CWapiCertificates Class Reference

class CWapiCertificates : public CActive

This is a wrapper class which can be used to handle WAPI related certificates

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C CWapiCertificates ( )


IMPORT_C ~CWapiCertificates ( )

Member Functions Documentation


void ConstructL ( )

Function for reserving memory for the internal data types

DeleteAPSpecificDataL(const TInt)

IMPORT_C void DeleteAPSpecificDataL ( const TInt aId )

Delete AP related data from certificate database tables


const TInt aId Service table id


void DoCancel ( ) [protected, virtual]

DoCancel from CActive

GetAllCertificateLabelsL(RArray< TBuf< KMaxLabelLength > > **, RArray< TBuf8< KMaxIdentityLength > > **, RArray< TBuf< KMaxLabelLength > > **, RArray< TBuf8< KMaxIdentityLength > > **)

IMPORT_C void GetAllCertificateLabelsL ( RArray < TBuf < KMaxLabelLength > > ** aUserCerts,
RArray < TBuf8 < KMaxIdentityLength > > ** aUserCertData,
RArray < TBuf < KMaxLabelLength > > ** aCACerts,
RArray < TBuf8 < KMaxIdentityLength > > ** aCACertData

Gets a list of the available WAPI user and CA certificates

NOTE that the caller is responsible for freeing the memory of the arrays


RArray < TBuf < KMaxLabelLength > > ** aUserCerts Array of available WAPI User certificate labels
RArray < TBuf8 < KMaxIdentityLength > > ** aUserCertData Array of available WAPI User certificate identities
RArray < TBuf < KMaxLabelLength > > ** aCACerts Array of available WAPI CA certificate labels
RArray < TBuf8 < KMaxIdentityLength > > ** aCACertData Array of available WAPI CA certificate identities

GetConfigurationL(const TInt, TDes &, TDes &)

IMPORT_C void GetConfigurationL ( const TInt aId,
TDes & aCACert,
TDes & aUserCert

Gets the WAPI certificate configuration of a specific AP


const TInt aId Service table id
TDes & aCACert Id matching the selected WAPI CA certificate
TDes & aUserCert Id matching the selected WAPI User certificate


IMPORT_C CWapiCertificates * NewL ( ) [static]

Function for creating the CWapiCertificates object


IMPORT_C void ResetCertificateStoreL ( )

Resets the WAPI Certificate store


void RunL ( ) [protected, virtual]

RunL from CActive

SetCACertL(const TInt, const TBuf8< KMaxIdentityLength >)

IMPORT_C void SetCACertL ( const TInt aId,
const TBuf8 < KMaxIdentityLength > aCACertData

Sets the WAPI certificate configuration of a specific AP


const TInt aId Service table id
const TBuf8 < KMaxIdentityLength > aCACertData Selected WAPI CA certificate identity

SetUserCertL(const TInt, const TBuf8< KMaxIdentityLength >)

IMPORT_C void SetUserCertL ( const TInt aId,
const TBuf8 < KMaxIdentityLength > aUserCertData

Sets the WAPI certificate configuration of a specific AP


const TInt aId Service table id
const TBuf8 < KMaxIdentityLength > aUserCertData Selected WAPI User certificate identity

Member Data Documentation

abs_eap_am_tools_c * iAmTools

abs_eap_am_tools_c * iAmTools [private]

CCertificateStoreDatabase * iCertDB

CCertificateStoreDatabase * iCertDB [private]

dummy_wapi_core_c * iDummyCore

dummy_wapi_core_c * iDummyCore [private]

ec_certificate_store_c * iEcCertStore

ec_certificate_store_c * iEcCertStore [private]

CActiveSchedulerWait iWait

CActiveSchedulerWait iWait [private]

wapi_am_core_symbian_c * iWapiCore

wapi_am_core_symbian_c * iWapiCore [private]