_xmlSecDSigCtx Struct Reference

struct _xmlSecDSigCtx

xmlSecDSigCtx: : the pointer to user data (xmlsec and xmlsec-crypto libraries never touches this). : the XML Digital Signature processing flags. : the XML Digital Signature processing flags. : the reading key context. : the writing key context (not used for signature verification). : the <dsig:SignedInfo/> node processing context. : the URI types allowed for <dsig:Reference/> node. : the list of transforms allowed in <dsig:Reference/> node. :the callback for <dsig:Reference/> node processing. : the default signing method klass. : the default c14n method klass. : the default digest method klass. : the signature key; application may set signKey before calling xmlSecDSigCtxSign or xmlSecDSigCtxVerify functions. : the operation: sign or verify. XML DSig processing context.

Member Data Documentation

xmlSecTransformPtr c14nMethod

xmlSecTransformPtr c14nMethod

xmlSecTransformId defC14NMethodId

xmlSecTransformId defC14NMethodId

xmlSecTransformId defDigestMethodId

xmlSecTransformId defDigestMethodId

xmlSecTransformId defSignMethodId

xmlSecTransformId defSignMethodId

xmlSecPtrListPtr enabledReferenceTransforms

xmlSecPtrListPtr enabledReferenceTransforms

xmlSecTransformUriType enabledReferenceUris

xmlSecTransformUriType enabledReferenceUris

unsigned int flags

unsigned int flags

unsigned int flags2

unsigned int flags2

xmlChar * id

xmlChar * id

xmlSecKeyInfoCtx keyInfoReadCtx

xmlSecKeyInfoCtx keyInfoReadCtx

xmlSecKeyInfoCtx keyInfoWriteCtx

xmlSecKeyInfoCtx keyInfoWriteCtx

xmlSecPtrList manifestReferences

xmlSecPtrList manifestReferences

xmlSecTransformOperation operation

xmlSecTransformOperation operation

xmlSecTransformPtr preSignMemBufMethod

xmlSecTransformPtr preSignMemBufMethod

xmlSecTransformCtxPreExecuteCallback referencePreExecuteCallback

xmlSecTransformCtxPreExecuteCallback referencePreExecuteCallback

void * reserved0

void * reserved0

void * reserved1

void * reserved1

xmlSecBufferPtr result

xmlSecBufferPtr result

xmlSecKeyPtr signKey

xmlSecKeyPtr signKey

xmlSecTransformPtr signMethod

xmlSecTransformPtr signMethod

xmlNodePtr signValueNode

xmlNodePtr signValueNode

xmlSecPtrList signedInfoReferences

xmlSecPtrList signedInfoReferences

xmlSecDSigStatus status

xmlSecDSigStatus status

xmlSecTransformCtx transformCtx

xmlSecTransformCtx transformCtx

void * userData

void * userData