds

Sets the Media time for a Document.


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle
TUint32 aTimeInMilliSeconds


IMPORT_C void SwitchDebugInfo ( TInt aEngine = NULL )

Switch the debugging mode on/off.



TInt aEngine = NULL


IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 TLVEncodedData ( ) const
Added for getting the NVG-TLV from S60SVGTEngine in QT S60 baseport.

UpdatePath(TInt, CSvgElementImpl *)

IMPORT_C void UpdatePath ( TInt hPath,
CSvgElementImpl * hElement

Update the path information with the given element


TInt hPath - path handle
CSvgElementImpl * hElement - element handle

UseDom(TInt, CFbsBitmap *, CFbsBitmap *, TInt)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * UseDom ( TInt aHandle,
CFbsBitmap * aRenderBuffer,
CFbsBitmap * aMaskBuffer = NULL,
TInt aEngine = NULL

initialization of the engine according to a particular cached DOM tree.


TInt aHandle
CFbsBitmap * aRenderBuffer
CFbsBitmap * aMaskBuffer = NULL
TInt aEngine = NULL

UseDom(TInt, CFbsBitmap *, CFbsBitmap *, TSize, TDisplayMode, TDisplayMode, TInt)

IMPORT_C MSvgError * UseDom ( TInt aHandle,
CFbsBitmap * aRenderBuffer,
CFbsBitmap * aMaskBuffer,
TSize aRenderBufferSize,
TDisplayMode aRenderDisplayMode,
TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode,
TInt aEngine = NULL


TInt aHandle
CFbsBitmap * aRenderBuffer
CFbsBitmap * aMaskBuffer
TSize aRenderBufferSize
TDisplayMode aRenderDisplayMode
TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode
TInt aEngine = NULL

ViewportInit(CSvgDocumentImpl *)

IMPORT_C void ViewportInit ( CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle )


CSvgDocumentImpl * aDocumentHandle

WaitForImages(TBool, TInt)

IMPORT_C void WaitForImages ( TBool aBool = ETrue,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Set to indicate whether the contents should be rendered or wait for all images in a content to be decoded, defaults to waiting for all images.


TBool aBool = ETrue
TInt aEngine = NULL

Zoom(TReal32, TInt)

IMPORT_C void Zoom ( TReal32 aScaleFactor,
TInt aEngine = NULL

Request the SVG Engine to zoom-in on the content given the zoom factor. The value range is greater than zero. The current zoom factor is multiplied with the given value to yield the final result. Redraw() must be called to update the output image.



TReal32 aScaleFactor
TInt aEngine = NULL

Member Data Documentation

TBool iDrmEnabled

TBool iDrmEnabled [private]

TBool iDrmRightsConsumptionEnabled

TBool iDrmRightsConsumptionEnabled [private]

TBool iFileIsLoaded

TBool iFileIsLoaded [protected]

TBool iIsLoadingRequest

TBool iIsLoadingRequest [private]

TBool iIsThumbNailMode

TBool iIsThumbNailMode [private]

TBool iMouseDownFlag

TBool iMouseDownFlag [private]

CSvgBitmapFontProvider * iSvgBitmapFontProvider

CSvgBitmapFontProvider * iSvgBitmapFontProvider [private]

RPointerArray< CSvgDocumentImpl > iSvgDocumentPointers

RPointerArray < CSvgDocumentImpl > iSvgDocumentPointers [protected]

CSvgEngineImpl * iSvgEngine

CSvgEngineImpl * iSvgEngine [protected]

RPointerArray< CSvgEngineImpl > iSvgEnginePointers

RPointerArray < CSvgEngineImpl > iSvgEnginePointers [protected]

CSvgErrorImpl * iSvgError

CSvgErrorImpl * iSvgError [protected]

CSvgDocumentImpl * iSvgLoadedDocument

CSvgDocumentImpl * iSvgLoadedDocument [protected]

RPointerArray< MSvgLoadingListener > iSvgLoadingListeners

RPointerArray < MSvgLoadingListener > iSvgLoadingListeners [private]

RPointerArray< CSvgElementImpl > iSvgMouseEnteredElements

RPointerArray < CSvgElementImpl > iSvgMouseEnteredElements [private]

TReal32 iTotalRotation

TReal32 iTotalRotation [protected]