RAvctp Class Reference

class RAvctp

AVCTP service provider

Note that because AVCTP is a connectionless protocol, this class doesn't provide an API to directly control all aspects of whether or not a connection exists to a remote device. It provides an API to force a connection to exist (RAvctp::ConnectRequest()) until either a MaenDisconnectIndicate or MaenDisconnectConfirm event is notified via the MAvctpEventNotify class that clients should derive from.

When using RAvctp clients need to make the distinction between an explicit connection and an actual connection. All this class provides is an API to bring up and in keeping a connection up by allowing explicit connections to be made. However if no explicit connection to a remote device has been made, that does NOT mandate that no such connection to this remote will exist. Instead it means the client doesn't care if there is a connection or not to this remote. Hence a client can receive messages from or send messages to a device they've not explicitly connected to.

Public Member Functions
RAvctp ()
IMPORT_C void Close ( TCloseType )
IMPORT_C void CloseGracefully ()
IMPORT_C TInt InstallSecondaryChannel ( MAvctpEventNotify &, MAvctpChannel *&)
IMPORT_C TInt Open ( MAvctpEventNotify &, SymbianAvctp::TPid , MAvctpChannel *&)
IMPORT_C void UninstallSecondaryChannel ( TCloseType )
Private Member Functions
RAvctp (const RAvctp &)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TCloseType { ENormal , EImmediate }
Private Attributes
CAvctpBody * iBody

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C RAvctp ( )

Default constructor

RAvctp(const RAvctp &)

RAvctp ( const RAvctp & aObjectToCopy ) [private]

The copy constructor is made private to help ensure there is only ever one RAvctp object per PID


const RAvctp & aObjectToCopy

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C void Close ( TCloseType aImmediacy = ENormal )

Closes the RAvctp session by immediately disconnecting all remote devices it is explicitly connected to, cancelling all outstanding requests and freeing all resources associated with it. This method deregisters aNotify from receiving any more AVCTP event notifications. The client will have to Open() this object before it can be used again.

This function is safe to call at almost any time. The only case when this is not appropriate is if a secondary channel is installed in a different thread AND that thread has it's own heap. For this case the UninstallSecondaryChannel function must be called in the thread running the secondary channel BEFORE this function is called.



TCloseType aImmediacy = ENormal if the default, ENormal, is used then this function will shutdown gracefully. if EImmediate is given then RAvctp will close as quickly as possible which may result in some data not actually being sent that the client had received a successful SendComplete.


IMPORT_C void CloseGracefully ( )

This function is not currently supported. Use of it will result in MaenErrorNotify being called with an error of KErrNotSupported.

InstallSecondaryChannel(MAvctpEventNotify &, MAvctpChannel *&)

IMPORT_C TInt InstallSecondaryChannel ( MAvctpEventNotify & aSecondChannelObserver,
MAvctpChannel *& aSecondaryChannel

Installs the second AVCTP channel.

This is separated out from RAvctp::Open so that the client can choose to run RAvctp in two-thread mode in which the "second channel" Send and receive service provide in AVCTP Services is installed on another thread if the client so chooses.


MAvctpEventNotify & aSecondChannelObserver
MAvctpChannel *& aSecondaryChannel

Open(MAvctpEventNotify &, SymbianAvctp::TPid, MAvctpChannel *&)

IMPORT_C TInt Open ( MAvctpEventNotify & aNotify,
SymbianAvctp::TPid aPid,
MAvctpChannel *& aPrimaryChannel
Opens a channel to the AVCTP protocol. Only one RAvctp can be registered to receive events on each PID.
if Open() is not called before any other RAvctp method
the SID of the process holding the RAvctp is checked if it is allowed to access aPid.
if the RAvctp object is already open


MAvctpEventNotify & aNotify the MAvctpEventNotify object to notify with all this RAvctp's AVCTP events.
SymbianAvctp::TPid aPid the PID on which RAvctp will be used
MAvctpChannel *& aPrimaryChannel


IMPORT_C void UninstallSecondaryChannel ( TCloseType aImmediacy = ENormal )

Uninstalls the second AVCTP channel. This can be used for when the AVCTP second channel is run in a different thread to the primary channel.


TCloseType aImmediacy = ENormal if the default, ENormal, is used then this function will shutdown gracefully. if EImmediate is given then the second channel will close as quickly as possible which may result in some data not actually being sent that the client had received a successful SendComplete.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TCloseType



Member Data Documentation

CAvctpBody * iBody

CAvctpBody * iBody [private]